View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments....

Dennis Peacock
02-06-2006, 10:22 AM
Good Morning and yes, another weekend has come and gone. Seems like the older I get? The faster time seems to fly by.

Friday was the usual killer day at work, spent some needed time with family Friday night.
Saturday, Mark Cothren and I went up into the Ozarks to visit a fellow woodworker, Tod Evans. Extremely nice visit, great guy, very well skilled in woodworking, and just "good folk" to be around. Thanks Tod for having us up for a visit. It was GREAT!!!!
Sunday was church, music and family time. The LOML and I are now going through a self-paced course called Finacial Peace University. This is to be a boost to help us get out of total debt and to slowly buiild wealth so I don't have to be a door greeter at Wal-Mart when I retire.!!!! An EXCELLENT course with LOTS of great info and you don't have to have any special skills to get a control of your finances and build wealth, which is great since I ain't never been real good with money as it goes away faster than I can make it anyway.

Today? It's back to work and slamming and jamming on customer issues and problems from over the weekend. I thought computers were supposed to SAVE us time?

Anyway, what did YOU do this weekend?

Best of Weeks to you All!!!!!

tod evans
02-06-2006, 10:36 AM
saturday, i glued radius blanks, talked with dennis-n-mark, helped the kid fix his car, hurried home to make pizza. sunday i ran radiuses, worked on stuff for a customer, changed oil in two cars my 56 being one of them, went home early and worked on the house some.......02 tod

Ken Fitzgerald
02-06-2006, 10:40 AM
This weekend family time. Daughter is moving to Phoenix from Portland. She and 2 of her children came over for the weekend.

Sunday afternoon.....football and long lunch with neighbors and friends.

Did get some new "turning STUFF" ordered.

Earl Reid
02-06-2006, 10:55 AM
I was working in the shop, continuing work on a blanket chest for our youngest granddaughter. (This is the 5th chest):) :) :) :) :)


Jim Fancher
02-06-2006, 11:09 AM
More base and door casings ...

And I went to the Disturbed concert Friday night. :D

Bill Lewis
02-06-2006, 11:18 AM
This weekend was all about cement!

On Friday I mixed and laid the shower pan for the basement bath. I couldn't get masons sand for the mix so I just used some general pupose sand but had to sift it through a home made sieve. Guess how many people you have to ask at Home Depot before you find one that knows what "hardware cloth" is.

On Saturday I bought all of the Railing parts for the basement stairs so I could start laying that out. I decided I didn't want install the railing until the flooring was in, so we laid tile in the basement hall. About 150 sq ft. using 20" tiles. This continued on to Sunday.

I used the last batch of left over thinset I mixed to tape and mud the backer board joints in the basement shower. That's almost done! this week we should get the grouting done, and then I can do the railing.

Kelly C. Hanna
02-06-2006, 11:22 AM
I was sick again this weekend, this time with the flu. Still out today, but trying to go back to work tomorrow. I was sick on my birthday two weeks ago then now the flu...I can't win this year. Guess it's time I realized I'm almost 50 and will be needing a flu shot every year from now on.

Bart Leetch
02-06-2006, 11:48 AM
I install the Exaktor table-saw guard & dust collection system that I had on my old contractors-saw. I am still not jumping up & down with joy over it & didn't before either. I would like to make a new all lexon hood for it & make it much narrower. From what I've seen it is possible to use 1/2" lexon for the top & 1/8" or maybe 3/16" which ever thickness is available for the sides & drill & screw them
together. One of the things I did is install light inside the hood this makes it much easier to see. Does anyone have knowledge about this.

David Fried
02-06-2006, 11:52 AM
Worked on another box on Saturday.
Fixed Saturday's mistakes on Sunday!

Emptyed a very full garbage can of saw dust - weighted a ton!
Think I'll try to make twice many trips with a half full can in the future.

