View Full Version : Frontline Panel Clamps Review

Michael Burnside
01-07-2024, 3:25 PM
I've never had too much trouble with panel glue ups or been too stressed out during the process, but sometimes it just seems like there is too much involved. You've got lots of clamps alternating top/bottom, sometimes they fold over during a glue up :mad:, pinching the ends with smaller clamps, using Dominos for alignment or to prevent shifting, etc., etc. I'm not talking about the 24-30" panel of 2 or 3 boards (e.g. charcuterie board), that is trivial and a good milling process makes quick work of thigs. However on longer and/or wider panels it just takes a bit more to get it done.

I build a lot of furniture and other items that require hardwood glue-ups. It's generally part of almost every project. Even when I use sheet goods, leg/base assemblies and/or drawer fronts are still a critical task that often require gluing of hardwood panels. After a lot of research I landed on Frontline.

What sets Frontline apart from others is not only in the astounding build quality, but in HOW the clamps function/perform. The Frontline clamps actually start pinching the boards together long before they start squeezing, resulting in perfect alignment and a brilliant way to check your milling process before actual gluing. I don't want to bash any other brands, and I will intentionallyavoid naming-names, but fundamentally none of them do everything right like Frontline. The first requirement, for me, was that I didn't want something that took a lot of fiddling. It had to be as fast, or close, to my typical process. I didn't want something that I had to slide boards into or mechanisms that needed alignment or "futzing" around with to get centered. And I wanted something that could glue up thin boards or 8/4-12/4 panels. And, the most important part, was that I wanted a panel clamp that was actually capable of clamping down on the panel. If I need to still use Dominos/biscuits/dowels or clamp the ends with extra clamps or supplement with more clamps, what the hell is the point?

Frontline checks all those boxes. After about 10 glue-ups now, I'm still actually having fun gluing up panels LOL. The process is dead simple. First, you just lay down the bottom half of the clamp. Usually I employ one about 1-2" from the ends (I usually cut the ends off anyway) and then just one every couple of feet. The need for lots of clamps is totally unnecessary. I've yet to feel that I need more than 5 (I actually started out with just 3). If I ever need more, my Bessey's could help with squeezing while the Frontlines do the "pinching". Second, you adjust stop one hole back from where your boards will fit, which is accomplished the usual way, by laying them down flat and seeing for yourself. Next, get the top half of the clamp, place the pin at the same hole as the bottom stop and slide'er into place. Do this for all clamps and lay down your boards for a test fit. Just crank it until the boards are being squeezed together like a typical clamp. If it all looks good, take the tops off, flip the boards, glue'em up and repeat the same steps but give another 1/2-3/4 turn more and you're done.

In summary, these Frontline clamps are one of those tools I've found in my woodworking journey that have truly changed my workflow and are something that I personally find an invaluable asset that I couldn't be without. I purchased them from Tool Guy Republic and while they are stupid expensive, they are built and operate in a way as to justify the cost and will last multiple lifetimes.

Here is a dry-fit of two panels for the top/bottom of a side board I'm building. The total dimensions are 72" long x 33" wide. Final dimensions of the workpiece will be slightly less


Mid panel and end close-up of the actual piece after applying glue



I used 5 clamps, that's it. It took mere minutes to glue and clamp with minimal effort. Took them out of clamps this morning and they're perfectly aligned


Shaper 3D rendering of my design (top/bottom panels above shown). I glued up the center divider with traditional means, but I'll be using 2 fronlines each for the side pieces today.


Richard Link
01-07-2024, 4:16 PM
Thanks for the nice review. I spent a bit of time about 6 months ago trying to find contemporary reviews of these expensive but clearly extremely well-made clamps. I even reached out directly to the company in Australia a few times but never got a response. Ultimately I ended up buying the Rockler deluxe panel clamps when they were on major sale and saved a lot but clearly the frontline are much more overbuilt.

Your shop is extremely well organized - I don't have the personal discipline to keep large shelves like you have open like that and not crowded with miscellaneous detritus and hoarding stuff. Your glue up photo is basically the one I usually keep in my head right before glue up (brown craft paper and all) but the actual glue up looks more like a street fight in a burning dumpster when I do it!

