View Full Version : Fine Woodworking Network

Brad Knabel
02-09-2006, 6:14 PM
There's been some discussion here about Fine Woodworking's premium content site. I just got an e-mail from them saying that they've lowered the price. You have one of three options now:

1. 34.95 Annually
2. 14.95 Annually (special offer for FWW subscribers)
3. 4.99 per Month

The price was reasonable previously. But I think 14.95 annually is a good deal for the content provided. 4.99 is certainly not a bad deal to just give a try for a month if you aren't sure.

(No affiliation)


Matt Meiser
02-09-2006, 6:54 PM
I told LOML about this and she said I can't pass that up. Gotta do what she says!:D

Chris McKimson
02-09-2006, 7:13 PM

I agree the 14.95 seems "not bad". I bought the Best Of CD sometime last year which came with the 1 year access to the archieves. But when they rolled out the new subscription service, they converted my 1 year free to 3 months. The message I got today announcing the new price structure gave me 2 more free months. WooHoo!

At the 14.95, I would probably continue, but wouldn't have at the older price.


john whittaker
02-09-2006, 7:24 PM
Could someone briefly explain what this service consists of. Does it include access to past articles? Do they have tutorials? Plans? Video's?

LOML gave me a subscription for Christmas...

Corey Hallagan
02-09-2006, 7:33 PM
Thanks for posting. Worth it to sign up for a month and see how much you would use it. I see alot of worthwhile material.


frank shic
02-09-2006, 10:51 PM
brad, corey's right. i signed up for a month and spent practically any free moment at work downloading the old articles and printing them up - mostly their techniques and projects sections. they've got great articles from legendary masters like tage frid, frank klausz and even ian kirby. the video feeds are neat as well. afterwards i cancelled because they didn't seem to be adding new content very quickly. anyways, this is a BARGAIN. :D

Rob Blaustein
02-10-2006, 1:28 AM
Could someone briefly explain what this service consists of. Does it include access to past articles? Do they have tutorials? Plans? Video's?

LOML gave me a subscription for Christmas...

past article access--yes; tutorials--yes; plans--not sure; videos--yes.

I subscribe to FWW and signed up a few months ago; I just got an email from them today saying they are crediting me $45 since the subscription rate has dropped if you also are a FWW subscriber. Nice.

Matt Meiser
02-10-2006, 7:50 AM
I signed up last night. This is going to be well worth $15/year.

Frank Pellow
02-10-2006, 8:18 AM
Thanks for posting this, Brad.

I was not going to sign up at the old price, but at 14.95 a year, I will.

Carl Eyman
02-10-2006, 8:32 AM
I have every issue of FWW well organized in my attic; so when I needed info on hammer veneering last week I went to the free access site, looked it up and found there was an article in issue 171. Went to the attic and brought down the issue. So, would subscriibing to this new service do anything for me?

Brad Knabel
02-10-2006, 9:28 AM
Carl -
The content primarily consists of articles from past issues. The videos do come in handy for the techniques they demonstrate. But there are only a limited number available so far.

I just bought a full set of FWW a week or so ago (after I had subscribed to the site for a month to take a look). I think at 14.95 the site is still worth it for me. One additional benefit is that they sort the content by category. So if you want to see all of the workbench articles that they have online you just click that category. You don't have to pull the magazine for each of the articles.

All that said, I'm a computer programmer and spend all day in front of the computer. If anyone should be comfortable reading content like this online it should be me. But I definitely prefer reading the articles on paper.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I see a use for both resources and think it's worth it for me. But it probably depends what you get from it. $4.99 isn't a bad price to take a look for a month and decide for yourself.

Not to hijack my own thread, but I got the magazines (in good condition) and a record 52 1/2 vise for $260. I think that qualifies as a gloat...

Jim Becker
02-10-2006, 9:40 AM
Brad, even with a full set, the "index" capability you more or less get with the online subscription can be very convenient. Look for what you want, identify the article and then pull out the right issue from your shelf. I plan on subscribing to this now that the annual cost is so low for subscribers (I just re-upped for another three years of the mag) and I really get a lot out of reading some of the older articles...it's an important learning method for me.