Dave Fried

Keel McDonald
02-06-2006, 11:57 AM
I spent much of the day on Sunday rush weaving the seat in an antique ladderback chair. One down, five to go. My hands feel like I've been playing tug-of-war all day. I'll have to admit, it looks pretty good if I do say so myself. I'll post some pics after I finish, if I finish.

Scott Coffelt
02-06-2006, 11:57 AM
Friday and Saturday I went to the KC WWing show. The show itself was the worst I have been to, but I understand there were some management issues with KC that have since been resolved that negatively impacted this years show. The space was smaller, the number of exhibitors was much lower and the deals where poor. I managed to still spend some dough on Norton water stones and camilia oil from Lie Nielsen and watched a ton of planing. Lee Valley was there this year, so I got to check out the planes... I still like the LN better for fit and finish.

Breakfest with a number of folks in the KC and surrounding areas Saturday morning.

Sunday I built a knights shield for my son so he can play knights. Then got prepared for the big game, caught some college Bball on the telly and rested my legs from two days of standing on concrete.

Lou Morrissette
02-06-2006, 12:00 PM
Did some staining on the display panels I'm building. Watched a so-so football game they called the Superbowl. Not much to watch, Pats weren't in it).


Jim Becker
02-06-2006, 12:09 PM
Minimal woodworking this weekend...did another application of dye on a turning on Saturday and put some shellac on it late yesterday afternoon. I also started clearing the area above my shop where I plan on moving my turning blank storage, etc. A few hours this weekend were spent preparing some information for the architects we are meeting with soon relative to a home addition. Other than that...nothing exciting. I didn't watch "that game" either...'just wasn't in the cards this year with kids around who so far don't know that the wide-screen HD TV can receive TV... ;) We aim to keep it that way for awhile, too.

Jim Hager
02-06-2006, 12:35 PM
I assembled base cabinets that I have going for a customer's kitchen on Sat and Sun. I got all of them done except for the wall oven and the one around the refrigerator. I also sanded the face frames on the cabinets as I went to I won't have to go back and do that. I was on the last cabinet and discovered that I had made 3 drawers exactly 1 inch too wide. I just hate it when something like that happens. Oh well, just more practice with the PC dovetail jig. I guess I'll find a use for the extra drawers somewhere in something else.

Andy Hoyt
02-06-2006, 12:40 PM
Only woodworking related event was to have a great phone conversation with Ken Fitzgerald about his new addiction. Saturday was day seven of a twelve day stint in bachelor mode and the novelty has thoroughly worn off. The cat hates me (actually nothing new there!) and I never realized how totally dependant on attention the dogs are - out! - in! - food! - in! - romp! - out! - food! - food! - snack! - out! - you get the idea. Have gotten marginally proficient with the microwave and pretty good with the toaster oven. Next learning curve challenge is the washing machine. Guess I never realized how totally dependant I am too! Hurry up Thursday!

Jim O'Dell
02-06-2006, 12:41 PM
LOML was gone from mid day Sat thru Sun afternoon late visiting her sister and new baby. So I had the 6 dogs to myself for the weekend. Leisure Sat. am, with a little shopping, afternoon had me installing a new carb on the lawnmower, and keeping the dogs out of trouble. Also finished cutting up the tree I had cut down last weekend. Sunday late am mowed the Rye grass in the back. Then I played in the shop for about 1 1/2 hours. Planning some more on the ducting. Jim.

Matt Meiser
02-06-2006, 12:54 PM
Spent a lot of time in the shop. First I made a hose hanger for my new Festool vac, then a router mortising jig, then put a dial caliper on my planer for a more precise readout than the factory scale. These are all detailed in other threads.

I also got the shop all cleaned up, including a very messy spill of epoxy hardner under the cabinet where I store my glues. What a mess!

Calvin Hobbs
02-06-2006, 1:30 PM
Friday night, enjoyed the family.

Saturday, Buffy and I took the kids to Wonders of Wildlife, the fish and wildlife museum here in Springfield, pretty cool, the kids loved it.

Got some shop time, scraped the faceframes of my corner cupboard, then switched over to some ball and claw feet at the end of the evening.

