View Full Version : Creeker’s past week’s accomplishments

Rod Sheridan
02-05-2024, 8:51 AM
Hi, I didn’t get much woodworking done last week, funeral to attend with both daughters coming back for the funeral made for a busy week.

I did spend time cutting holes in drywall and fishing low voltage wire in for under counter LED lighting.

So, what did you do last week?

Jim Becker
02-05-2024, 9:25 AM
This past week was generally "more of the same"...PT, cooking meals, playing family Uber driver, watching videos, playing with the dog and our birds, doing a minor refresh of the laundry room folding surface now that the washer is fixed. Yesterday, I did get out in the shop and start an actual project...a "coffee table" for our older daughter to match the desk I made for her just prior to my wrist surgery. I'll continue on that this week as well as deal with some landscape lighting out front...some creature dug up the front bed and severely damaged the wiring to various lights, to the point that I'm just going to replace with stand-alone solar fixtures.

Malcolm Schweizer
02-05-2024, 3:51 PM
Well- I don’t want to brag, but it was a busy week. Glued up rails and stiles for 10 doors; installed a new roll-up door in the shop; made three rolling carts and three torsion boxes; and got back to work on the model of the Doris Moran tugboat. Whoop whoop!!!

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George Yetka
02-05-2024, 4:02 PM
Well- I don’t want to brag, but it was a busy week. Glued up rails and stiles for 10 doors; installed a new roll-up door in the shop; made three rolling carts and three torsion boxes; and got back to work on the model of the Doris Moran tugboat. Whoop whoop!!!

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10 doors, but did you glue up 2 of them incorrectly and make more work? I got 7 of my 13 glued and all my drawer fronts. Drawer fronts out of clamps and sanded. Now I have to make more stock

Continued work on kitchen hood. Blending joints

Also friend wanted new EG board so I glued up a 13x20x2 walnut board out of 1x1 4/4 scrap and once it was done I flattened on drum sander, rotex'd to 120, carved juice groove(Friends been whining about the last board not having one) and supervised him sanding it out to 320.

Bruce Wrenn
02-06-2024, 9:07 PM
Still sawing and splitting 100' pine that fell in storms a couple weeks ago. Baked and took a Carrot Cake to Wednesday night meal at church. Two of the widows had birthdays last week, one on Tuesday and the other on Thursday, so timing was perfect for both. Cooked some more collards and delivered them to widows. Thursday, spent the day with friend at Southern Farm show. Wife and I went to local theater production on Friday night. First time in several years, due to several illnesses, and Covid lock downs. Burnt up a bunch of brain cells trying to figure out holders for communion cups on chairs in multipurpose room at church. Two friends have tremors and it's hard for them to hold cups without spilling contents. Finally think I have it solved, using rare earth magnets to hold them to frame of chair in front of them. This week will make prototype and see if it works. Replaced roof valley sheets on one side of daughters house on Saturday, as the valley was leaking. Did the other side last summer, on the very hottest day. Pulled a groin muscle, fun, fun! Did that getting out of the truck first thing in the morning, not up on roof. Fought thru pain and got job done.