View Full Version : Sketchup Question - Multiple Pages or views

tim walker
02-17-2024, 3:42 PM
I have Sketchup Pro 2022. Way more than I need but that is what I have. I am drawing some cabinet drawers of varying heights and want to have each drawer height on a different page or tab so that it is easier to explode and mark the dimensions on each. I tried that by adding tabs, but each tab mimics the previous one. Do you have any tips or tips for me?

Michael Roberts
02-17-2024, 8:57 PM
On each tab, you can hide the stuff you don't wish to see and then right click on the tab and choose update.

Paul F Franklin
02-18-2024, 10:26 AM
Another perhaps useful tip: If you want to do an exploded view of something, just make a copy of the "thing" and drag it off to the side. Then you can pull the copy apart and add dimensions or whatever without affecting your main views. You can also use tags to keep related things together and control their visibility in each scene.