View Full Version : Looking for Advice - Entry Level Laser Engraver

Martin Spence
04-09-2024, 11:52 AM
Hi all,

I have been Googling for an entry level engraver - I don't need to cut - I just want to add some logos, letters, etc. to my wood projects. The first project I'd like to do is for a local charity - making beef flights for a beer fest. These are wooden boards with drilled recesses to hold sample sized glasses for beer. I'd like to be able to add "Beer Fest 2024" and maybe a logo to these boards.

I have been looking at the LaserPecker entry level system and saw some significant adverse opinions on the LaserPecker here in prior messages.

I have also been looking at some of the other entry level machines and they all seem to be marketing pieces rather than objective reviews.

As I said the first project is for 100 of these beer flights - and I am looking for a reality check on how much I need to be spending and what is a good system to dip my toe in the water with? I'd like to keep my initial investment under $500 if possible - but if that is just a non-starter I'd rather know that now and go talk to the boss to see if she will approve a budget increase. Pay once, cry once.


Larry Frank
04-09-2024, 8:44 PM
A 10 watt laser engraver is going to be more than $500. You also need software, air source, fume exhaust, etc. Also, it will take a bit of time to learn how to use it and the best setting fir a project. It is really not just a plug and play.

Edward Weber
04-09-2024, 8:51 PM
I have a Laserpecker and it works fine for what you described.
I have the LP1 pro, it's pretty basic but can be used anywhere. It's small and portable and works good for burning logos and images.
It's not super fast depending on what you're doing, so 100 of anything may take some time.
I could do a test and tell you how long it takes if you want

George Yetka
04-10-2024, 8:44 AM
Ortur lasermaster 3 is $399 for 10 watt


Larry Frank
04-10-2024, 7:56 PM
I have an Ortur LM3 and it works fine, NOW. I had no end of problems with bad parts requiring the to ship from China. It took more than 3 months to get the right parts.

Once I got all the parts and put it together, it works well.

They also let go the one guy who gave terrific tech support.

Understand that there are other things you need to buy to make it functional and do not forget fume exhaust unless using it outside.

Martin Spence
04-15-2024, 9:06 AM
Thanks for the feedback.

After a lot of dithering I decided to buy the Ortur. It has shipped and I look forward to the steep learning curve.

Edward Weber
04-15-2024, 2:23 PM
Congrats, please let us know how you like it

George Yetka
04-15-2024, 3:46 PM
Thanks for the feedback.

After a lot of dithering I decided to buy the Ortur. It has shipped and I look forward to the steep learning curve.

I bought it to complete a christmas gift. It only took an hour before I got it to make noise. I downloaded lightburn and used the free trial to calibrate machine and setup a job. after that I changed the name it was engraving 30 times. I have not gotten back to using it though ive been pretty busy elsewhere in the shop.

Bert Kemp
04-16-2024, 9:00 PM
you can get a 40 watt co2 for under 500 and way better then a diode

Charles Grauer
06-19-2024, 9:20 PM
What would be a brand name for the 40 watt co2 for under $500.00?

Bert Kemp
06-20-2024, 1:56 AM

Bill George
06-20-2024, 10:07 PM
Even has I am selling my 10 watt diode laser I would not recommend it for commercial applications . Your better off with a water cooled 30 or 40 watt CO2 machine and I have owned a few. Not cheap but keep your eyes open for a good used one.