View Full Version : Mullet boom arm dust collector

tom lucas
12-27-2023, 9:38 AM
Anyone using the Mullet boom arm?

https://mullettools.com/products/mullet-boom-arm?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAs6-sBhBmEiwA1Nl8s3XSbU38wN7mySEUxNVEI2hNIc75irlCTv395 sDaZiyp8XNdkyd8fRoC75IQAvD_BwE

Seems like it could use a wider funnel, but the maneuverability of the arm might be an advantage. Wondering how well it stays in place, and how easy it is to re-position.

David Walser
12-27-2023, 12:55 PM
I don’t have any firsthand experience, but the reviews I’ve seen all said it was easy to position and rock solid once it’s locked down.

I have two concerns with using it at the lathe: 1st, I’d prefer to be able to use the 4” duct from my dust collector. The boom arm is sized for use with a shop vacuum. Using it with my DC would dramatically reduce airflow and efficiency.

2nd, is a related point. The boom arm uses bolts to tighten its adjustable joints. These bolts run across the airstream in the collection pipe, which will reduce airflow and create the potential for jams.

It still might be a good addition to a shop, but I think there may be better alternatives.

Don Frank
12-29-2023, 10:04 AM
That is a pretty slick set up. I don't think santa is finished this year