Church Sunday, painting in the house, Superbowl (yawn) then a little more carving last night.

All in all a good quiet but full weekend.


02-06-2006, 1:56 PM
I did quite a bit of sanding this weekend on the boys beds. I started putting some poly finish on the caps that will remain natural. The rest will be sprayed blue. I got the rest of the bed sanded, then wet down to raise the grain, then more sanding. Hopefully next weekend I'll spray them and be done. Did I mention I did some sanding?
I also had some fun at a party where there happened to be a lame football game on.


Jack Diemer
02-06-2006, 2:08 PM
Ditto here on the show in KC. Went all three days. My favorite time was when I went from 4-6 pm on Saturday. There was barely anyone there, and I got to talk to whoever I wanted at the booths.

Like Scott said, the show was about a half the size it usually is. Hopefully it comes back in full force next year. Aparently, the old management from the expo hall jacked up the prices of the booths, which ended up scaring away a lot of the little guys, and some of the big guys. New management came in and did damage control, but it sounds like it was too little too late.

John Miliunas
02-06-2006, 2:24 PM
Worked Job #2 all day Sat. Came home pretty pooped, though I did get a surprise visit from Karl Laustrup and his family, which helped brighten the day a bit. Sun., hung up a couple mirror frames I made for LOML during the week, repaired another "weird" frame she has (got broke during the move 2 years ago!:rolleyes: ) and got a nice piece of BE Maple prepped and done to hang a simple display for my daughter. I needed to relax a bit anyway, so I watched that comedy the NFL put on the tube Sun. evening. :rolleyes: Hope everyone has a super week!!! :) :cool:

doug webb
02-06-2006, 2:32 PM
What is this weekend thing ya'll keep talking about? Is it something pecular to you folks that work? I keep seeing these posts about " weekend accomplishments" and am getting worried that I may be falling behind. If this IS something just you working folks have to worry about, then I am ok. If not then I need to figure a starting point and an ending point to see if I am getting anything done. Any help on this confusing matter would be appreciated.......doug

David Duke
02-06-2006, 3:32 PM
Saturday morning was spent helping the LOML's uncle load up a front end loader (loader only not tractor) he had bought from my mom. Saturday evening the we went with the neighbors to Lousinana, had to do my part in the Katrina recovery effort......left all the money we took there!!

Sunday was spent rubbing down the cradle I just finished and cleaning up the shop getting ready for the next project, I think this one will be a mantle clock for my wife's nephew's wedding present. I also was able to get the yard pretty well cleaned up it finally dried out enough to get on it, it sure was looking shabby.

Steve Clardy
02-06-2006, 3:40 PM
Went to that bummer of a woodshow in Kansas City. As others said, it was a drag.
But I did really enjoy the breakfast meet with the others that showed up!!!

Fred Voorhees
02-06-2006, 4:38 PM
Not a lot of contact with the wood shop over the weekend. Did manage to quickly whip out a pool cue rack Friday. A simple affair made out of a healthy piece of oak ply with fancy "breadboarded" ends. When I got purchased my pool table, it came with the mounting pieces that hold the cues, so I am using them. I did need to fabricate two hangers for the eight ball and nine ball "ball racks" and that was done on Sunday afternoon. The project is having a Waterlox finish applied and I guess I will post a pic when it is done. I wanted to have it mounted in the bar room before the Daytona 500 opened up the seasons weekly visit by "The boys".

In between Friday and Sunday afternoon, wifey and I took the drive down to Cape May to visit with my Mother and my youngest Brother. We took my Mom out for her birthday to her favorite place. Jeez, we couldn't talk her out of the place - a darned diner of all places. I have to admit, the food was great and the portions were leviathon:eek:!! Enough for two meals. Well, it was where she wanted to go........so. She is doing ok these days since she is now in the house by herself since my Dad died this past year.

