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View Full Version : October Event Gets Better Yet Again...

Doug Evans
07-25-2003, 10:14 PM

This little soiree gets better yet again. I managed to use my connections to gain entry for our party into a live taping of hometown legend Red Green, in Toronto on October 4th. Free tickets - dont thank me now - I didnt have to use too much of my substantial influence...

A man who put duct tape on the map (right over the very place he wanted to go) - this will be an absolute screamer of a night for our troop. I have included a site reference here, so you can catch him on TV ahead of time to get a flavour of things.


Just remember his prophetic words from the Man's Prayer:

I'm a man...
But I can change...
If I have to...
I guess...



Dave Anderson NH
07-26-2003, 10:42 PM
Well Doug, I'll be talking to you or Ben on Monday when I officially register. I've been agonizing over which plane to build in the Thursday session. Cocobolo smoother is the final choice. I'll be talking to ya.

Doug Evans
07-27-2003, 7:38 AM
I think Roger is building the shoulder so you will probably benefit from each others experience. We started to get the shop cleaned up yesterday and will be adding vises.

Dont forget to answer the questionaire.

One of the guys that expressed interest in coming was Ed Weiser but, I have no email to send him out the information package. If you can, get him to ping me at:




