View Full Version : A formal hello

Joe Chritz
02-09-2006, 12:28 AM
I have posted a few times, a couple answers (opinions if you will) and a couple questions. I figure its time for a formal hello and the required pictures. Wouldn't want the picture police doing an investigation.

I am an avid hobby woodworker who mainly makes stuff for my home and a few other items here and there. After consturcting my new home I started to set up a shop in the basement and soon decided I wanted to move it outside for a number of reasons but mostly access.

I just completed the building and am in the stages of putting the shop "together" so to speak. Its completed enough to start on some projects for the house.

I make my living as a road patrol deputy for a middle size county sheriff department. (would that make the picture police IAD?:rolleyes: ) We have 15 acres with one neighbor you can see if you look just right. A hobby farm with 7 dogs, a horse, two goats, 4 ducks, 3 geese, a bunch of chickens, several fish, an african grey parrot, two kids, one wife and a partridge in a pear tree.

Anyway, hello all and attached are a few shots of the new shop, more storage is in the planning stage also. I timed the pictures to the weekly cleaning. ;)


Mark Rios
02-09-2006, 12:35 AM
And a formal hello to you too, Mr. Chritz. But if we may, I'm sure we all would rather call you Joe.:D :D :D Just teasin'. Welcome Joe! Nice shop.

Rob Will
02-09-2006, 1:19 AM
Welcome Joe, but we have rules against anyone who does not have a cluttered shop. You have 60 days to mess it up.


Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
02-09-2006, 2:07 AM
Wow Joe, that is one nice shop!

It looks like you have a cyclone, did you build it or buy it?

How do you like the Ridgid TS?

Welcome to the Creek!


Jason Tuinstra
02-09-2006, 2:51 AM
Joe, great looking shop. Looks like you have a lot of room there. The outfeed table looks great as well. Thanks for the tour.

Vaughn McMillan
02-09-2006, 3:35 AM
Welcome to the Creek, Joe. Nice setup you have there, but I agree that it's not nearly messy enough. ;) I've got the same table saw (great saw, IMHO) but I'm curious how you did the dust collection at the bottom. I'm currently just using a shop vac on the factory blade shroud, but it looks like you've enclosed the bottom of yours. Care to share any details? Someday when my shop grows up it will have a real DC system. :o

- Vaughn

Dan Forman
02-09-2006, 4:08 AM
Joe---I envy the room you have in your new shop. Welcome to the Creek, a fine place to hang your hat for a while.


Ken Shoemaker
02-09-2006, 5:16 AM
Welcome to the Creek... NICE shop... Must be a great place to hang out... Welcome

Karl Laustrup
02-09-2006, 5:17 AM
Welcome Joe. Nice looking shop. Looking forward to some pictures of some projects.


John Bailey
02-09-2006, 5:32 AM
Welcome Joe,

As you already know, this is a great place. A lot of folks, me included, are interested in dust collections units. Got any thoughts on how your's works and how you set it up?


Tom Pritchard
02-09-2006, 5:50 AM
Joe, welcome to the Creek! Man, what a nice clean shop! Sounds like you are a talented guy, and the pictures prove it.

What kind of heater is that I see hanging in the back of your shop? Is it gas or electric? Just curious as I am looking at an electric 220V heater for my shed. Hope to see more of your work!

tod evans
02-09-2006, 6:52 AM
welcome joe!

Bill Simmeth
02-09-2006, 7:01 AM
Welcome Joe! That's a really nice space you've made for yourself, very roomy. What are the dimensions?

Frank Pellow
02-09-2006, 7:47 AM
Joe, a formal hello calls for a fomal welcome so here is mine: "Joseph: Welcome to to the Saw Mill Creek Woodwworking Forums from Frank Pellow".

I certainly looks like you have a well equipped and well organized shop with sufficient room to acquire even more "toys". :)

David Duke
02-09-2006, 7:55 AM
Welcome to the "Creek Joe, I'm sure you will fit right in you seem to have the "rules" down pat. Looks like you will be able to spend many relaxing hours in the shop (and many $$$)!!!

Corey Hallagan
02-09-2006, 8:45 AM
Welcome Joe, looks like you got a good start on a great shop.


Ron Robinson
02-09-2006, 8:50 AM

Welcome. Would you mind translating the Latin? Mine is rusty since high school was 25 years ago.


Ken Fitzgerald
02-09-2006, 9:31 AM
Welcome to the Creek Joe! Neat place to exchange information or get an opinion! My oldest son is a deputy sheriff. Glad somebody will do that job....I wouldn't have the patience! I tip my hat to you! Nice looking shop! Looks similar to what I envision mine in the future. Again....Welcome!

Glenn Clabo
02-09-2006, 9:49 AM
Shop? Where's the shop? All I see is a machine showroom.:D

Welcome Joe...

Ken Alcott
02-09-2006, 9:49 AM
Welcome Joe. Nice shop. I have the Ridgid TS as well. How do you like it?

Jim Hager
02-09-2006, 9:55 AM
Hello, Joe and welcome to the creek. Nice shop by the way just not cluttered enough for my liking;) . Looks well thought out and efficient. Now get to work making sawdust to cover the floor and horizontal surfaces. You are gonna love it in there.:D

Jim Becker
02-09-2006, 10:01 AM
Welcome to the 'Creek...your contributions are already appreciated. That's a fine looking shop, too, Joe! And Tosca and Spike fully approve of your African Grey family member, err...flock leader. ;) That's a nice compliment considering they are a Senegal Parrot and Cocketiel, respectively.

Lou Morrissette
02-09-2006, 10:10 AM
Welcome, Joe. That's a fine looking shop. A little too clean and organized for my taste, but a great working space.;) Thanks for the tour.


Bob Oehler
02-09-2006, 10:21 AM
Welcome Joe:
Mess up the shop and keep the pic's comming.:p

Welcome to the creek a great place to hang out.

Bob Oehler

Jerry Olexa
02-09-2006, 10:54 AM
Welcome aboard!! Nice shop...

Ken Salisbury
02-09-2006, 12:25 PM


Joe Chritz
02-09-2006, 1:35 PM
For everyone.. Thanks and to answer a few questions I saw.

The overall building is 24x40. The room the dust collector (cyclone) is in is about 9 1/2 feet wide. Leaving an inside shop size of right abour 23 x 30. I have an 8 foot overhang off the back (the door without the window) of the buidling. A section of that will be turned into a spray room this summer.

The cyclone is a 2HP super dust gorilla. The main unit is obviously behind the wall and I ran the filter about 5 feet into the shop. The unit is fantastic and I serious only have to sweep once a week and I am out for a few hours everyday. Hand routers and drilling need to be cleaned up but if it is hooked to the DC I get very little mess. I ran the pipe as designed by Oneida and have a blast gate at each end. I did switch locations of my downdraft and chop saw so the downdraft is only 5" in to the box. Doesn't seem to effect it at all though.

I like the Ridgid saw a lot. It cost me a little under 800 for that and the planer so for the cost I really like them. It took a little tweeking but now it cuts right on. Its not dad's unisaw with sliding table but maybe someday when I grow up and get a real job. :eek:

I'll put up the dust collection of the saw on a new thread since pictures are a lot easier to explain it with and I'm getting long winded. It was really easy.

The latin is originally Qui desiderat pacem, preparet bellum. "Who desires peace should prepare for war." Originally attributed to Vegetius De Rei Militari III a Roman General. It is often paraphrases as Si vis pacem, para bellum or "if you want peace prepare for war". It reminds me that unfortunately not eveyone is as nice as the people I have met here.

The furnace is a 45,000 BTU Propane fired Hot Dawg by Modine. It works great, is realatively inexpensive ($700 got the unit and all parts to hook it up) and is fairly efficent. I suspect that one fill of a 250 gallon pig will last me until spring.

Ken tell your boy that all us in MI say hello and to be careful out there.


Mike Zozakiewicz
02-09-2006, 1:53 PM
Hey Joe,

Welcome, and thanks for the tour! Nice looking shop. But I am not going to show the LOML the pictures or she will want to know why mine is not as clean! :D


lou sansone
02-09-2006, 5:45 PM
nice shop with a lot of space ... so what are you currently working on?

Brian Hale
02-09-2006, 6:28 PM
Welcome to the Creek Joe! Nice to have you with us.

Brian :)