I like the use of sketchup to render the design. Have you tried Fusion as an alternative - it's rendering options are so much more versatile. I realize Autodesk has changed their pricing structure so that might not be a reasonable comparison (I get it through an educational option). I've started using it more and more for furniture design though.

Kevin Jenness
01-07-2024, 4:28 PM
Thanks for the review. Pricy for sure at over $800 per pair but they obviously save a lot of labor. For higher production a step up would be a JLT panel rack with the pneumatic flattener but that is several times the cost. I get by with biscuits and aluminum bar clamps, but this seems like a good system for someone doing regular low volume glueups.

Michael Burnside
01-07-2024, 4:36 PM
Thanks for the nice review. I spent a bit of time about 6 months ago trying to find contemporary reviews of these expensive but clearly extremely well-made clamps. I even reached out directly to the company in Australia a few times but never got a response. Ultimately I ended up buying the Rockler deluxe panel clamps when they were on major sale and saved a lot but clearly the frontline are much more overbuilt.

Your shop is extremely well organized - I don't have the personal discipline to keep large shelves like you have open like that and not crowded with miscellaneous detritus and hoarding stuff. Your glue up photo is basically the one I usually keep in my head right before glue up (brown craft paper and all) but the actual glue up looks more like a street fight in a burning dumpster when I do it!

I like the use of sketchup to render the design. Have you tried Fusion as an alternative - it's rendering options are so much more versatile. I realize Autodesk has changed their pricing structure so that might not be a reasonable comparison (I get it through an educational option). I've started using it more and more for furniture design though.

Thanks Richard. Yea I looked long and hard, but after seeing a few older YouTube vids and reading a few forum posts, I called Tool Guy Republic and took a chance. They were great to work with, shipped fast and free. I can say with confidence that the first time I used them, I forgot what they cost...they really are THAT good. I failed to mention that they also make good bar/sash clamps. I recently did an 8/12 maple, waterfall miter glue up and used two clamps to support and keep the miter at 90 while the glue dried.

Off topic:
The rendering is actually a visual output from Shap3r 3D, which I much prefer over Sketchup. I have looked at Fusion, but without an educator's discount, it's just a bit too hard to swallow cost-wise. I also like the 2D drawing output from Shap3r, which I take to the shop and use while I make the actual design.

Dan Barber
01-07-2024, 4:42 PM
Very nice review Michael. It looks like they work very well. Expensive in my mind is a relative measure of value. If they save time, aggravation and smooth the next operations then they are worth what you paid for them. Stay strong when someone here comment's that they have done better work for 40 years using pipe clamps and 2 x 4's :rolleyes:

BTW, Fusion 360 has excellent 2D drawing output and bundles in post processors for CNC work if you need that. I've been using it since it came on the market. I haven't mastered it yet, but lot's of online support and tutorials.


Mark Rainey
01-07-2024, 4:43 PM
Good review Michael. For most hobbyists, the price is prohibitive. A bigger problem is the limited length of 36". On my last table glue up, the center was 42 inches wide. I did not have that length of panel clamp available and it cost me one hour of hand planing after the glue up. I got another set of Lee Valley panel clamps for $58. I milled up some soft maple 2 X 2's, 60 inches long. Problem solved.

Richard Link
01-07-2024, 4:43 PM
Thanks! Yes I feel like the real expensive tools are the ones you purchase and never use. If you use it all the time and they can bury you with it (as I suspect those clamps will last till the next ice age) then it's worth it. I'm not familiar with Shap3r 3D - I'll need to take a look.

Michael Burnside
01-07-2024, 4:46 PM
Thanks for the review. Pricy for sure at over $800 per pair but they obviously save a lot of labor. For higher production a step up would be a JLT panel rack with the pneumatic flattener but that is several times the cost. I get by with biscuits and aluminum bar clamps, but this seems like a good system for someone doing regular low volume glueups.

Agreed Kevin, they aren't cheap. I agree there are possibly more "production" options available but that was beyond my scope. Even for a custom furniture builder, these will pay for themselves in a project or two. While I'm only a serious hobbyist, my time is one of the most valuable assets in my shop as a busy professional. I also wanted to store them easily. In the first and last shop pictures, you can see I can store 5 clamps on the top-left shelf, so they don't really take up much room.

