View Full Version : Very targeted TV commercial

Perry Holbrook
03-25-2024, 8:38 AM
We use You Tube TV for our TV programming. A few weeks back I was looking for some 0% Phos Copper brazing rods, couldn't find them locally, so bought them from an online plumbing supply at a good price with reasonable shipping. About a week later, there was an ad on TV from that same supply house. I thought it was a little out of the norm and suspected that not everyone was seeing that ad.
Last week I was Googling for a replacement spray nozzle for the tank sprayer. This morning there was a TV ad for a company that sells nozzles!
So, now I'm expecting the next thing I go searching for, a TV ad will come on that first calls me by my first name before it shows me the ad.

Coming from a marketing background, it's pretty cool this can be done. Coming from a personal security point of view, it's spooky.

Brian Holcombe
03-25-2024, 9:07 AM
Worth going through your iPhone and turning off each application's ability to listen to you through your phone, look through your photos, or be privy to your searches. Same with the phone itself, stop sharing info.

Bill Howatt
03-25-2024, 9:29 AM
I just read YouTube TV is Google's answer to TV streaming so it is isn't surprising there is a link between your Googling and what you see on TV.

Curt Harms
03-25-2024, 9:38 AM
Targeted advertising had made Google many billions of dollars and has severely damaged print media advertising. Remember the Sunday editions of the primary newspapers for major metropolitan areas 30 years ago? Things weighed several times what they weigh today due to all the advertising.

mike stenson
03-25-2024, 10:27 AM
It's a Google tracking cookie. You're the product, after all.

Perry Holbrook
03-25-2024, 11:51 AM
Yeah, I understand how this is happening and not really saying I object to it. I just thought it was interesting.

Jim Koepke
03-25-2024, 3:00 PM
So, now I'm expecting the next thing I go searching for, a TV ad will come on that first calls me by my first name before it shows me the ad.

I think I will start searching for people wanting to give away millions of dollars…


Rich Engelhardt
03-25-2024, 3:54 PM
I think I will start searching for people wanting to give away millions of dollars…

jtkJust search for Nigerian Prince...

Pat Germain
03-25-2024, 5:26 PM
Walmart recently purchased Vizio. What's interesting is that Walmart really didn't buy Vizio to sell televisions directly to customers. Rather, they bought all the eyeballs who watch Vizio televisions. Walmart can now directly market to all those Vizio eyeballs and that's what motivated them to pay $2.3 billion for Vizio.

Mike Soaper
03-25-2024, 7:45 PM
I forget where i read it but it seems there is some interest in using cameras imbedded into tv's to read the viewers emotion via "Facial emotion recognition" (FER) to help with ad targeting.

Bruce Wrenn
03-25-2024, 8:47 PM
Every time I close laptop, I clear recent memory. Helps stop tracking. Also have Privacy Badger on laptop, which helps.

Michael Schuch
03-26-2024, 4:47 AM
My daughter started college last fall. Ever since I have been getting a huge number of Top Ramen noodle commercials on youtube. Coincidence????

Pat Germain
03-26-2024, 10:18 AM
I forget where i read it but it seems there is some interest in using cameras imbedded into tv's to read the viewers emotion via "Facial emotion recognition" (FER) to help with ad targeting.

There has been research about this, but nobody is planning to spy on home viewers with embedded cameras in televisions.

Doug Garson
03-27-2024, 12:45 AM
Yeah, I understand how this is happening and not really saying I object to it. I just thought it was interesting.
Whatever you do, don't Google "sexy lingerie" unless you are buying it for your wife. :D