View Full Version : please help - looking for a hammer handle template

Assaf Oppenheimer
08-01-2023, 5:12 AM
Hi folks,

I am hoping to get some help.
I have to hammers I want to rehandle. the first is a 16 oz maydole claw, and it arrived without a handle. its eye is 1/2" X 1". I'm hoping someone can offer me a template of the original so that I can recreate it.

the second hammer is actually a deadblow mallet. it blows. the mallet head is great the handle is miserable, way to skinny and off balance, painful to use. (link so you can avoid purchasing it: https://www.amazon.com/Halder-3366-020-Supercraft-Hammer-Hickory/dp/B000VCZWE6/ref=sr_1_1?crid=33SKG72RSZAD6&keywords=dead%2Bblow%2Bmallet%2B2lb%2Bhalder&qid=1690831521&sprefix=dead%2Bblow%2Bmallet%2B2lb%2Bhalder%2Caps% 2C197&sr=8-1&th=1)

I think that there is potential here if I rehandle it. the head weighs just under 2 lb. if anyone has a resource or a template they think is appropriate I would appreciate it alot.
I am kind of hoping someone with a Blue Spruce rectangular mallet with a 9-1/2" handle might be willing to offer up some measurement.
picture is for clarity

in terms of my hand size, I am on the larger size (measures 3-3/4" across).
make of it what you will.

Many thanks,

Reed Gray
08-01-2023, 12:04 PM
Well, my suggestion would be to find a hammer with a handle that you like, then copy that, or 'new and improve' it to fit your hand. They can be carved, they can be turned on a lathe, getting an oval by using 2 centers. Take the dead blow hammer you have and see how it fits, then make a new one that fits you better. It may take a few tries, but that is how you learn. I guess you could go to a big box store and look at the hammer handles they have there. I always liked the 'California Framer' hammer handles that had a slight curve to them, and a bit of a knob on the handle.

robo hippy