View Full Version : Carpenter bags

jack duren
02-23-2024, 6:41 PM
I’ve got an old carpenters bags I used over the years. Been thinking about another setup for the roof any recommendations that won’t break the bank. No Occidental priced bags please.

may only wear them once…

Jim Becker
02-23-2024, 7:32 PM
I know you might either laugh or cringe, but...Harbor Freight. I bought an over the shoulder rig for comfort when I was building out the new shop building and it was a good investment for my purposes. I have used it a few other times when doing home maintenance. It's not perfect and I'm sure the premium products have features and options that might not be available, but for the money and the potential for limited long term use, it's worth considering. There are also options on Amazon that are equally interesting, although you have to buy before you can "fondle" them.

Bill Dufour
02-23-2024, 7:43 PM
I see the used metal tool boxes that are very heavy and long so a saw fits in. Even heavier for plumbers.
BilL D

Warren Lake
02-23-2024, 9:15 PM
Had one tool belt over 25 years. Ripped and torn and sown back and staples and and. Light and held all I needed calipers and all. Carpenter here tore strips off me for so old staples sticking out and and. He was right. Got one in a nice tan and it ripped in months, stitches came out. Ended up with one from Princess only cause it was so cheap but more so like my first belt likely a Kunys.

I started on the roof some section not sure on a simple tool belt other like the original, tools and things were falling out all the time when i was bending over. I know you said no Oxi and not recommending it but I had one and had been modifying it right from new. Stuff didnt work for me. Felt bad cutting and changing but that went away fast. I ended up that I taped up where the buckles go together. So the belt was floating the air both sides. Because you have shoulder straps and heavy ones the front strap that goes from side to side was the only thing attached on the front and so high up had no affect on them floating.

I dont like the stiff apsect, I dont like the weight I dont like belts but I dont want to walk for tools its such a waste of time. When I got the eves I found you can hang tools off those belts well as they are so stiff and strong and it excelled at that. I did different weird things to those belts like taking the hip pad access off and putting them as shoulder pads for more padding for the harness. They were a bit wide but the extra padding was nice. Went back to original. I wanted to look at Kunys again and last time stopped the whole display was gone. They had other nice stuff but wonder if soft and flexible and light is better. My first belt was nice.

Friends father said when you get old you lose your ass and then cant wear a tool belt. They are annoying. Jack see if Essential carpenter has a different belt for roofing I know carpentry he had Occi and maybe added a bucarroo belt thing to the Occi.

Tom M King
02-23-2024, 9:59 PM
Nothing about mine is not modified either. I don't wear it for roofing though. I made up one that just carries the stuff I need for working on a standing seam roof out of relatively cheap parts too.

jack duren
02-24-2024, 9:52 AM
I’ve got to decide if I just want a bag I can pull along or wear bags, I worn bags when I did installation. I just don’t e@nt to run back and forth for things..

Jim Becker
02-24-2024, 10:00 AM
Jack, if you do wearable, do the over the shoulder setup. It's a "Yuge" difference in comfort...I was really, really surprised at first but it started to make sense when I got things loaded up for whatever I was doing. While I never wear a tool belt or apron when woodworking, for construction stuff, graduating to the comfortable harness from a simple belt and pouch was remarkable. I would not want to be pulling a stand alone bag for "all the things" while working. For keeping the extra, "might need" tools and supplies, yes. But for what I'm using for the job in the moment, hanging on me is expedient and efficient.

jack duren
02-24-2024, 10:03 AM
The front of my house requires ladder work. I’ll have to wear bags or do a lot of ladder up and down…

Jim Becker
02-24-2024, 10:05 AM
The front of my house requires ladder work. I’ll have to wear bags or do a lot of ladder up and down…
Yup...so go for comfort. The other thing I like about what I bought is that I can change out the pouches and other attachments to match the work at hand. Folks who do specialized work can leverage just one setup, but people who do "all the things" can adapt so that the kinds of tools and materials being used can be best accommodated on the rig.

jack duren
02-24-2024, 10:15 AM
Looking at the Dead On bags at Amazon. Think I’ll order the “Carpenter” rig…

Tom M King
02-24-2024, 12:48 PM
Personally, I don't like shoulder harnesses. I find them too restrictive. I looked at those bags on Amazon. They all look like they have too many pockets for a roofing job to me. I would only use what pockets and holders you need for the exact job. My standing seam roofing belt has a utility knife pouch, a holder for an impact driver, a pocket to hold screws that has a pencil pocket on the outside, a tape measure, and nothing else. Screw pocket to one side and everything else behind me so it doesn't get in the way when I bend over.

I modified my carpentry toolbelt so that everything is short enough that nothing touches the floor when I squat down. That little roofing belt also has no low hanging pockets for the same reason.

