View Full Version : Hopefully my first bowl

Jim Dunn
02-12-2006, 11:06 PM
Started a vasssse/bowl, not sure when it is either:confused: First pic is of rough material. Need a bandsaw to round it out, that's for sure. 2nd pic is of the wood being rough out. What a trip!! Lathe bouncing all around with about 400lbs of lead in the base. Probably should of shown the pic of the blank laying on the floor after the chuck let go:eek::eek:. 3rd pic is of the mess this turning makes, sure is dirtier than flat work;)

I'll post more pics tomorrow I'm beat, nerves I guess:o:o

Bernie Weishapl
02-12-2006, 11:32 PM
Looking good so far Jim. I turned 2 today but one is a funnel. You are right though I found out a bandsaw makes it so much easier to turn. It is kinda nerve racking when they are bouncing around. Lets see a turned bowl.

Travis Stinson
02-12-2006, 11:32 PM
Alright! Good luck with that puppy.
And........you call THAT a mess????? HAAAAAAAAAA!!!:eek: :D

Jim Dunn
02-12-2006, 11:35 PM
Travis it aint that big a bowl

Corey Hallagan
02-12-2006, 11:43 PM
Good luck Jim!! That is a cool looking vintage lathe you have there!


Bill Stevener
02-12-2006, 11:45 PM
Jim, looks like you had an exciting evening.

The first thing, unless you have other plans for that blank, you may wish to rotate it 180 between the drive center and the tail stock, if I am seeing it correctly.

How slow is slow on your lathe, rpm wise. If the blank is reasonably centered and you are losing control, you may wish to trim the blank more to a round state to start with. However, I have seen some folks that just love pain.:eek:

Without the aid of a band saw or a chain saw, a good sharp hatchet will work to remove a lot of the excess material that you seem to be having a time with. That's what I used, before I could afford any of the more modern convinces. I never considered it primitive, just frugal, or you can say I had a lathe, but was always broke. :D

The part about dirty,??????? guess you aint seen dirty.:confused:


Jim Dunn
02-12-2006, 11:51 PM
Well I haven't gone to bed yet obviously:)

Corey it's a 1952 Sears King Seeley 9" swing. An oldie but a goodie so far.

Bill I did indeed turn it around after the last pic. That was after I turned a slightly smaller tennon. Seems 3" is a little large for the chuck I have. RPM wise it's on the smallest pulley, I think about 500rpm's. I did use a hand saw to somewhat center the material and make it turnable. Hadn't thought about a hatchet. I've seen dirty but the black stain comming off the bark on this blank won't come off and I've got meetings all morning tomorrow.

See ya in the AM.


John Hart
02-13-2006, 6:55 AM
I guess I'm one of those "pain" guys. Kinda ride it like a buckin' bronco till it's round!:eek: Good start Jim! I think I'll ship my mess to you. Course, once you start hollowing that thing out, you'll have a mess of your own. ;)

Jim Dunn
02-13-2006, 8:02 AM
John you got horses on your mind already this morning? Just exactly where do you put the bridle?

John Hart
02-13-2006, 9:11 AM
With all this subliminal Horse stuff going on....I'm starting to have dreams of Clydesdales galloping through the snow!

...No wait....that was a commercial. Sorry!:o

Gary Herrmann
02-13-2006, 9:05 PM
C'mon, Jim, show me how this turning stuff works. Looks like you got a good start so far. Glad I'm going to start small.

Ernie Nyvall
02-13-2006, 9:17 PM
Alright Jim, got'er goin. Get any more done today?


Jim Dunn
02-13-2006, 11:02 PM
Gary it is small believe me. It's only about 5" in diameter.
Ernie not tonight it started to go south so I imersed it in DNA for a bath.