View Full Version : Ultrasonic rodent repellent ?

Perry Holbrook
12-03-2023, 6:51 PM
Seems like I have a mouse problem in the crawl space. We hear chewing coming from the hvac duct register in the floor and some debris on a nearby window sill. House is new with a sealed crawl space but I guess they found a way. I haven't been under there yet due to a physical issue.

I wanted to know if ya'll have tried any of those plug-in ultrasonic repellent devices and if they worked?


Tom M King
12-03-2023, 7:38 PM
Tried some in the tack room. Didn’t do anything. Check where HVAC lines penetrate. Doesn’t take much of a hole.

Mel Fulks
12-03-2023, 8:10 PM
“I wanted to know if ya'll have tried any of those plug-in ultrasonic repellent devices and if they worked?”


If you get both “worked” and “did not work” data, it’s possible some of the varmints’ hearing was ruined by too loud stereos.

Ed Aumiller
12-03-2023, 8:14 PM
Tried them, waste of money.... They do not work... and dogs do not like them...

Thomas McCurnin
12-03-2023, 9:29 PM
Waste of Money. I have two. Instead, get a "Walk the Plank." Safe, sortof humane, quick, and the trap resets itself each time.

Dave Zellers
12-03-2023, 10:04 PM
We had a mouse set up camp in our car and chew the wires so it wouldn't start.

$750 bucks later we were back on the road and the dealer told us to use mint pucks and spray- they don't like it.

Wanting to avoid another horrible bill, we got religion and now we're minty fresh.

So far so good, but I also have mouse traps all over the place.

Mark Hennebury
12-04-2023, 12:05 AM
No they don't work!
Mice are the second most destructive animal on the planet!

My surface grinder electrical box just this month. I guess they got up under the machine and up the large wiring tube. so I will have to plug that up after I fix the wiring.
I am not looking forward to opening the rest of the machines, some of which have way more complicated wiring than this.

511525 511526

Michael Schuch
12-04-2023, 12:08 AM
I have a couple that I picked up for cheap from a Goodwill store. The mice have been at bay for a couple years now but I deployed the ultrasonic repellers with a bunch of other measures. I think the most successful have been snap traps with peanut butter and a piece of dog food kibble that they had become accustomed to. I also baited pretty heavily outside to get them before they entered the house. I would reccomend taking a broad tactical approach in the hopes that one of the many measures will work. Of course you will never be able to say for sure which measure actually did the trick.

Lee Schierer
12-04-2023, 7:51 AM
If you don't have any pets put some of those rodent killer cubes in the crawl space. They work really well on several varieties of small rodents. We recently had a squirrel in our attic and it consumed part of one and was heard no more.

George Yetka
12-04-2023, 8:05 AM
I walked up to a group of guys to have a conversation on a college campus I was working at and thought I was having a stroke or something. all of the sudden I started hearing this high pitch and no one else heard it. after 5 minutes one of the guys said their trucks have them because rodents were eating the wire harnesses. Made me pretty uneasy so Perry they work on me.

Dave Fritz
12-04-2023, 10:00 AM
We had mice in the attic of our house. I called a pest control company and the fellow said to throw blocks of poison https://www.acehardware.com/departments/lawn-and-garden/insect-and-animal-control/animal-repellents/7462633?store=15893&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAjrarBhAWEiwA2qWdCIGGmF4Xfrojsq8BLfEf 9YcnLIaF5lcuAIdSmcPq0VxaqpWgvf_KnhoCYTMQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds all over in the attic, that's what he would do so do it yourself. My son in law went up and threw a pail full all over the place and we haven't heard any or found evidence of any since.

Jack Frederick
12-04-2023, 10:19 AM
A few yrs ago we had an extra bag of sunflower seed for the bird feeder. I stored it in the shed. When ready I brought it in. Well a family had set up shop in there. An old trapper friend of mine taught me to control the direction of access to traps. I screwed the traps to plywood strips about 2.5-3” X 12” and cut cardboard to create a tunnel. I caught 16 mice in five days and the two cats contributed as well. Really very efficient and there is no poison laying around. We moved here in Feb and I took mass qtys of poison cakes out of the garage, attic and crawl space. Also, poison a rat/mouse and they crawl off to die in your duct work. they will stop stinking, eventually!

Ron Citerone
12-04-2023, 11:43 AM
So we had an issue with a mouse. My wife bought some little camera that we put on the kitchen floor so we could see his Modus Operandi since nothing we tried worked. NEVER underestimate how smart a mouse can be or how in tune they are to you! They are observing you more than you could ever guess! Finally got him after 2 weeks! Nuff said!

Lee DeRaud
12-04-2023, 12:18 PM
So we had an issue with a mouse.

Rule 1: There is no such thing as "a mouse", there are only "mice".
Rule 2: Every one you kill makes the others smarter. (see rule 1)

Patty Hann
12-04-2023, 12:22 PM
I walked up to a group of guys to have a conversation on a college campus I was working at and thought I was having a stroke or something. all of the sudden I started hearing this high pitch and no one else heard it. after 5 minutes one of the guys said their trucks have them because rodents were eating the wire harnesses. Made me pretty uneasy so Perry they work on me.

Your wife must be very happy that you haven't chewed any house wiring lately. :D

Patty Hann
12-04-2023, 12:23 PM
Rule 1: There is no such thing as "a mouse", there are only "mice".
Rule 2: Every one you kill makes the others smarter. (see rule 1)
Nietzsche mice.