I actually bought the 3 pack at 1275 (yes, ouch) and after using them on a couple projects, I was so blown away that I bought the 2 piece set which I think will satisfy my needs. No arguments that they aren't cheap, but I probably have 10 Bessey and a few Dubuque bar clamps I'll never dip into on a regular basis. Even for simple 24-30" glue-ups I mentioned, two clamps is all you need and they are faster to deploy than any other clamp I own. Without question, I have zero regrets and could not recommend them more.

Michael Burnside
01-07-2024, 4:55 PM
Good review Michael. For most hobbyists, the price is prohibitive. A bigger problem is the limited length of 36". On my last table glue up, the center was 42 inches wide. I did not have that length of panel clamp available and it cost me one hour of hand planing after the glue up. I got another set of Lee Valley panel clamps for $58. I milled up some soft maple 2 X 2's, 60 inches long. Problem solved.

Thanks Mark. It is not lost on me that the cost is prohibitive for some. A set of these is the same price as a Domino...also cost prohibitive. Had I known years ago that I would buy these, I probably would not have bought at least a dozen of my current clamps. Hindsight I guess. I'm guessing I could pick out 1200 bucks worth of "stuff" in my shop that I need a lot less than these. It's all relative, I get that for sure...

On the 36" limitation, that isn't exactly true. First point, they do offer a 48" version that would suit your 42 inch table. Bit too bulky for me so I bought the ones I did, and >33-35" is well beyond average glue-ups for me. Second, I did glue up a 42x42 coffee table top in 6/12 red oak. How did I do it? I did the glue up in ~21 x 42 sections and then just used 3 of my Bessey 52s and 3 dominos to join the two 21x42 pieces. It's quite trivial to deal with ONE seam.

Michael Burnside
01-07-2024, 4:59 PM
Very nice review Michael. It looks like they work very well. Expensive in my mind is a relative measure of value. If they save time, aggravation and smooth the next operations then they are worth what you paid for them. Stay strong when someone here comment's that they have done better work for 40 years using pipe clamps and 2 x 4's :rolleyes:

BTW, Fusion 360 has excellent 2D drawing output and bundles in post processors for CNC work if you need that. I've been using it since it came on the market. I haven't mastered it yet, but lot's of online support and tutorials.


Thanks Dan, I agree that expensive is relative and I'm often absolutely stunned how little people value their time.

I'm aware it can be done by other means. One of the best carpenter and handy men I've ever had the privilege of knowing was my grandfather. He's twice the woodworker I am, but I'm ok with that. I think he'd be damn proud at what I've built notwithstanding.

Mark Rainey
01-07-2024, 5:42 PM
Thanks Mark. It is not lost on me that the cost is prohibitive for some. A set of these is the same price as a Domino...also cost prohibitive. Had I known years ago that I would buy these, I probably would not have bought at least a dozen of my current clamps. Hindsight I guess. I'm guessing I could pick out 1200 bucks worth of "stuff" in my shop that I need a lot less than these. It's all relative, I get that for sure...

On the 36" limitation, that isn't exactly true. First point, they do offer a 48" version that would suit your 42 inch table. Bit too bulky for me so I bought the ones I did, and >33-35" is well beyond average glue-ups for me. Second, I did glue up a 42x42 coffee table top in 6/12 red oak. How did I do it? I did the glue up in ~21 x 42 sections and then just used 3 of my Bessey 52s and 3 dominos to join the two 21x42 pieces. It's quite trivial to deal with ONE seam.

Interesting Michael, they do have 48" and even longer without much price difference. I can see how your clamps push the boards together from the edges. What is the mechanism for clamping the boards down towards each other? For the Lee Valley panel clamps, the downward pressure is helpful but not strong - it comes from "stretching straight" the lower and upper clamps as you put pressure on the edges of the board.

