View Full Version : Next time pay attention.

Paul Williams
01-03-2024, 10:06 PM
This 6-inch bowl was going to be the last of my accent bands using left over guitar edging veneer strips to hide the joint. See an earlier post for my first two. I might have enough scraps to try one more. The top and bottom sections of this bowl came from the same 4x12x24 piece of sugar pine. Not sure that is the correct identification but when I was carving decoys that is what it was called down South. I was extremely careful laying out my cuts so that the grain would match up. I liked the look when I had it ready to glue up with a light side and a dark side and the top portion grain looking like a continuation of the bottom portion. Then while gluing it together I was concentrating on getting a tight joint and apparently paid no attention to the grain orientation. I am still kicking myself for this one. I suppose I can call it a design opportunity, but that assumes I saw the mistake and did something to enhance the appearance. I didn't even notice until the next morning.


tom lucas
01-03-2024, 10:27 PM
It's fine. I would just add it to my collection of screw-ups. Or give it to a non-turner. They'll never notice.

However, I probably would have done it as inlay to begin with. No pattern inside, but no grain match problems outside either. Inlay banding is much easier to make too.

Brian Brown
01-03-2024, 10:47 PM
Like we haven't done something like this before. Most peop;e learn after the first or maybe the second time. Me, I never seem to learn. It still looks nice, and I like the color shift. Keeps it from looking like a mistake.

Mel Fulks
01-03-2024, 10:51 PM
It nice , nothing wrong with it. Reminds me of an old cartoon drawing . Two Indians are on the plains trying to sell their big lot of
pottery . There are no settlers or tourists . Caption : “Let’s face it , the stuff just isn’t moving “.