View Full Version : Problem getting EzCad2 to load

Terry Wade
11-08-2023, 5:14 PM
We had a power outage of 10-12 hours a few weeks ago. It caused the laptop that I use to run my fiber laser to go into a continuous loop trying to update. An IT friend of mine was able to get it out of the loop but we lost the files on the hard drive. I am trying to reload the EzCad2 software from the original thumb drive that came with the laser and it keeps giving me the same error telling me that it cannot find the dongle. I have the laser plugged into a USB port and the thumb drive plugged into another USB port, I'm at wits end trying to figure out how to get the software to load back on the laptop. Anyone have any ideas?

Terry Wade

Steve Utick
11-09-2023, 10:56 AM
We had a power outage of 10-12 hours a few weeks ago. It caused the laptop that I use to run my fiber laser to go into a continuous loop trying to update. An IT friend of mine was able to get it out of the loop but we lost the files on the hard drive. I am trying to reload the EzCad2 software from the original thumb drive that came with the laser and it keeps giving me the same error telling me that it cannot find the dongle. I have the laser plugged into a USB port and the thumb drive plugged into another USB port, I'm at wits end trying to figure out how to get the software to load back on the laptop. Anyone have any ideas?

Terry Wade

If it's saying it can't find the dongle, you likely need to reload the driver for the EZCad2 board. It should be on the USB drive as well, but I don't remember the specifics. Been a while since I used EZCad2, I switched over to LightBurn a while ago.