Michael Burnside
01-07-2024, 5:51 PM
Mark, the downward pressure is actually applied first. This is unique to Frontline. Inside the assembly are two very strong springs which push down with great force. You cannot create misalignment, even if you try with all your might once the top and bottom are squeezing at maximum. And with the robust design there is ZERO flex. At some point no more downward pressure can be applied and that’s when the thrust bearing and thread start to apply pressure on the ends. The design is ingenious, mechanically simple and VERY robust.

Edward Weber
01-08-2024, 11:45 AM
I'll chime in and say first off, whatever works for you.
This is just my own personal view, if it works for you, great.

For me it's way overkill.
They are a clever approach to adding pressure to flatten but that's it.
Gluing up panels should not involve such an assembly.
IMO, many don't prep their wood well enough and think that adding extra pressure (clamps) will fix it.
From Titebond, original formula
"Enough to bring joints tightly together (generally, 100-150 psi for softwoods, 125-175 psi for medium woods and 175-250 psi for hardwoods)"
Even cheap HF F-clamps can provide that much pressure.

There is really no need to have such an elaborate setup to glue a simple panel and yes, I also think the price is ludicrous.
If in a production setting, I can see it, otherwise I fail to see the need.

Michael Burnside
01-08-2024, 12:55 PM
I'll chime in and say first off, whatever works for you.
This is just my own personal view, if it works for you, great.

For me it's way overkill.
They are a clever approach to adding pressure to flatten but that's it.
Gluing up panels should not involve such an assembly.
IMO, many don't prep their wood well enough and think that adding extra pressure (clamps) will fix it.

Edward, thank you for the response. I respect your opinion.

I would like to however respond to the highlighted comment. I made it very clear in my first sentence that a good milling process is key. No clamp, however clever, will correct that. I do however disagree that a good milling process is the only variable to a good glue up, particularly when the width and number of panels increases. I did not purchase these to overcome a deficiency in my milling process.

I also agree that excessive clamping pressure is not needed and while these clamps are capable of very high clamping pressures without flexing, it is quite easy to achieve adequate/necessary pressure and no more, just like any other clamp, except all the benefits therein, as already indicated in my original post. Apologies if my review insinuated that killing the lumber with excessive force was necessary.


Jim Becker
01-08-2024, 1:13 PM
The big advantage to panel clamps like this or similar or even in a formal rack is that they save time and provide a level of consistency that's a bit harder to accomplish with separate clamps and cauls. If that's important, then the investment can pay off in whatever way is personally meaningful. Those look like really nice clamping products for sure...if a few fell off a truck in front of my address, I'd surely put them to work!

Edward Weber
01-08-2024, 2:00 PM
Edward, thank you for the response. I respect your opinion.

I would like to however respond to the highlighted comment. I made it very clear in my first sentence that a good milling process is key. No clamp, however clever, will correct that. I do however disagree that a good milling process is the only variable to a good glue up, particularly when the width and number of panels increases. I did not purchase these to overcome a deficiency in my milling process.

I also agree that excessive clamping pressure is not needed and while these clamps are capable of very high clamping pressures without flexing, it is quite easy to achieve adequate/necessary pressure and no more, just like any other clamp, except all the benefits therein, as already indicated in my original post. Apologies if my review insinuated that killing the lumber with excessive force was necessary.

Thanks, for the reply.
And of course, milling isn't the only thing necessary, I didn't mean to imply that but it'll get you most of the way. IMO.
If I were making panels all day long, they would be something to consider, for the time saved over traditional methods. I do think the price is getting towards a pneumatic or hydraulic system though.

Michael Burnside
01-08-2024, 2:14 PM
All good Edward, just making sure things were clear. Sounds like we agree on the highlighted points.

When searching, pneumatic certainly pops up, but a single clamp, depending on the manufacturer, is more than a set of 3 of these. This doesn't include the air compressor, de-humidifier, hoses and miscellaneous infrastructure and the enormous racks they mount to. The sheer size and mechanical complexity is a no-go, price notwithstanding. Frontline do the job and are mechanically simple and will last numerous lifetimes...one being enough for me :D

richard poitras
01-10-2024, 9:23 PM
I looked at /reviewed these clamps years ago and always want some, glad to hear they are all that and then some...