Larry Fox
02-06-2006, 4:49 PM
Went the Hearne Hardwoods on Friday and picked up what I hope is all the cherry I will need for door panels and door fronts for my cabinets - yeeeouch, wallet is stinging a bit from that one. Funny how small a $750 pile of cherry is - man is it georgeous stuff tho. Rough milled, wrapped and labeled the rail and stile stock from my existing stash and hope to get to final milling and routing it this week.

Jim, how was the Disturbed show? I have been meaning to get out and see them when they come though town every now and again but scheduling never works out.

Vaughn McMillan
02-06-2006, 5:05 PM
Saturday I did some final tweaks and tune-ups to the new Incra system on my TS...works great, BTW. I did a couple of test box joints using only the Incra and the Freud box joint blade set -- no other jig or key -- and both 1/4" and 3/8" tests were perfect. Also cut a small stack of 1/32" thin strips from a piece of pine 1 x 4, just because I could. Also did the final sanding (to 1500 grit) on my most recent quilt pattern cutting board. Pics and details to be posted later.

Sunday's WW time was spent cutting and assembling a redwood frame for a trellis SWMBO managed to get on the top of the honey-do list when I wasn't looking. Got to play with my little Delta pneumatic stapler, which almost makes the backache worth it. :rolleyes:

- Vaughn

john whittaker
02-06-2006, 5:07 PM
Actually spent time closing up my small garage shop. Just putting things away and waxing all cast surfaces etc. It finally got cold here in NC and since my garage is not heated, I'm moving indoors. I'm spending the next few months "inside" building my first acoustic guitar. If successful, it will be a vintage Martin dreadnought design with appropriate binding and inlay work. Big challenge for me but something I've always wanted to do.

Dave Fifield
02-06-2006, 5:12 PM
Saturday I took my laser engraver along to a local woodworking store to demo it at their open day. Great fun, but no actual woodwork really got done....my new bench, my son's chess table, my Hammond organ bench seat, my new cherry entertainment center, bowls, marquetry etc. all still await attention!

Dave F.

Jim Fancher
02-06-2006, 5:18 PM
Jim, how was the Disturbed show? I have been meaning to get out and see them when they come though town every now and again but scheduling never works out.

Larry, this is the Jagermeister Music Tour (small venues) and it was absolutely wonderful. I saw them in at the Verizon Wireless Theater (2500 people max) here in Houston. They are an arena band, but were killer in a small club setting.

Santa left me two tickets in my stocking this Christmas. In return, for part of my wife's b-day she's is getting two tickets to Rob Zombie in May at the same theater. :D

PM me sometime.

Jim Becker
02-06-2006, 5:23 PM
What is this weekend thing ya'll keep talking about? Is it something pecular to you folks that work? I keep seeing these posts about " weekend accomplishments" and am getting worried that I may be falling behind. If this IS something just you working folks have to worry about, then I am ok. If not then I need to figure a starting point and an ending point to see if I am getting anything done. Any help on this confusing matter would be appreciated.......doug
Doug, while SMC is a mixture of pros and hobbyists (including retired folks) a great percentage of the population are folks like me who have a real job during the week (and sometimes during other hours) and only get to pursue our woodworking avocation on the weekends. This particular "Weekend Accomplishments" thread has been an SMC tradition for as long as I can remember and is just a way for folks to summarize what they may have done over said weekend just passed...community chatter, if you will. It's normally started by Dennis, but sometimes when he is "on call" with his job and gets tied up, as it were, some other good Samaritan gets the ball rolling sometime on Monday.

Art Mulder
02-06-2006, 9:16 PM
Weekend... Like many of us, the way it turned out is often not the way it was planned.

I went into the spare room on Saturday morning for a "quick" job. All I had to do was strip a wallpaper border that ran around the room at waist height.

The previous owner had done a great job on the room: sponge painted a greenish/blue bottom half of the wall, then a Noah's Ark wallpaper border, and a blue top half, with some sponge painted clouds along the ceiling. Unfortunately the wallpaper had gotten a bit torn, thanks to son #2 who was bored during a "time-out"... My beloved and I decided that removal was probably a better idea than patching, before we turned this into a kids bedroom, as it would just get torn some more.

