View Full Version : Old Canvas Roll

steven c newman
12-05-2023, 4:08 PM
That I "picked" last labor Day, at the Tractor Fest in West Liberty, OH...
Doesn't look like much, does it? Price?
Just a "fiver".....Unroll it?
Again...doesn't look too inviting, does it?

Flip up that flap for a moment, though...
Hmmmm...sizes range from...4/16" up to 16/16"...mostly Irwins, with a 8/16" being the exception.

Will be looking through my supply of brace bits..and see IF any need replacing....in the meantime, that canvas roll could stand a good clean up?
Hmmm, throw it in the washer during Laundry Detail, or..what would be the best way?

BTW: there is a fellow up in New Hampshire that is trying to sell one just like this......for $122? :eek:

I think I'll keep mine a while...

Stew Denton
12-05-2023, 9:22 PM
Wow, Steven,

Looks like you hit it dead on again. The bits look very good. It is a little small to see a lot of detail, but they look very clean with very little rust. Good job.


Tony Wilkins
12-05-2023, 10:02 PM
I’d use woolite and a soft brush to clean the canvas. Then wipe it dry with a soft microfiber cloth.

steven c newman
12-09-2023, 4:29 PM
Cleaned up the bits...sorted through to toss out the bad ones...results?
Almost a full set of Irwins....had to sort through the "Bit Box"
As some of the bits in the roll were too pitted to use, ever again. There was a Jennings bit, without any spurs ( tossed) and a few duplicates...and a few sizes AWOL...
Almost 2 full sets?

Rolled up..
Anyone remember how to properly stow that dangling strap from the old Butt-packs? The grommet?
There ARE 2 of them..in case one wants to hang this roll up on a wall, opened up and ready for work?
For now?
This will be quite good enough.

Sizes? 4/16" to 16/16" by 16ths
Might just come in handy?

steven c newman
12-09-2023, 4:34 PM
The "Smalls" and...
The Medium sizes...and..
The "Bigs".....in the "extras" pile...
That big one on the right? 18/16"......=1-1/8".....but, there wasn't a slot for it in the roll...I'll put it back in the "Black Box" along with the #20....