View Full Version : National Vietnam War Veterans Day

Mike Henderson
03-29-2024, 12:25 PM
Today, March 29 is National Vietnam Veteran's Day. It's the day the last combat troops departed Vietnam in 1973.


Ron Citerone
03-29-2024, 1:40 PM
We owe so much to all vets. Today a special thanks to our Vietnam Vets!

Ken Fitzgerald
03-29-2024, 2:09 PM
Thank you to all Vietnam Veterans!

Frederick Skelly
03-29-2024, 3:39 PM
Thank you Vietnam Vets!

Jack Frederick
03-29-2024, 3:55 PM
“The Wall” page, and I do not have a link for it is available to any who would like to comment on those named on the wall. I have three friends from our town who did not make it back from Vietnam. I posted a remembrance of each of them.

Maurice Mcmurry
03-29-2024, 8:08 PM
My group of Veteran friends is shrinking. All of the Gentlemen whom I knew that served in WWII have passed away. My Dads former farm hand is a Veteran of the Korean Conflict. He lives close by but I have not seen him in a few years. On Monday I go to work on the home of A retired Air Force Colonel who did 3 tours in Vietnam. I look forward to shaking his hand again. I sure am glad I did not have to go to war. I would have most likely declared C.O. and been glad to clean bed pans rather than go to war. Thanks to our Veterans!

Dave Anderson NH
03-30-2024, 7:40 AM
I forgot completely about yesterday. To me it was just another day. When Memorial Day arrives I will go into my standard routine and will pull out and wear my dogtags for the day and go to the town memorial service. I will read aloud the names, ranks, and dates of death of the 25 friends I served with who shall forever be engraved on black granite. I carry a small photo reduced card with their information in my wallet. I swore I would never forget them and I shall keep that oath. War is a terrible thing.

Maurice Mcmurry
04-01-2024, 8:08 PM
Monday I go to work on the home of A retired Air Force Colonel who did 3 tours in Vietnam. I look forward to shaking his hand again.

I saw my Vietnam Veteran client today. He will be 90 soon. He still goes to the gym 3 times a week. Today I got to hear about the time he navigated a Dakota aircraft from South Vietnam to the Philippines. He told about being called upon to navigate because he knew dead reckoning, how to shoot the sun, and how to calculate drift by looking at the waves through a drift meter. He said "After flying all day, when it started to get dark, the pilot asked when they would be getting to the Philippines." He said "If you look right over there you should be able to see Clark Air Base any minute. Just then Luzon Island came into view".
I get to go work for him again tomorrow, I hope there is another story. He has published several books. He does not plan to publish his Memoirs.

Maurice Mcmurry
04-03-2024, 12:08 PM
I got my wish for another story. Something in the news today reminded Col. about Bob Pardo. Remarkable!