The plan is to tear down the border, clean off the glue, and then paint a stripe to replace it. Simple, eh?

Unfortunately, this wallpaper was cursed. One hour later and I had a 2-foot section cleaned. Sort of. Hot water and vinegar was NOT loosening the glue. Neither was the house-brand wallpaper remover that I picked up at the local big box. Later in the day I went out and bought a different kind of remover, and a big wallpaper scraper/blade. This helped a bit.

Hours and hours ensued. Tempers flared, then cooled. The kids actually thought this was fun and helped with a will. Things improved. But the wallpaper remained stubborn.

I've already vowed that the next time I buy a house I'll put a clause in the offer-to-purchase stating: "All wallpaper to be removed and walls prepped for painting" :mad:

In between I did take some time to work on the closet, which was more satisfying. I really don't think much of typical closets. They aren't suited to kids at all, and the walls (sides and top) block access. But ripping it open wasn't going to happen. Instead, I raised the shelf + closet rod. I had made a tall/skinny shelving unit (48"tall x 20" wide x 13" deep x 6 shelves) I mounted that on the left side, about 16" off the floor to leave room for a laundry basket. Then a second rod was mounted at about the 36-40" height. This should be much more usefull for my kids over the next few years.

On the plus side, we have five days of below-freezing in the forecast. Looks like Winter has come back. I say "plus side", since that meant that tonight I could finally set out and fill the small ice rink kit that I'd bought back before Christmas. Hopefully we'll at least get a few weeks where the kids can practise their skating. (rink kit = 10x20' bag. Fill it with water, freeze, rip off the top, voila)

and I've rambled on long enough,

happy monday, all.

Tony Falotico
02-06-2006, 9:35 PM
I been lying low lately, lurking daily but not had much to say. Been busy with lots of stuff. Around the end of last September LOML and I decided to finally do some home renovation we been talking about for years. We had a clear plan to be finish with the Kitchen, Dining Room and Kitchen by Christmas which we successfully (almost :D ) accomplished. It included:

Install two solar tubes in LR. What an AWESOME difference !!
Remove ceiling fans and fan lights
Install recessed ceiling light fixtures in LR, DR and Kitchen
Remove island separating DR & Kitchen
Paint wall and ceiling in DR, LR and Kitchen
Remove mini blinds and install verticals
Remove carpet in DR & LR, Install laminated wood flooring
Remove lanoleum floor in Kitchen, install tile

As I said, we got 95% of it done by Christmas, took a break in January (finished some baseboard and trim). When we bought the laminate wood flooring, I ordered and purchased enough to do the remaining three bedrooms and hallways. It's been sitting in the spare bedroom.

WELL, This weekend we started back to work on the house. Weekend Accomplisments include:

Empty and remove all shelving from MB walk in closet
Replace closet light with recessed light
Replace closet door with folding door to reduce waste area in closet. Wanted to go pocket but it was just too tight to fit one in.
Remove ceiling fan/ light fixture in MB, replace with recessed ceiling lights. I placed two lights over the bed on two 3-way switches, one at the entry and one right next to the bed, this way when I'm done reading I don't have to get out of bed to turn the light off (YES, LAZZZEEEEE :D )
Suffer from major back-ache at the office today :(

Here is a before and after pic of the LR, the after pic taken just before Christmas.


Chris Fite
02-06-2006, 9:42 PM
On Friday, I married off the last of the girls. A nice outdoor ceremony, then a cruise for them from us. We rattled around in Charleston, SC where the ceremony was held. Spending some quality time with the two grandsons at the state aquarium and riding the trolley around Charleston on Saturday. Sunday was work day for me. I work 24 on 48 off. We were so busy that I think that there is no one left in the county to take to the hospital. We flew two out by helicopter.

I am nearly finished assembling a linen press for my wife. I was too far along with it to have done much of it on my new Robland. I still have the doors to make, so I may shape the doors to christen it.

