View Full Version : Eggbeater drill and Miller's Falls mini plane-Piercefield NY

Zachary Hoyt
04-12-2024, 10:04 AM
I have had these for a long time and never actually used them, so I figure it's time to see if somebody else might want them. The drill is anonymous, to me at least, but it does work. I drilled a couple of holes with it just to see. The little plane has an edge, though not a great one, on the iron and appears to be complete and functional. $25 for both or $15 for either by itself if picked up here, plus postage if you need them shipped. The plane will weigh about 8 ounces in a box, the drill will go at the 2 pound rate as it is just more than one pound by itself.

Jim Koepke
04-12-2024, 10:26 AM
I have one of those small Millers Falls planes. It stays in the house above the wood stove. It is used to make a handful of shavings when needed to start a fire.


Zachary Hoyt
04-12-2024, 11:29 AM
That's a use I would never have imagined. I use shavings from the lathe and the jointer to start fires in the house and shop wood stoves.

Jim Koepke
04-12-2024, 2:55 PM
That's a use I would never have imagined. I use shavings from the lathe and the jointer to start fires in the house and shop wood stoves.

Me too, but in a cold winter I may run out or don't want to get dressed to go out to the shop for another box.

Sometimes there are glowing embers in the stove and a handful is enough to get the kindling started.
