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View Full Version : too much water not enough

Warren Lake
01-31-2024, 2:56 PM
Last years Kale is still in the ground and half of it made it through the winter. Plan was to lean ladders up all down the side of the home 20 plus feet of kale and then put a construction tarp up. Didnt get that far though ladders are leaning there. Rabbits are arriving and calling their friends and now is the time they come or even before now and strip it all and leave me stems. I have a mickey mouse set up inside with rosemary, oregano, holly hock, crocasima Lucifer geraniums kale and leeks. Its not there till I can empty the room and get more lights. All is growing well and the geraniums covered in flowers.

Kale Yellow leaves and no more growing. Ive also cut off stems of some Kale from outside and planted those to see if they will sprout, the ones I did did start to sprout.

I know for watering you can go by soil colour, weight of the pot and I have a moisture meter but I still cant tell if I am over or under watering them. I feel like I dont trust it now but only on the kale. I did look on the net and its wasnt clear enough or I need to look more. All stuff growing fine just not the kale. I have only one light and its on Vegetative not Veg and flowering. the crocasima was nothing when it came in all cut off from being outside and has shot shoots out 2 feet or more so it and the other stuff is happy. I did see some algea in one water bottle I had not noticed before and wonder if I transferred some and the other plants are not as sensitive so have a new clean water bottle just in case.