View Full Version : Weekend doin's?

Bob Lasley
07-25-2003, 8:48 AM
Good Friday Morning,

Well, it's supposed to be another scorcher here in Okieland this weekend, but now that I have A/C in the shop, I don't care. Don't know what I'll do this weekend. I have a couple of projects that need more work and I have a couple I want to start, so I'll just see what jumps on the bench.

So, what are you doing this weekend? Any sawdust in your plans?

Have a great weekend all!


Mike Evertsen
07-25-2003, 8:55 AM
have go buy groceries after I buy a new refridgerator Wedsday my old one died didn't know until Thursady had to throw out four garbage bags of food,,,,,
then I will start on the entertainment center and finish the book case I started last tuesday,,,,,,

Byron Trantham
07-25-2003, 9:52 AM
I'll be trying my first hand at spraying shellac. The biggie for me is whether or not I can clean the gun adequately. Spraying is so much faster and the finish is so much more even.

Everyone have a great weekend.

Steve Clardy
07-25-2003, 9:56 AM
Start a set of kitchens cabinets for a contractor. I'm right in the middle of a staircase yet, so will be doing some of both. Also continuing cleaning up the mess after the backhoe was here putting in another septic system for the shop and new bedroom bath. Had them dig out three dead trees in the yard that died out last year, [persimmon], gotta pick up all the rocks, roots, etc. and fill holes with dirt, [gotta find some dirt somewhere, too many rocks in this country]. Clean up the mess in front of the house where they removed a solid concrete wheel chair ramp, fill in the holes, so we can start laying some flagstone for new steps. Could think of another dozen things to do, but probably won't get any of these projects completely done. Steve

Mike Schwing
07-25-2003, 10:03 AM
Taking the big boat around to the Baltimore Harbor this evening so I can take a bunch of disabled kids on a boat ride out to Fort McHenry for the Easter Seals Society on Saturday morning.

Passing up a lot of good cycling and running weather today and tomorrow, but how can you say no?

Mike Mastin
07-25-2003, 10:20 AM
Last weekend I built my SCMS dust box. I places a 4"x12" HVAV boot in the bottom towards the rear of the box that will allow me to attach a 6" pipe directly to it. I routed out an arc across the top and bottom of the box to allow me to put in a piece of sheetmetal. I figured that this will lessen the amount of dust that will collect in the corners :-)
I tried to use a couple pieces of snap lock pipe for this, but the crimped edge will not fit into the groove, so now I need to go to a HVAC shop to see if they will cut me a piece of sheetmetal to size. For now I put a p[iece of MDF on the back of the box until I can find someone to cut the metal for me to fit.

In any event, it is already much better then it was before :-)

Scott Coffelt
07-25-2003, 10:38 AM
Their finishing up my new roof today, lost the last one in a hail storm. Funny thing is I had about two years left on the old one before it really needed replaced. No more cedar shingles for me. Now, I get to install Tubular Skylight, I was going to have them do it but decided I wanted to do it myself. So hopefully before the heat gets here Saturday morning I can get it installed.

Finishing the drop ceiling in my shop hopefully this evening. Do a test run of the new ducting for my cyclone to check for leaks (I know of two already), build a floor sweep, and I can call that project completed. It seems like I have been working on that for ever. I'll try and take some picks to share next week if I think about it.

Clean up the shop a little before I get back to the built-in stereo cabinet for a client.

Measure for new windows (I see what my future has in store for me).... to much work.

Tom Sweeney
07-25-2003, 10:47 AM
I don't think I have anything I have to do this weekend :D
I have an overwhelming urge to read a book or play some golf or something like that . . . but I'll probably do some puttering around the house kind of work.

There is that roundtoit LIST you know

I need to clear out my shop area & build some benches & storage - but I think I'll have to think a little bit more on that. It needs to be done soon though as I can barely work in there as it is. I need to build stuff that is functional sturdy & CHEAP - so I have to figure out the best way to do that.

I'll probably cut some more bowl blanks out of my spalted maple tree for a couple of more small bowls.

If we can get our act together a friend & I are going to put wainscotting in his office, but I don't think we will get to it this weekend - he wants to do it next weekend but there is something more important going on then - 5 BARNS!!!

Have a Great & Safe Weekend!

Phil Phelps
07-25-2003, 11:29 AM
This ain't part of my future anytime soon :mad: Maybe I'll read some wood saftey books :D

Jim Becker
07-25-2003, 11:51 AM
My list includes installing the window and range vent ductwork for the new kitchen, finishing up hanging the LV recessed lighting and installing a drain vent for the sink/DW. Once that is all done, I can finish boxing in the support column and a few minor carpentry items and be ready for the "rockers".

