View Full Version : Clean out your desk !

dennis thompson
12-31-2023, 9:23 AM
After about ten years I decided to clean out my desk. As I was going through one of the drawers, I saw an envelope with my initials on it.
I thought it must be some old papers I was keeping and had forgotten about so naturally I looked in it.
Guess what? It was $385 in cash. Nice way to end the old year and start the new year:)

Paul F Franklin
12-31-2023, 9:46 AM
I tried it and found $385 in bills I forgot about. I figure you owe me!


Andrew More
12-31-2023, 12:05 PM
Oddly enough I was doing this on another desk, and found a $20 Amazon gift card.

Bernie Kopfer
12-31-2023, 12:40 PM
If I cleaned out my desk I would probably not find money or bills. What I would find are papers that should have been either read and filed, or advertisements that I never got around to following through with and coupons that are now expired and worthless. All in all this would be a depressingly unwelcome way to start the new year. Instead I think I’ll just go out to the shop and turn something on the lathe. The desk can wait til next year!

Zachary Hoyt
12-31-2023, 12:45 PM
I don't have a desk, as there is not room to conveniently fit one here. I do remember cleaning off my grandmother's desk in Florida 12 years ago, after she went into assisted living. There was a solid pile of papers and things covering the entire top, and up to 2 feet high in the center. As I went down through it I kept finding more books of stamps, and the denominations on them kept going down. I think 29 cents was the lowest I found for first class, as that was what they would have cost when they moved into that house.

Lee Schierer
12-31-2023, 2:11 PM
After about ten years I decided to clean out my desk. As I was going through one of the drawers, I saw an envelope with my initials on it.
I thought it must be some old papers I was keeping and had forgotten about so naturally I looked in it.
Guess what? It was $385 in cash. Nice way to end the old year and start the new year:)

I've been wondering where I hid that envelope....send me a PM and I will send you my address so you can mail it to me.

Tom M King
12-31-2023, 5:16 PM
Mine is full of wires that will never ever be needed again and no one will know what they were for.

Jim Becker
12-31-2023, 8:09 PM
My desk doesn't have drawers. I just have to occasionally deal with the pile of paper on the left end of it under my second monitor. :) :D

Alan Rutherford
12-31-2023, 9:10 PM
Just today we were doing that. Nearly filled a banker's box with stuff to shred or burn. Found a real treasure: a handwitten note of apology to my wife from the postoffice about 10 years ago saying they were enclosing $1.30 in stamps as a refund and another $1.15 in stamps for our trouble. "Your husband was correct, a large envelope price." I don't remember what it was about but I'm thinking about framing it. Or having it bronzed.

Bill George
12-31-2023, 9:58 PM
I do tend to sell something and then put the money in a envelope and forget I have it!

Mel Fulks
01-01-2024, 2:04 AM
When I was a lot younger I had two friends who noticed a house that had not been lived in for many years . They went in looked
around and saw something, a book . Picked it up ,flipped through it ….and it was full of money. Checked the other books and they
had money. They didn’t break anything, but they took ,yes stole the cash. Old money. My friends didn’t come from old money, but
they found old money. All Silver Certificates !

Rob Luter
01-01-2024, 11:31 AM
When I was a pup I would cash my paycheck Friday at the local bank it was drawn on, then deposit cash at my bank Monday to avoid waiting a week for the check to clear and go to my account. I’d bring the cash home in a bank envelope and stash it for the weekend. One day we were going through the “secret compartments” in a secretary desk we had and discovered a week’s pay we’d squirreled away and forgotten. Being young and struggling a bit it was a nice surprise.

Rich Engelhardt
01-03-2024, 11:45 AM
I stuck $2100 in my desk drawer - planning on "finding" it after a few days and getting all school girl giddy about finding a hidden treasure.

My wife saw me do it.
So much for that stupid idea.

Patty Hann
01-03-2024, 11:50 AM
I stuck $2100 in my desk drawer - planning on "finding" it after a few days and getting all school girl giddy about finding a hidden treasure.

My wife saw me do it.
So much for that stupid idea.

LOL... That is great!

Ron Citerone
01-03-2024, 5:09 PM
You’ll never guess what you might find if you clean out your ………JUNK DRAWER! 😎😂

Patty Hann
01-03-2024, 5:43 PM
You’ll never guess what you might find if you clean out your ………JUNK DRAWER! 

No money in my junk drawer, for sure. :(

Jim Becker
01-03-2024, 6:43 PM
You’ll never guess what you might find if you clean out your ………JUNK DRAWER! 

Tom Bender
01-05-2024, 3:35 PM
Thanks for the reminder to revisit Fry's dog. Mostly Futurama makes me laugh but that bit was worth a tear.