Derek Kessler
01-11-2024, 12:20 AM
Thanks for sharing your experience, Michael. While the price tag might make some pause (let's be honest, $800 is no small investment), it does seem like it's worth what you pay for it. It's always great when a tool lives up to its cost, especially when the price is steep. How was your experience with Shaper 3D? I'm not familiar with it. Fusion is a bit expensive, so I might consider switching

Alex Zeller
01-11-2024, 6:33 AM
I almost bought a set. I reached out to the company to ask if they put a coating on the face, like teflon, to prevent glue from sticking but never heard back. I ended up just making something similar with the PeachTree panel clamp kits and Ready Tube from 80/20 inc. With the ready tube I can buy it in any length so if I have a really wide glue up I can buy new aluminum extrusions, not the whole clamps assembly for a major savings. I have even thought about putting a slight arc in a couple of the tubes to put pressure in the center as the clamps are tightened.

I use tape right now to prevent glue from sticking but if a company made panel clamps that were non stick I think I would take the leap.

It's like a power feeder. If you have a shop and earn a living woodworking then it makes sense to own a power feeder for each tool vs taking the time to move one from tool to tool.

Michael Burnside
01-11-2024, 10:49 AM
Thanks for sharing your experience, Michael. While the price tag might make some pause (let's be honest, $800 is no small investment), it does seem like it's worth what you pay for it. It's always great when a tool lives up to its cost, especially when the price is steep. How was your experience with Shaper 3D? I'm not familiar with it. Fusion is a bit expensive, so I might consider switching

Yep, no argument that the investment is just that, an investment. And not a cheap one at that, but I have zero regrets. I've now used them probably close to 20 times now. They really are super fast and accurate to deploy. I would say a "typical' panel glue-up uses 3 clamps and that's it.

I'm just a serious hobbyist and certified tech nerd, but I couldn't justify Fusion's cost. Shaper 3D is great, simple to use and the yearly fee, especially when you can find a 10-20% discount more than worth it. Plus, I like to do most of my design on the couch and I really like that the iPad and PC interfaces are nearly identical.

Dan Barber
01-11-2024, 10:55 AM
You guys are aware that Fusion 360 is free for hobbyists - correct?


Michael Burnside
01-11-2024, 11:02 AM
You guys are aware that Fusion 360 is free for hobbyists - correct?


Yep, but it's limited in functionality IMHO and the iPad version is meh at best. No idea why they have to make it so different compared to the PC version.

Michael Burnside
01-11-2024, 11:19 AM
I almost bought a set. I reached out to the company to ask if they put a coating on the face, like teflon, to prevent glue from sticking but never heard back. I ended up just making something similar with the PeachTree panel clamp kits and Ready Tube from 80/20 inc. With the ready tube I can buy it in any length so if I have a really wide glue up I can buy new aluminum extrusions, not the whole clamps assembly for a major savings. I have even thought about putting a slight arc in a couple of the tubes to put pressure in the center as the clamps are tightened.

I use tape right now to prevent glue from sticking but if a company made panel clamps that were non stick I think I would take the leap.

It's like a power feeder. If you have a shop and earn a living woodworking then it makes sense to own a power feeder for each tool vs taking the time to move one from tool to tool.

As far as sticking, the first few glue-ups I just cleaned up the extrusion with acetone and squeeze out comes right off. One trick I use though is I have the top-bottom covered with wax paper. If any of it sticks to the workpiece, it's so thin it sands/scrapes right off and any glue that leaks through the paper (very little), as mentioned, is easily cleaned off with acetone. This is what I typically use --> https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B074BFSZWN/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1. After a few glue ups I realized these are so good that I did order a bunch of their poly rail covers and the glue falls right off. Yea, 200 bucks in cover. I actually think I could make some myself with stuff from the hardware store, but at least these are very well made and durable. I still use the wax paper trick but now don't even need acetone. You could use tape too, but I prefer the wax paper trick as it's quick and easy to deploy.

For these there is no need to arch the tube. The extrusion is more than 8mm thick, shaped like an I-beam and dead flat. They don't flex at all, so whatever pressure is at the ends is also at the middle. That's what makes these so good IMHO.