Jeff Hamilton
02-06-2006, 10:55 PM
Had a great weekend. :) :) made a few gauges. Then worked on the interior for my 86 mazda truck, Played with the kids and watched the super bowl.Sums up a good weekend for me.
Jeff H

doug webb
02-06-2006, 11:27 PM
Doug, while SMC is a mixture of pros and hobbyists (including retired folks) a great percentage of the population are folks like me who have a real job during the week (and sometimes during other hours) and only get to pursue our woodworking avocation on the weekends. This particular "Weekend Accomplishments" thread has been an SMC tradition for as long as I can remember and is just a way for folks to summarize what they may have done over said weekend just passed...community chatter, if you will. It's normally started by Dennis, but sometimes when he is "on call" with his job and gets tied up, as it were, some other good Samaritan gets the ball rolling sometime on Monday.

When I asked about " weekend accpmplihments", it was an attempt at humor. I don't work any more and so do NOT have Weekends...So I was trying {kiddingly} to find out when I should report on mu "accomplishments, having no set work week. Glad to have the history and i enjoy reading about what everyone does and seeing their pics. Next time I try humor I will label it so. doug

Brad Schmid
02-06-2006, 11:34 PM
Well, this weekend was my first "father/son Cub Scout cake bake". It was a blast:D My 7yr old son and I baked a Kings Cake Friday night (with no help allowed from mom). Mom did video tape the whole excursion though apparently so she could have a good laugh for several yrs to come:rolleyes:

Saturday I finished assembly of some dovetailed dresser drawers I started on last weekend and began the final fitting and trimming work. Cleaned house bigtime, and then auctioned the cake at the cub scout meeting Saturday night. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would ever spend $80 on a cake:eek: Oh well, it was for a great cause:cool:

john mclane
02-07-2006, 3:17 PM
I'm a little late on this. Started working on my workbench last week and got all the modular top pieces glued together by Saturday. Planed the pieces on Sat and then glued all the modular pieces togather. Carried piece outside to square ends, hand plane joints and lay out sites for vices etc. It was heavy!

We have had 9 " of rain since Jan 1st and the cellar floor started seeping again. Spent most of the time late Sat and sunday doing the periodic vacumn to keep it under control. Last spring water started to come in a new section of the cement floor in the old stone cellar. Last summer put french drains outside on that corner which already has a wrap around porch that extends out about 12 feet from cellar walls! Second sump pump next.

I do keep my tools well oiled and waxed. One of these day s going to build a garage with tool shop.

Bob Nazro
02-07-2006, 3:41 PM
The drawers arn't too wide the cabinet is just 1" too narrow. I'm glad I'm not the only one that's done that. I'm sure that you can find a bench that needs a drawer.:rolleyes: :D

Tom Drake
02-08-2006, 7:21 AM
Build the drawers for the new kitchen cabinets and then cleaned the shop. Then I worked on the rebuild on my grandson's lathe.

Randy Moore
02-08-2006, 8:19 PM
I wanted to go to the KC WWing show but my full time job called me, 12 on saturday:( and 8 on sunday:mad: . Did not want tot work but couldn't pass the $:D $$. I would have liked to had breakfast the guys but I was working at 6:00 AM.

Did not want to see a football game, especially since the KC CHIEFS was not playing.

Well, next year will be here shortly and hopefully I can make that one:) .


Steve Clardy
02-09-2006, 9:15 AM
I wanted to go to the KC WWing show but my full time job called me, 12 on saturday:( and 8 on sunday:mad: . Did not want tot work but couldn't pass the $:D $$. I would have liked to had breakfast the guys but I was working at 6:00 AM.

Did not want to see a football game, especially since the KC CHIEFS was not playing.

Well, next year will be here shortly and hopefully I can make that one:) .


Hopefully you can attend next year Randy:)

Bill Simmeth
02-09-2006, 9:43 AM
Hopefully you can attend next year RandyDreamer! :p :D :D