View Full Version : The weather in Minnesota has been fantastic since winter

Brian Elfert
11-24-2023, 8:51 AM
This past winter was terrible in Minnesota with snow starting in early November and getting 90.3" by the end of the snow season. Third most snow ever.

The remainder of the year has been great, with the exception of extreme drought. Only a few drops of rain in June and non-irrigated grass turned brown, which is very unusual for June. Grass usually grows like crazy in June due to rain and higher temperatures. The lack of rain was great for doing work outdoors. The summer temperatures were mostly pretty mild and mostly low dewpoints compared to a "normal" summer. Very nice for working outside. Fall has mostly been above normal temperatures. It ended up being extremely hot and humid just before Labor day during the MN State Fair and killed attendance those days. (Buildings not air conditioned.) It also got to almost 90 degrees and very humid the first weekend of October. I normally winterize my motorhome that weekend, but it was so miserably hot and humid I postponed that work.

November has been pretty warm too. The past few weekends it has been in the 50s and 60s a number of times. The cold weather has arrived, and it will only hit around 32 degrees for the next few days, although it will be in the low 40s next week again. Only one snow event so far this year that was about two inches and melted in a few days. No snow forecasted in the next ten days other than some flurries.

I am still working to get a metal roof installed on my house before winter really sets in. There are two layers of underlayment on the roof so it is watertight. I hope to finish this weekend if there is not frost on the roof. If not, maybe the first weekend of December, as long as the snow stays away. The underlayment will work over winter if I don't get finished.