Brian Elfert
12-04-2023, 12:39 PM
I hired a pest control company about three years ago to go over my house and look for any places that mice could enter. The person used a mirror to check everything. They also put some poison in the kitchen and basement. The poison in the kitchen did get a nibble last year so I had a mouse plus there were droppings in there. No idea what happened to the mouse.

Rick Potter
12-04-2023, 1:10 PM
We have 6 of the commercial rat bait stations, like you see around grocery stores. Our bug service company refilled them every two months or so. I noticed one time the guy was shaking out the old remains of the rat poison bar, and leaving it on the ground.

A week later both my dogs were sick for a couple days. I cancelled the bait stations. I do not know if they ate it or chewed on some rats that ate it, I will be using the flip top bucket system soon.

My house must be on a designated 'National Possum Migration Trail', as the dogs nail more of them than anything. One of them tore up my Jack Russel so much we had to put him down.

Mel Fulks
12-04-2023, 1:51 PM
Rick, Thanks for an important public service announcement.

George Yetka
12-04-2023, 1:54 PM
I have a few hundred feet of my own wire in our basement, She leaves me alone.

George Yetka
12-04-2023, 2:00 PM
I believe the rule is they can fit in an opening the size of a dime. I think the beset way to avoid them is to kill the food source. If it is not in our fridge its in plastic containers. We get lax every few years but and will get a few. We get back to hiding the food and cleaning after the kids and they go away(or at least any sign of them)

Brian Elfert
12-04-2023, 2:25 PM
I stayed in a cabin in northern Minnesota some years ago. I was told to absolutely not remove the ultrasonic repelling devices from the outlet. Obviously, the primary occupant thought they worked.

Patty Hann
12-04-2023, 5:38 PM
I stayed in a cabin in northern Minnesota some years ago. I was told to absolutely not remove the ultrasonic repelling devices from the outlet. Obviously, the primary occupant thought they worked.

"If you build it they will come".. and buy it.
Well, some people will, even if it's proven not to work.
Not to work on rodents, that is....It works on George just fine.

Rich Engelhardt
12-04-2023, 7:29 PM
I had a bunch of mouse droppings in every part of everything in the shop(my garage).
I put two of those ultrasonic gizmos in the garage and the mice disappeared.

I was elated!

We put them in all 6 of our rentals, and put more inside our house and the new house we built and moved into a year ago.

When we we moving the tools and stuff out of the old shop, I ran across a snake skin that was about 4 feet long.
I strongly suspect the worlds fattest common garden variant snake lives either in that garage or close by and the sounds of the plugged in things don't bother it or the mice.

Bruce Wrenn
12-04-2023, 10:00 PM
Wife bought a combination night light, ultrasonic mouse thing a few years back. Must work as I have never seen a mouse on it, but have caught a few in other end of house. You can mix self rising corn meal, and baking soda and leave it out for the mice. When they eat it, they don't have the ability to burp, or phart. Makes life so miserable that just quit eating.

Rick Potter
12-05-2023, 1:57 AM
My main concern is our several cars, and I have had rats/mice in three of them. Not much damage, but damage still. I bought peppermint oil for $25, and put it on cotton balls in medicine containers under the hood of several like it shows on YouTube. About three weeks later, I cannot even smell the peppermint on the cotton balls.

So much for that idea.

Stan Calow
12-06-2023, 7:33 AM
Repelling is not the same as killing them. No matter what you use to discourage them, if they like the warmth and safety of your space, they will find a way to survive.

One interesting product I came across in my battles with mice, was expanding foam spray that had mouse repellent chemicals in it. For filling holes and gaps where they were getting in. They had chewed through some regular foam but not this.

Rich Konopka
12-10-2023, 8:04 AM
This will solve your problem with rodents. Bait with peanut butter, arm it, and wait for it to do its job.

Rat Zapper Classic RZC001-4 Indoor Electronic Mouse and Rat Trap - 1 Electric Trap https://a.co/d/7b1sUBY

Alan Rutherford
12-10-2023, 9:53 AM
No matter how good a trap is, it requires personal involvement. I'm in the same position as the OP: I have mice in the crawl space. I know how to trap rats and mice. What I'm having a problem with is getting my body which is getting older every day into a crawl space which is getting more uncomfortable every day. Sure I could wiggle around 1800 square feet setting and checking traps but I really don't want to.

Jim Becker
12-10-2023, 10:37 AM
This will solve your problem with rodents. Bait with peanut butter, arm it, and wait for it to do its job.

Rat Zapper Classic RZC001-4 Indoor Electronic Mouse and Rat Trap - 1 Electric Trap https://a.co/d/7b1sUBY
We had good results with the electric execution traps at our old property when we had an unfortunate "invasion" of furry rodents, likely because of a barn coming down not far away for a development. They are best plugged in, but also work fine on batteries if that is available in the particular product one buys. We had to deal with this to avoid danger to our birds.

Brian Runau
12-10-2023, 10:53 AM
We don't have pets, so I keep the poison blocks in our garage year round. House is tight. Had one a inside a few years ago, found the hole, filled it with steel wool and caulked over it. Seemed to cure the problem. Brian

Perry Holbrook
12-10-2023, 12:52 PM
So, I haven't found any openings into the crawl space and there is no food source under there. But at least one is/has been chewing. I bought some bait and will ask the son-in-law to go under and check/repair the damage and spread some bait.

The house and shop is built near a hay field and even with lots of hawks we have many mice. I take care of the shop with peanut butter and traps. The crawl space is just harder to manage and I was hoping the electronic things would run them out, guess not.

Bill Dufour
12-10-2023, 3:57 PM
I think some will run away from the noise. The mice left will be the heavy metal punk rock types. Get into more trouble then the average mouse. causing more mischief to you and yours.
Bill D