After using modified hammer holders that mounted up high on the belt, I convinced Occidental Leather to make this one decades ago. It's aggravating to me when I squat down and a hammer handle hits the floor pushing it up in the holder. https://www.amazon.com/Occidental-Leather-5059-Hammer-Holder/dp/B0009H5GWQ/ref=sr_1_1?crid=24BS1OZEM7VXV&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.hq-dMy4Hh5Qn_TYqOSOm1XMVfPELluxQlITISEXiPDuzxH9Tx4trk j5fdf50qUEIrP4bxV1X8vfZojW3g2hS5Kx1eD58D_wrRM85hS5 dGFmnOfKOCoseYOM4XyaBEJOoIO9OxG0ap9WqAVP5evoRFQz0V bXQ8gHG2G12bgcG3mUfG1TaAWeF64Yr0jqQxKbhxNeC1qs_Zz3 sa67WKzfixf9zFEax-iWLzsNq2bMlwUjoik0a89O2-yXmoqVaG-jSTiIBSnfOXHp4Nc3uSBOkt1706fm3Jtq-j5F3wCQ8ZIs.22JvAACF1YQTY6B15i6ogQgCcxv4gYyLuErxX8 u8OqQ&dib_tag=se&keywords=occidental+leather+high+mount+hammer+hold er&qid=1708796812&sprefix=occidental+leather+high+mount+hammer%2Caps %2C194&sr=8-1

I wouldn't carry over one extra coil of nails. We spotted coils around the roof when we put the bundles of shingles all around the roof up roof of some of the bundles.

jack duren
02-24-2024, 1:03 PM
I’m good with the pouches. I’ve had several tool pouches over the years. Because of the PKD , I have to wear shoulder straps and spent years killing my waist without shoulder straps. Never again..

Tom M King
02-24-2024, 1:13 PM
Yes, they're a very personal thing. I don't think the maker of the belt I like is even in business any more. The belt itself is something like this-padded nylon with snap buckle that my Wife has had to change several times from the buckle wearing out, sewn in place with no adjustment and not extra anything on an industrial machine. It carries one Occidental bag and another modified bag by some cheaper manufacturer that we could do some sewing on.

https://www.amazon.com/Dickies-57001-3-Inch-Work-Quick-Release/dp/B00GBSCH42/ref=asc_df_B00GBSCH42/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312380684299&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=14193061667572127234&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9009808&hvtargid=pla-569279296523&mcid=b0ec9f4640c031068949d7e5304a3cd3&gclid=Cj0KCQiAxOauBhCaARIsAEbUSQQpdtI86rajnKAw6FVv QPFFyXHKDDllQdT53KsETG-WO1eegVGhQAQaAj_WEALw_wcB&th=1

jack duren
02-24-2024, 1:21 PM
Let’s see what a I’ll have to carry. Metal snipes, chalk line, pry bar. Tape measure, a few hand drives, knife, hook, square,

I have a Milwaukee bag I can put gun /buttons in. I’ll probably need some deck screws.

Looking for a good deal on hook blades.. O may buy two better holders for knife/hooks than my shop ones..

Maurice Mcmurry
02-24-2024, 3:40 PM
I look forward to no longer needing a tool belt. I learned a new word recently
Meralgia paresthetica

I am also learning to stop saying "I will do your job as soon as the weather permits".
My winter work in the shop time only lasted two weeks this year.

Tom M King
02-24-2024, 4:04 PM
Here is my favorite utility knife. Easy to swap blades, comfortable handle, and plenty of room inside to carry several extra blades. Angle of blade to handle seems just right for hook blades and fine for regular ones too.


jack duren
02-24-2024, 6:18 PM
I’m probably going to buy at HD..

Warren Lake
02-24-2024, 7:01 PM
I had both an extra pouch and a second hammer hanger on the top of my suspenders and tried both so not putting the hammer at the back of the tool belt to hit the deck. Once the belt was floating the hammer thing was less annoying as well but I liked it up top as easy to put there and grab.

Mel Fulks
02-24-2024, 8:13 PM
This Country uses a LOT of carpet. Why buy thin cheap bags of limited sizes when there are millions of square footage of “wall to wall “
carpeting being thrown out just because it’s it’s old or “ out of style.” ? The usefulness of old carpeting was tested and found to be
great for making “ carpet bags” ,by the hardy carpet- bagger thieves who traveled through the South after the War For Southern
Independence to be ideal for carrying and holding gold and silver. Both are heavy but I don’t think even one small piece of silver ever
fell out of any of the bags. All old carpeting is stronger than any ‘store bought’ carpenter bags. THIS HAS BEEN A PUBLIC SERVICE

Jim Becker
02-25-2024, 9:58 AM
You really worry me, Mel... ;)

Patty Hann
02-26-2024, 2:15 AM
You really worry me, Mel... ;)
LOL...too funny

Bruce Wrenn
02-26-2024, 3:22 PM
For roof work, I use a 5 gallon bucket. Extend ladder about 4' above roof. Attach a pulley to top rung, strung with a piece of rope long enough to reach ground. With helper on the ground, go onto roof and have helper pull bucket up. Just as bucket reaches edge of roof, push ladder away from building, allowing bucket to pass. Let ladder back in and have helper lower bucket onto roof. This is how we put shingles (without bucket) up onto roof, no climbing ladder with a bundle of shingles drooped over shoulder. Don't forget to wear restraint harness, as you will be working near edge of roof. Forget the wind up kind, as you will be fighting them the whole day. I'm with Tom on coil nails, scatter them with shingle bundles. For regular roofing nails, I prefer an old fashion cloth nail apron. Currently working on a $60 HF winch, attached to ladder to pull up shingles. Recently I saw a Youtube of an installer lifting a condensing unit onto roof using this method.

jack duren
02-26-2024, 4:27 PM
I’ll be two stories up,in the beginning.

I’ll probably start Wednesday if it looks good for a couple weeks