View Full Version : Creeker’s Past Weeks Accomplishments

Rod Sheridan
05-20-2024, 11:28 AM
Hello everyone, in most parts of Canada, we’re enjoying a holiday, Victoria Day in honour of Queen Victoria.

In Quebec, today is Journee nationale des Patriotes, (sorry for not putting the correct accents on the words, I can’t figure out how to bring up the French keyboard).

For me, work continues on the kitchen cabinet doors, making 20 identical stiles for the 10 cupboard doors of the same height.

So, what did you do last weekend?

Regards, Rod.

Cameron Wood
05-20-2024, 12:31 PM
There's the band saw upgrade discussed elsewhere; got roped in to hanging and installing an exterior door for my son- I replaced his entry door a while back, & made the sill & threshhold from teak which looks fantastic, so maybe I'll do that again. Nearing completion of the back yard cottage that I've been working on for a year. The inside is basically done, & the board & batten siding almost there- over 150 pieces cleaned, prepped, cut, fit, back primed, primed, installed, & puttied. Then ready for it's next 80-90 year run.

Ron Selzer
05-20-2024, 5:12 PM
Picked up my store bought leg this morning, $30,000 for basic model, insurance bought. Surgery bill was only $70,000. Learning how to walk again. Balance is way off after balancing on left leg, now back to balancing on both legs. Get about 50' and done. Schedule is 1hr twice a day for 5 days, then 2hrs twice a day, then 3hrs twice a day, then all I can handle. Biggest concern is trying too hard too fast, then I would have to stay off until healed up. Hope to get down to shop by end of week. Clean electronic furnace filter on furnace first, SWMBO insists on this. Then shop needs tools put away that my family drug out and then returned to stack on the bench. Need bearing(s) replaced in 2hp dust collector fan or change out with identical blower in storage. Bearing(s) change needed on !5" wide belt sander, need to change motor and rewire Mini-Max combo planer/jointer. Then mount mortiser attachment, find chuck for bits somewhere online. Finish hookups for edge sander and stroke sander, was working on this when I got interrupted.
Rod, see where you use a push reel mower. Good way to stay in shape. Thought it was fun as a kid to mow the ditches in town at great aunts with one.

Jim Becker
05-20-2024, 5:19 PM
Had a nice week working on and finishing up a "house warming" gift for our younger daughter and her beau...who as of Saturday is officially her fiancée since she said "yes". :) :) :) They are moving to a beautiful, recently renovated studio apartment in center city Philadelphia at the end of the month. The gift is a personalized cutting board; one side for display with some inspirational words from Dr. Seuss :D and the other side is for food prep. Thread in Woodworking Projects with photos. Also started planning a much more involved project for their apartment: a small kitchen island that also has provisions for eating meals, further complicated by being able to add a leaf to seat four people when guests are eating and...it needs to be knock down. This should be fun!


Forgot to mention that while I was working on the cutting board thing, I also did the restoration work on the chair I acquired during an estate sale for a local woodworker that worked for Nakashima early on...it's essentially the Mira chair that has always been a favorite of mine. Like I mentioned in a dedicated thread about the experience a couple weeks ago, this chair was hiding in the shop space. It was covered in gunk, had a bit of glue squeeze-out and needed a little care, but that's now been accomplished. I tried to keep the "touch" as minimal as possible, but did have to carefully abrade the top surface of the seat due to an excessive amount of yucky stuff that had settled over time. It was a good opportunity to pull out my new RO-90 and use the least aggressive "delta" pad configuration with the speed dialed way down around the spindles, etc. I did just polymerized tung oil at first on the seat, but later did an application of Rubio Monocoat over the entire chair to bring it back to where I'm pleased with the look and feel. Like many chairs, there are multiple wood species in this thing...the seat back and legs are walnut; the spindles are oak and the seat may be cherry. I suspect this will live in the master bedroom, but have not totally made that decision yet.

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