View Full Version : Thank you Veterans

Frederick Skelly
11-11-2023, 1:03 PM
For all you’ve done. For protecting me and mine.

This song, the Green Fields of France, was written in 1976. It’s about WW-I. It never fails to bring a tear to my eye, especially on November 11th.

https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiY55eZwbyCAxUiLkQIHTkGKuIQ3yx6BAgjEAI&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DzR mJwqVbtQI&usg=AOvVaw0yAwIaI6LMt_-Qke2R4hcF&opi=89978449

Thank you all.

mike calabrese
11-11-2023, 1:16 PM
Every day is VETERANS DAY my heart will never forget

I saw our Flag today, The colors were faded looking a little tired but still standing strong and proud in the summer wind.
It reminded me of the Sons and Daughters of yesterday's America who stood for my freedom years before I was born free in America.
Over time many have may have faded away but the glory and honor of their service to America will never fade.

I saw our Flag today it flew bravely in the wind a bit tattered and worn but still strong , and proud over America.
It flies for the Sons and Daughters of America who fought for my freedom, battle tested and hardened to stand against the forces that would take away my freedom.
Like a battle flag they too stand in great pride and honor, battle scared , proud and selfless in their dedication to America and the freedom they protected.

I saw a flag pole today. It flew no glory but stood silently in the wind empty and wanting for the absence of our colors.
It reminded me of the Sons and Daughters of America who stood for my freedom who have yet to come home to the America they honorably served.
America can only be completely free when every one of her Sons and Daughters of Freedom can come home, home to the America they gave all to protect.

I saw our flag today. It's colors were bright, strong as it embraced in silence and honor a fallen hero. Another American Hero who gave all without hesitation, without fear to go forward to protect my freedom.
While they stand no more their selfless commitment to duty to America will insure countless generations American freedom.
Born in freedom and fallen in battle they will ever rest in the grateful arms and hearts of a free America.

Thank you American Heroes......I will never forget .....I get to be here because you were there for my freedom.

mike calabrese

Ken Fitzgerald
11-11-2023, 6:12 PM
To all my fellow veteran brothers and sisters, thank you for your service!

In August 2020, in Norfolk, VA, I stood on the focsle of the USS John C Stennis and I watched a ceremony. Our oldest grandson was promoted from CPO (Chief Petty Officer) to a commissioned Ensign as an LDO, (limited duty officer).

4 consecutive generations of my family have proudly served in the US Army, US Marines and US Navy.

mike calabrese
11-11-2023, 6:55 PM
Never in the field of human conflict was so much been owed by so many to so few Sir Winston Churchill
Churchill was not a citizen of our great country but he understood all too well the selfless dedication men & women make in the fight to preserve freedom.
With those words he was saluting the enormous efforts made by the fighter pilots and bomber crews....... many gave all and many were our American heroes in those fighters and bombers.

Thank you Ken for you & your family keeping freedom alive , As long as men and women go forward to protect freedom we all sleep well at night.


Maurice Mcmurry
11-11-2023, 7:49 PM
To all my fellow veteran brothers and sisters, thank you for your service!

In August 2020, in Norfolk, VA, I stood on the focsle of the USS John C Stennis and I watched a ceremony. Our oldest grandson was promoted from CPO (Chief Petty Officer) to Ensign as an LDO, (limited duty officer).

4 consecutive generations of my family have proudly served in the US Army, US Marines and US Navy.

Congratulations Ken! It is so great that you got to be there. I did not serve. I had the desire and willingness but ended up volunteering with a NGO. I did get to spend some time in Norfolk, VA and Newport News which was a life changing experience.

Mike, If you ever find yourself in the middle of Missouri, on I-70, consider a short side trip to visit the Winston Churchill Memorial in Fulton MO. You can stand where Mr. Churchill stood when he gave the "Iron Curtain" speech.

mike calabrese
11-12-2023, 12:24 AM
thanks Maurice
My traveling days are over but I will look that up on the web, thanks for the tip.

Rob Luter
11-12-2023, 6:14 AM

Maurice Mcmurry
11-12-2023, 6:50 AM

Pro Patria et Pace Great image!

Rob Luter
11-12-2023, 10:04 AM
Pro Patria et Pace Great image!

Thanks. I’ll credit my Bride. ROTC stands vigil at “Stonehenge” every year at this time. She took the pic on a walk between buildings.
