View Full Version : Tick with no Tok

Warren Lake
07-23-2023, 5:54 AM
Working in the shop noticed hands were sore and stiff. Makes sense sawed up a huge maple down and brought wood home. I notice between two fingers some amount of pain. I look and it looks like when you get pinched then blood accumulates and is a dark raised circle. Pushed on it then noticed legs. It was hurting same time. Large tic latched on like crazy. Tried to pull it off maybe 10 times and hurt more got pissed ripped it off. Then hes on the floor carrying around the chunk of flesh that was ripped out.

Looked around for some Iso propyl cant find it saw rubbing alchohal put some on. that wakes you up.

I had one on me a few years ago for a day or two after working at parents property. Did take a photo didnt know what it was and it was encased in fluid. This one not so. Other one didnt even know it was there no hurt. Fingers are stiff but was doing the cut tree and lots heavy so could just be that.

What is eticute on these things now. Dont feel like a trip top the hospital and maybe its note even a thing for them anyway. I read and it said use tweezers and not to squeeze them or they shoot out crap into you. too late for that used fingers and all the attempts before ripping it off.

Hopefully im still here tomorrow, deadline on this job and dont want it to be me. As Rossanna Anna Danna said "it just goes to show you its always something"

mike calabrese
07-23-2023, 6:16 AM
Hope this helps

Maurice Mcmurry
07-23-2023, 7:09 AM
Get them off ASAP. The longer they are attached the more lousy you will feel. I have to be reminded to leave my cloths outside and head straight to the shower after a day in the woods. They are nasty little buggers. If a dog has a bad enough infestation it will become paralyzed. Tick bites really compound arthritis pain as does a poke from a locust thorn. Get well soon!

Alan Lightstone
07-23-2023, 7:35 AM
Having a significant other who had Lyme disease 40 years ago, which went untreated for years (as it wasn't diagnosed), I'd look for a doctor for antibiotics. Just to be safe. A picture of the tick would have helped, and I don't know what tick-borne diseases are prevalent in your area, but I think it's worth a trip to a good doctor.

Frederick Skelly
07-23-2023, 7:54 AM
Having a significant other who had Lyme disease 40 years ago, which went untreated for years (as it wasn't diagnosed), I'd look for a doctor for antibiotics. Just to be safe. A picture of the tick would have helped, and I don't know what tick-borne diseases are prevalent in your area, but I think it's worth a trip to a good doctor.

I was thinking the same. Depending on what part of the country you were cutting wood, the ticks that carry Lyme Disease are common and a real concern. Friend of mine in upstate NY got it. He realized something was wrong when he got red circles on his shoulder that looked sort of like a target. (Apparently that’s a common symptom.) Dr gave him antibiotics and it cleared up. But it’s important to get treated.

Stan Calow
07-23-2023, 8:26 AM
My doc won't provide antibiotics unless there is a rash from the bite. Same experience in an urgent care facility with a family member. No rash - no medicine.

Jim Becker
07-23-2023, 9:38 AM
Keep your eye on this Warren...as has been noted Lyme is a big risk and ticks are also now being noted for carrying another type of infection. You don't want to jump the gun with antibiotics which is why most doctors want to wait for "more evidence", such as the typical bulls eye rash, although that might not present on/between fingers like it would on other parts of the body. Check in with your doctor if there is any evidence of continued inflammation and also be careful if there are any "tick parts" still stuck in your flesh since you ripped that sucker free so quickly.

Tick populations are higher than ever at this point and we all have to pay attention, even in suburban areas, not just out in the woods.

Warren Lake
07-23-2023, 10:49 AM
just went to my neighbour who always puts peroxied on me when I do stuff. It foamed up. Going back to sleep up past light out. Ill go back over when im up. Little bugger in in a jar. There is a thing Etick.com I think have it in my computer and had heard shows. Reminds me of coast to coast late night shows and a lady doctor here and they could not figure out her issue she went to the states you were ahead of us and figured it out. Husband of a family that owns a wine company passed from it as they could not figure it out. I dont know how long it was there. First time with parents it was much smaller. Lawn was long and there had been a deer in the yard and a fox. No idea how a deer got in their yard. yes jumped the fence but very unusual. ILl have to decide what to do the net said period of time then get checked the first one had the bullseye around it and was encased in a sac of fluid that was over two years ago. Not sure how long this was there but be one or two days as it was when I was chainsawing the wood. He was persistant, I actually thought later maybe I should have tried to burn him off but in the V of my fingers not easy unless one of those tiny propane torches. Thanks for the info ill look again when I wake up and go back over for peroxide at least. DOesnt hurt the same way and feels a bit itchy right now, will see if it fuses up again when we do this again.

