View Full Version : Lathe duplicator: Rockler now or hold out for a used Vega

Roger Feeley
04-13-2024, 3:26 PM
I had a Vega table saw fence once and was really impressed with it. The Vega duplicator looks well made but ent made anymore. I also like the shape ov the carbide insert on the Vega versus the pointy stick cutter on the Rockler. The Grizzly and the Rockler look like pretty much the same thing. So what should I do?

Another question. I pulled up the manual on the Rockler and it looks like it was written in the ‘60’s. Is it just some other product anodized blue?

Robert Henrickson
04-13-2024, 9:39 PM
What are you intending to use it for? You may well do better without.

Roger Feeley
04-13-2024, 9:56 PM
I work with a kid with cerebral palsey. He doesn’t have the coordination to turn in the traditional way. A duplicator divides the turning into more manageable challenges. You design the template, turn it with the duplicator and then sand.

Bill Howatt
04-14-2024, 9:26 AM
While my thought is the same as Robert's, I understand your plan and hope it works out well. Good for you helping this kid!

Jim Morgan
04-14-2024, 10:58 AM
I bought a used 3520 last year that came with a Vega duplicator. I haven't used it, and I have no plans to use it. I'll have to check and see if all the parts are there. If you are willing to pay shipping, it's yours.

Roger Feeley
04-14-2024, 1:59 PM
Heck, yeah! I’m in northern Virginia so if I can get away, I’ll come get it. Let me know if it’s all there or even mostly.