Jim Becker
01-11-2024, 2:42 PM
You guys are aware that Fusion 360 is free for hobbyists - correct?

Yup...but they removed a bunch of functionality awhile back for "free" users, likely in an effort to "encourage" folks to opt for a subscription. This isn't a barrier for folks with small machines that don't have a lot of bells and whistles, but for folks who have larger, more capable machines, or folks who are makers and do sell work, it's a barrier. (And no, I don't recall the specifics of what was disallowed, but there were meaningful discussions in many forums about it at the time) As an aside, I never could "get" F360 while Vectric software felt natural to me. If I had to have a different choice, it might have been Rhino.

jack duren
01-11-2024, 3:30 PM
It’s too expensive for what it does…

Seems more for the ones that have money to burn..

when “Bow Clamp” came out the first thing said. I can make my own..

Dan Barber
01-11-2024, 4:08 PM
Yup...but they removed a bunch of functionality awhile back for "free" users, likely in an effort to "encourage" folks to opt for a subscription. This isn't a barrier for folks with small machines that don't have a lot of bells and whistles, but for folks who have larger, more capable machines, or folks who are makers and do sell work, it's a barrier. (And no, I don't recall the specifics of what was disallowed, but there were meaningful discussions in many forums about it at the time) As an aside, I never could "get" F360 while Vectric software felt natural to me. If I had to have a different choice, it might have been Rhino.

I'm thankful that I'm grandfathered in as long as I maintain my subscription at $300 per year. I have the full functionality and really like the post processor for the CNC mill. The whole package has gotten much better with time.

Michael Burnside
01-11-2024, 5:01 PM
I'm thankful that I'm grandfathered in as long as I maintain my subscription at $300 per year. I have the full functionality and really like the post processor for the CNC mill. The whole package has gotten much better with time.

Yea bro, fully-featured at $300 would be a no brainer. I think Shaper 3D is very good for the price and I find it pretty easy to get going.

Ian Douglas
09-08-2024, 8:33 PM
Couldn't agree more Michael, as a fellow Frontline Clamp owner these are without a doubt the most sensational panel clamps I've ever used. And even in sash cramp mode they are far superior to the usual sash cramps as the profile stops the extrusion from bending as long sash cramps do in use.

I've had everything from long F clamps, sash and pipe clamps, and even Plano clamps (which I hated) over the years and nothing comes close to the performance and speed with which I can achieve perfect results every time with my Frontlines. I've been to the owner and inventors factory in Morwell and have seen first hand the immense pride Con takes in the design and manufacture of his unique clamps. And they are unique, I'm not aware of any other manufacturer that has any form of a similar sliding spring loaded clamp that applies pressure to align and flatten the faces before pressure is applied to the edges. I've attached a pic of my old Plano clamp next to a Frontline so people can see part of why these clamps are so popular and built to last a lifetime.

The time saved and results obtained are immeasurable in my opinion.

Mike Henderson
09-08-2024, 9:06 PM
If you do woodworking as a hobby and not commercially, I'd just recommend cauls and regular clamps. Might take a bit longer but it would be a lot cheaper. You can make cauls from 2x4's at a few dollars a set.


stephen thomas
09-08-2024, 11:44 PM
Interesting & elegant -
Applying the Angloc vise principle to woodwork.

If i still had crews it might be necessary.

OTOH i can see a couple evolutions:
1.) someone makes relatively inexpensive kits of the handle ends, brackets and pins, for use in common extrusions
2.) wait for the HF version to come out......


Michael Burnside
09-09-2024, 11:30 AM
If you do woodworking as a hobby and not commercially, I'd just recommend cauls and regular clamps. Might take a bit longer but it would be a lot cheaper. You can make cauls from 2x4's at a few dollars a set.


I don't see the hobby vs. commercial relevance. Some people invest in 10s of thousands in ATVs, boats, RVs, etc. as their "hobby". If you love woodworking, as I do, but value your time/results, I wouldn't hesitate to buy these. They are phenomenal. I have some old cauls that I use from time to time because they are sometimes the right tool for the job, but they aren't even in the same league as these clamps. I've now glued up probably more than 20 panels of varying sizes with these clamps and I still swear by them. But yea, ugh, they're not cheap! Good news is you don't need racks and racks of them!

