View Full Version : My Little Lumberjack

Jim Ketron
02-03-2006, 5:33 PM
Well me and My little lumberjack (Riley) went to the burn pile to see what we could find! Mommy even dressed him for the occasion (look at his shirt) I must say he must have brought some luck along with him, We hit the jackpot, found a Nice size Box Elder about 4' thick in the trunk area and plenty of Red Flame. :D But most of of the trunk area was hollow and had a bunch of barbed wire and nails in it so I didn't bother with it. also ran into some bullets, this tree must have been close to a house had all kinds of graffiti on it. I will have to be careful turning this stuff hard to tell what I will find in it.




tod evans
02-03-2006, 5:34 PM
way to go jim!

Glenn Hodges
02-03-2006, 5:35 PM
Great looking helper, and wood.

Bruce Shiverdecker
02-03-2006, 5:40 PM
Good lookin' helper. Looks like a lot of Maple Leaves in the truck!


Michael Stafford
02-03-2006, 5:51 PM
LOL, Jimbo. Between the pictures of the twins in the "Baby" bowl and these you will have an album full of wonderful memories!!! Cute, cute, cute!:D

Andy Hoyt
02-03-2006, 6:01 PM
Hey that's neat, Jim.

And he's kinda got that "oh oh, here comes the abyss" look in his eyes.

Gary Max
02-03-2006, 6:29 PM
Awesome haul Jim---You need to get your helper a ball cap.
I have a couple of friends hunting for a Box Elder for me.

John Hart
02-03-2006, 6:44 PM
Good huntin trip Jim! Looks like Riley needs his own Chainsaw. He's got that hungry look!

Keith Burns
02-03-2006, 6:49 PM
What can I say but "WAY COOL"

Dick Parr
02-03-2006, 7:03 PM
Glad you got some help there Jim, I know you needed it.:D It's good to train the right and early so that in a couple years you can just hand the keys over and say go get some wood son.;)

Great haul Jim.;)

Bernie Weishapl
02-03-2006, 7:09 PM
That is way to cool Jim. Enjoy them while ya gottem cause they grow up fast. Nice haul on the wood.

Travis Stinson
02-03-2006, 7:16 PM
Awesome pics Jim!:D Looks like you need to bring him along more often, nice score.

Curt Fuller
02-03-2006, 7:20 PM
It's almost sad to see such a cute little guy getting drawn in by the song of the chainsaw at such a young age.;)

What a lucky kid to have such a fun dad!

Oh, and nice wood too.

Steve Knowlton
02-03-2006, 7:26 PM
Good Looking Boy. I Presume That Is From Mom. Awesome Wood Also.

Bill Stevener
02-03-2006, 7:59 PM
I can see that you and the boy about got half that hill side cleared off.
Great photos Jim.


Ken Fitzgerald
02-03-2006, 8:20 PM
Quite a find! Nice wood and great helper! Congrats! Greatest type of gloat!

Cam Grabast
02-03-2006, 8:23 PM
Good looking kid! And a nice find.

John Hart
02-03-2006, 8:33 PM
Welcome to the Creek Cam!

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
02-03-2006, 8:33 PM
Jim, great shot of you little Helper!

Nice looking wood, get yourself a metal detector, the one I have saved me sawing through some nails with the Tokyo Log Hog, and once or twice on the jointer or thickness planer, paid for it self many times over on blades and such, but then if you add the safety issue into it, it becomes very valuable.


PS do Creeker hats come in lumber jack sizes? :D

Jim Ketron
02-04-2006, 11:59 AM
Thanks all, Riley and I had a good day!
Stu I will defiantly use my metal detector before turning;)

Chris Barton
02-05-2006, 9:12 AM
I need to find your burn pile! Great pics and I know you will always enjoy having your little helper with you.

Bob Noles
02-05-2006, 10:05 AM

What great shots of the 'lil helper and some nice looking wood. Fantastic haul on both accounts:D

I love the antlers on the little fella :rolleyes:

You have much to be proud of!

Ken Fitzgerald
02-05-2006, 10:08 AM
Jim............I took a 2nd look at that photo........Did you ever soak that kid in DNA!:eek: :D He looks just like you!:)

Jim Ketron
02-05-2006, 11:22 AM
Ken ya never know:D He is a chip off the old block!
Riley looks just like me and Grace looks like her Mom it was pretty cool!
I would have taken her along also but it was hard enough keeping up with him!

John Miliunas
02-05-2006, 11:49 AM
You're a lucky fella', Jim! Great helper (real cute kid, BTW!) and an awesome haul! :) Heck, even the wood is lucky, as it's now going to get a second life with your hellp! Definitely a "win/win" situation for all! :) :cool:

Mark Cothren
02-05-2006, 4:14 PM
Great pictures, Jim! So did you turn him loose with the chainsaw? He has some big shoes to fill there...;)

Ernie Nyvall
02-06-2006, 12:31 AM
You've got a good lookin son there Jim. I see he's having to take a rest after loading all that wood.

That's great haul on the wood. Wow, it looks full of flame.