Ya know what that means? Well...it means I can get back into the shop next week (using some more of last year's vacation carryover) and get back on the cabinetry! Actual hardcore woodworking rather than the mix of carpentry, electrical, plumbing and masonary that has been blessing my copious free time for the last few weeks...what's not to like about that?

LOML is in China this week, so I will undoubtedly work long hours in between keeping the birds happy with head scratches and other treats...of course, I probably should mow the grass, too. :D

Kevin Gerstenecker
07-25-2003, 3:03 PM
Golf tops the list this weekend. I also have to finish up a Slot Car Box for a customer. Then on to a few boxes that are in the various stages of completion...............some more gifts, so I need to give them some loving attention. :rolleyes: Also, I just received some very nice Lacewood, so I am anxious to work with it also. In between everything, a little yard work, Pool time, and BBQ'ing. May have a few new box pictures to share before the end of the weekend. I have one started for SWMBO, and she has been on me to get it finished, so the orders have been issued, and I AM smart enough to obey them! :D Have a great and safe weekend everyone!

Bruce Page
07-25-2003, 5:09 PM
Well, I’m finally going to build a clamp rack for my Quick-Grip & Bessey bar clamps. I will post pic’s when I get it completed.

Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your software. — Unattributed

Jason Roehl
07-25-2003, 6:10 PM
I'll be trying my first hand at spraying shellac. The biggie for me is whether or not I can clean the gun adequately. Spraying is so much faster and the finish is so much more even.

Everyone have a great weekend.

Byron, I think you'll enjoy spraying the shellac. Just make sure you use a respirator (or you'll be drunk as a skunk--DAMHIKT). As for clean up, you have two options--denatured alcohol, which will clean it very well, quite quickly, albeit at a price, or an ammonia/water solution will do it, too, for much less $$.

Weekend plans? Well, I'll be working late on this floor tonight, it's got 2 coats of shellac (SealCoat) now, needs to be buffed and vacuumed, then a coat of Varathane oil, then tomorrow morning, another buffing and vacuuming, then another coat of Varathane, hopefully in time to accompany my family to an airshow at Grissom Air Reserve Base. Sunday is church and another softball game, plus maybe loading up any miscellaneous floor refinishing equipment, if I don't do that Saturday afternoon. Maybe I'll find some lathe time in there somewhere.

John Miliunas
07-25-2003, 6:21 PM
Garage sale. Everyone else, have yourselves a super weekend.

Bob Oswin
07-25-2003, 6:33 PM
Good Friday Morning,

Well, it's supposed to be another scorcher here in Okieland this weekend, but now that I have A/C in the shop, I don't care. Don't know what I'll do this weekend. I have a couple of projects that need more work and I have a couple I want to start, so I'll just see what jumps on the bench.

So, what are you doing this weekend? Any sawdust in your plans?

Have a great weekend all!

I shot this bowl across the shop last Sunday and it made me realize how many times I have done that. ;)
A pair of scooter wheels and some gentle persuasion with an acteylene torch turned a bunch of scrap into a relatively decent steady rest.
The hardest part was bending the two curved glides that maintian the wheels agianst the bowls. It could be prettier but that will have to be later.

Jim Young
07-25-2003, 9:45 PM
I'll be delivering a bed to my friend. I've been working on it for nearly two years on and off for different reasons. Will be posting pics with a story shortly.

Kevin Gerstenecker
07-26-2003, 8:31 PM
Finally finished the Decorative Box I have been promising my Lovely Wife for weeks now. She is giddy, nutty happy about it too! (NOW she understands what I need all those tools for! :rolleyes: ) This box is 6 1/2" x 6 1/2" x about 5" tall. Purpleheart and Cherry........with the little Brass Knob on top....which was her idea.......although I think it looks fantastic with the Brass Knob, I can't claim it was my idea.......shucks! It has 3 coats of Tung Oil so far, and waiting to cure for Wax and a rubbing. My first project with the Purpleheart Wood I have had for a while, and I must say, it is wonderful to work. The color is awesome, and it is pretty much as the photo shows.......maybe a little deeper and not as bright as in photo. The contrast between the Purpleheart and Cherry is, in my opinion, outstanding. Maybe not for everyone, or certain projects, but I really like it. SWMBO was the "Design Engineer" for the most part, I added my 2 cents worth for the feet detail, but she pretty much did the rest................I think she did good? Thanks for taking a look..............I have a couple of more boxes underway, may have some photos the first of the week. Enjoy the rest of the weekend!