Mike Henderson
09-09-2024, 2:18 PM
I don't see the hobby vs. commercial relevance. Some people invest in 10s of thousands in ATVs, boats, RVs, etc. as their "hobby". If you love woodworking, as I do, but value your time/results, I wouldn't hesitate to buy these. They are phenomenal. I have some old cauls that I use from time to time because they are sometimes the right tool for the job, but they aren't even in the same league as these clamps. I've now glued up probably more than 20 panels of varying sizes with these clamps and I still swear by them. But yea, ugh, they're not cheap! Good news is you don't need racks and racks of them!

I'm sure those clamps are "the cat's meow". Not everyone has the money to trade up to those - I don't. I use cauls and I get the same results. It just takes me longer.

I haven't bought any kiln dried 2x4's recently but when I made my cauls, an 8 foot kiln dried 2x4 was a couple of bucks. I made a set of 48 inch cauls from each 2x4. I had to camber the 48 inch pieces, which I did with a hand plane. I put packing tape on the cambered surface to keep them from sticking to the panel. Here's the way I made my cauls. (https://www.mikes-woodwork.com/Cauls.htm)

Of course, I still had to have small clamps to clamp the cauls together and my longer Bessey clamps to clamp the panel.

If you can afford those clamps, and they provide you with what you want from them, go for it.


Michael Burnside
09-09-2024, 2:41 PM
They are the "cat's meow" but yea they aren't cheap. I'm just a hobby woodworker and RC car enthusiast when I'm not doing my day job. I don't own ATVs, motorcycles, jet skis, boats, trailers or RVs, I'm just a hobbyist woodworker, so the 2500 bucks invested in these clamps for woodworking is a lot cheaper than therapy LOL.

jack duren
09-09-2024, 2:46 PM
I can see the difference, but I’ve seen the difference in need vs want.

Ian Douglas
09-09-2024, 7:46 PM
I don't see the hobby vs. commercial relevance. Some people invest in 10s of thousands in ATVs, boats, RVs, etc. as their "hobby". If you love woodworking, as I do, but value your time/results, I wouldn't hesitate to buy these. They are phenomenal. I have some old cauls that I use from time to time because they are sometimes the right tool for the job, but they aren't even in the same league as these clamps. I've now glued up probably more than 20 panels of varying sizes with these clamps and I still swear by them. But yea, ugh, they're not cheap! Good news is you don't need racks and racks of them!

I have the same view Michael. I’m only small scale but very time poor, so I really value being able to do things as efficiently as possible while also aiming for the highest quality outcome possible. I bought my first set of 1.2m clamps over 20 years ago after throwing away hundreds on rubbish Plano and other clamps, and after the very first use I was completely sold. They really are life changing and are just an incredible joy to use. Greatly reducing the post glue-up work time required is a bonus!

It’s a very similar experience to when people try the Domino for the first time, and think why didn’t they get one sooner!

I’ve since bought another set of 4 extended height ones, along with some joiner profiles Con sells to extend the length, and as I sometimes do quite long glue-ups, I also recently got a pair of 2.4m ones I can use as long sash cramps, perfect for breadboard ends. I have zero regrets on the one off cost, as they’ll long outlast me anyway, and if times get tough I can resell them for a very good return, but so far as I’m concerned they’ve already paid for themselves many times over, and the time savings are incalculable.

cheers, Ian

Ian Douglas
09-09-2024, 9:10 PM
Interesting & elegant -
Applying the Angloc vise principle to woodwork.

If i still had crews it might be necessary.

OTOH i can see a couple evolutions:
1.) someone makes relatively inexpensive kits of the handle ends, brackets and pins, for use in common extrusions
2.) wait for the HF version to come out......


Hi Stephen, I could maybe see the second option occurring, but if they make it to a similar quality/robustness the manufacturing costs will be enormous and I'm guessing they will have trouble hitting the target market at the end cost.

