View Full Version : file extension too long explain

Warren Lake
11-23-2023, 1:47 AM
I have a massive folder in the computer and that one Windows 7. I have Win 10, Linux and an older Mac that will be set up soon. Just to get my feet wet and shut up all my Mac friends who have been making jokes about me for 20 years. As much as it ticks people off 7 is simple and smooth have no issues other than this file extension thing.

I have folder and inside is another folder and inside maybe another. I detail the folders so there are sometime five to seven words on each folder as you go in. Sometimes I cant open stuff and get a file extension too long message. Ive lost stuff transferring past but in this or in some other cases if i went in to the different levels took five of seven words away on each level then stuff opens fine. Id most to almost all the time. I need the labelling so need to find a different way but don't have many and easy to figure must make info in word.

I was told that windows 7 does not have that issue that is unlimited file names. If that is correct does that mean a folder with filer extensions issues taken out of 7 and run in a windows 10 box will not have that issue ? At one point I was on 10 and it looked cluttered and more than I need and was happy to get back to what I knew. I have to use more care on the labelling then same time its helped huge doing it. It works different in list view than it does in other views and have to remember to try that first maybe even one that didn't open will in list not sure


Bill Howatt
11-23-2023, 9:22 AM
The limitation of around 255 characters exists. This is for the whole path such as C:\folder1\folder2\folder3\filename.ext This example is a about 39 out of the 255 characters.
I think the mention of file extension is not the exact problem but is flagged as part of the path or filename too long.

Warren Lake
11-23-2023, 1:37 PM
Thanks Bill, the file labelling as it is is important as had to sort a mass of info. Ill do screen saves what they are and work out a number system and type up word and hopefully they open after being reduced.
Do you know what the limit is on 10
Do you know if I transfer this stuff on 7 to a 10 box if it opens, I can check that on the weekend

Bill Howatt
11-23-2023, 3:18 PM
It is the same in pure Windows 10 but there is a way to adjust it which has to do with making it accept long pathnames. Have look near the bottom of this site about how to do it so you don't have to fiddle with individual files depending on which version of W10 you have.


The section is labelled: Make Windows 10 Accept Long File Paths

Are you able to transfer the files from W7 to a different device or does it choke as soon as you try to access the file? If so, you may have to temporarily shorten the names.