View Full Version : Wooden plane worth fixing?

Jay Aubuchon
10-21-2023, 2:05 PM
One of my sons-in-law inherited this plane from his grandfather.



Are planes like this typically worth fixing? Or should he just dust it for display?

Jim Koepke
10-21-2023, 2:36 PM
Other than being dirty and stained that plane looks in better condition than do many an old woody.

There doesn't appear to be any splits in the wood and the mouth doesn't have signs of being overly opened.

Maybe a light cleaning with some furniture cleaner or my favorite:


It is also possible to mix up your own concoction with mineral oil, bee's wax and/or carnauba wax.

It would be wise to avoid sandpaper.

whether it is put on display or used in the shop depends on the owner. It could do both.


Reed Gray
10-22-2023, 2:51 PM
Well, I have a number of old wood planes. Some are worth fixing, and some are not. The ones I may fix, I would put a new sole on them. Many videos on how to do that, and the standard wood glues will make a pretty much life time glue joint. You can also cut down the sides and put panels on the sides, or get fancy and dove tail the sides and new sole on the plane. Some, I will take and scrap them, and start over. I don't want them for show and collecting dust, I want them for using. For sentimental purposes, you might want to replace sole and sides and keep the 'core' of the old plane.

robo hippy

Chuck Hill
10-23-2023, 1:43 AM
I agree with Jim. That plane looks perfectly serviceable, if a bit dirty. I have doubts that it was new when his grandfather got it. Clean it up a bit, sharpen the blade, flatten the bottom if needed, and put it back to work.