For the first point, providing cheap kit versions I would expect to be difficult, due to the large but ingenious spring tensioner design which is the heart of the system, and the sheer size and weight of some of the components required to be able to function the same. The German thrust bearing and solid aluminium head assembly comes to mind. Until you've seen one in the wild, absolutely nothing will prepare you for how brutally solid and amazingly well constructed these clamps are, they really are in class of their own.

I think clone manufacturing for these clamps would go the same way as the current crop of the Lamello Zeta clones, the only result so far is a machine that's 1/3rd the cost, with 1/10th the accuracy and 500% more fiddly.

But it's likely a moot point as the aluminium extrusion profile would be a major road block, it's quite specifically designed to suit the other components to provide the functionality it does.

cheers, Ian

Edward Weber
09-10-2024, 10:51 AM
Hi Stephen, I could maybe see the second option occurring, but if they make it to a similar quality/robustness the manufacturing costs will be enormous and I'm guessing they will have trouble hitting the target market at the end cost.

For the first point, providing cheap kit versions I would expect to be difficult, due to the large but ingenious spring tensioner design which is the heart of the system, and the sheer size and weight of some of the components required to be able to function the same. The German thrust bearing and solid aluminium head assembly comes to mind. Until you've seen one in the wild, absolutely nothing will prepare you for how brutally solid and amazingly well constructed these clamps are, they really are in class of their own.

I think clone manufacturing for these clamps would go the same way as the current crop of the Lamello Zeta clones, the only result so far is a machine that's 1/3rd the cost, with 1/10th the accuracy and 500% more fiddly.

But it's likely a moot point as the aluminium extrusion profile would be a major road block, it's quite specifically designed to suit the other components to provide the functionality it does.

cheers, Ian

First of all, buy what you want and be happy with it.

Most, if not all of this has to do with what type of work you do and how you do it.
I read threads like this where folks are talking about this clamp or that not working or just throwing them out, I don't get it.
Clamps are quite simple devices and the basic physics principles in these clamps is ages old. I personally don't see the need for the OP's clamps unless I was gluing panels all day long. Since I don't, a couple of cauls is easy and quick for me, for the occasional panel glue-up.

And if you don't think there can/will be knock-offs, you're fooling yourself. There are already similar, less expensive, versions at Rockler, Woodpeckers or the Clampzilla and many others. I know they're not exactly the same but they incorporate the same clamping method.

I'll add, that not all "cloned" tools are poor quality and an aluminum extrusion is not as difficult to copy as you seem to infer.

Michael Burnside
09-10-2024, 3:49 PM
You're right Edward, everyone should decide what works best. There are certainly ways to accomplish a panel glue up. I did it successfully for a long time, built many pieces of furniture, but I'd never go back. I firmly believe a good milling process is far more important to success. That said, these are the quintessential panel clamp by which all others are measured. There are no clones that will perform equally. I've tried most of them and IMHO a good set of cauls and clamps beats all of them except Frontline.

Ian Douglas
09-10-2024, 6:28 PM
And if you don't think there can/will be knock-offs, you're fooling yourself. There are already similar, less expensive, versions at Rockler, Woodpeckers or the Clampzilla and many others. I know they're not exactly the same but they incorporate the same clamping method.

Yes there are products that appear similar, but there are none on the market that perform the same let alone incorporate the same clamping method. All of the cheapo versions rely on a rod in a groove or channel in lengths of timber or thin steel/aluminium rails to apply force to the edges, but as soon as enough force to start to flatten and align the faces is applied the clamps themselves start bowing, very badly depending on the timber thickness and flatness. With these cheaper clamps you can good get edge pressure, but not very good face pressure without a mallet, cauls, and additional clamps.

The utterly unique design of the Frontlines means tremendous force is applied to the faces well before any force is applied to the edges, and the purpose designed extrusion stops any bowing so the panel is dead flat, even if using bowed timber.

The Plano's are the closest contender in the price range, and even they couldn't flatten some slightly twisted pine (without lots of mallet work and cauls + extra clamps) as shown in the attached pic from a review I did years ago. You don't need a mallet, cauls, or extra clamps with the Frontlines.

So yes, clamps and clamping methods have been around ages, but not all clamps are equal, far from it.