View Full Version : Found Space on top of Planer for tools

R Mousel
02-05-2024, 11:44 AM
I had the idea years ago to put a tool on top of my stationary planer. For a long time I just had a piece of plywood setting up there and then set my mortiser on top-worked ok but moved around a little. Finally got around to getting it clamped on. I 3D printed some brackets, 2 on each bar with one side just bolted on, the other remove with a knobs. This still allows me access to change blades( or in my case rotate the cutters which is hardly ever) Much more solid now. I had thought about using it for a miter saw or drum sander as these use same in/outfeed area, but settled on my mortiser for now. I never really used it for setting the boards up there, usually use a cart if I have more than a few. Thought maybe others would find it useful.

Nick Crivello
02-05-2024, 12:32 PM
Saw a video awhile back that had a drum sander up there. Most sanders come with a stand that just takes up space. Dump it and throw it up there. Thought it was pretty clever

Jim Becker
02-05-2024, 8:08 PM
That can work, although it means you can no longer pass material over the top between passes or keep "the stack" you are processing there for easy access. But everyone's workflow is different.

Michael Burnside
02-06-2024, 12:46 AM
That’s pretty cool if it’s not being used for anything else!

Rick Potter
02-06-2024, 3:31 AM
About 25 years ago I stored my Delta Mortiser atop my Jet planer. My base for the mortiser simply used a single pin which when removed, allowed me to remove the mortiser while planing wood.

I did a double take when I saw your pics, thinking it was an old pic of my setup.

Great minds and all that jazz.

R Mousel
02-06-2024, 11:47 AM
The drum sander is my second choice, if I ever need to open space it will go up there as the mortiser is easy enough to move. Miter saw was my third choice.

Cameron Wood
02-06-2024, 12:30 PM
The drum sander is my second choice, if I ever need to open space it will go up there as the mortiser is easy enough to move. Miter saw was my third choice.

Good if it works, but mine is over 80lbs & top heavy- getting the base above waist high by hand is risky.

R Mousel
02-06-2024, 2:34 PM
Definitely need a high cart to just slide it onto. I have a winch on my ceiling so would use that to change blades when needed— love my insert head!