Bill Dufour
07-23-2023, 3:52 PM
I would have tried a soldering iron. Wonder what ice would make them do? Classic for any skin breathing animal is oil or soap.
Bill D

Warren Lake
07-23-2023, 3:59 PM
thanks it came to mind today last night too tired and focused on work and still setting up the new old saw. Far from dialed in yet but still best saw ive ever used.

There was one thing that said mix dish soap and another thing put it on with a Q tip and circle around it 25 times and they would leave. Not sure ive seen ants recently on a post where they used two household things made a large circle around it and it would not cross the line anywhere just kept going back

The grip it had was amazing. Have called the hospital kind of vague going into the shop work has to get done and will decide later. I wonder how long it was on there. Im used to some amount of pain so didnt pay attention plus in the V between two fingers it didnt show up with normal hand position even on the saw. Ill look at photos later dumped them in the computer. Have where he was before I took him off, on the floor with a chunk of me in his mouth and legs like a trophy then in the jar from underneath him. Different types of them.

Jerry Bruette
07-23-2023, 6:09 PM
The brown dog tick doesn't carry Lyme disease, but it does carry other diseases. The deer tick, which is normally smaller than the dog tick, carries Lyme disease. I've seen deer ticks that were about the size of a pin head. It's advised that if you remove the tick within 24 hours it won't transfer the Lyme's disease.

I get a allergic reaction to dog tick bites. The bite will swell a bit, turn red and itch like crazy for about a week. I should buy the tool for treating bug bites from the other thread about bites.

Warren Lake
07-23-2023, 6:56 PM
I think it was a nervous tick.

Original parents that was small and only found it encased in fluid some days after did take a photo but didnt set close up and didnt get it at the time. This time thing huge compared 1/4" long. In the shop for now as need to be but havent forgotten. Pain that was there yesterday is gone. No swelling so far.

Keegan Shields
07-24-2023, 9:16 AM
If you are in a tick hot zone, consider treating your work clothes with permethrin. Works great.

Michael Weber
07-24-2023, 10:40 AM
I have always heard that if you find a tick embedded to paint it with nail polish. Supposedly the tick can’t breath and will back itself out. I’ve no actual experience with that. Does that actually work?

Tom M King
07-24-2023, 12:39 PM
Growing up, and living in the woods of Virginia and North Carolina, I've pulled hundreds of ticks off me. Just pull with fingers, and it will let go after a bit. Fortunately, we don't have Lyme much around here, but we're so used to them we know when one is crawling on us now, and also the type of terrain to avoid. I keep the grass all around cut really short, and don't walk through tall grass, or brush up against anything growing in warm weather.

Warren Lake
07-24-2023, 2:19 PM
no the one years ago came off like nothing this little bugger was a pit bull with his jaws locked as I mentioned above I pulled 10 times and could not removed him and it hurt just being there. My hand was getting knumb that is what made me look. When I got really pissed amd ripped it off took a chunk of me with it. Busy on a job but will post him walking with the chunk he pulled out just talked to the arborist that brought the tree down and he carries Tick pullers with him so ill find out what those are. No time had to get machines running fast and few more days of this pace.

Tom M King
07-24-2023, 6:24 PM
That one must have been on there for a good while, like even days. I'm surprised it didn't itch, or you didn't feel the bite. We're so used to them we can feel them crawling, and it's rare that one ever has enough time to seize. I keep a bottle of rubbing alcohol in my truck in case I run into a bunch of "seed ticks". If I get them on a leg, I pull the sock and shoe off, and wash them down with the alcohol. I have been known to leave a pair of socks on the side of the road.

Bruce Wrenn
07-24-2023, 8:33 PM
For removing ticks, lighter fluid is our choice. Ticks breathe thru their skin, so lighter fluid literally drowns them, killing them almost instantly. Not much more fun than putting a tick on the hood of a car parked in the sunlight, and watching him or her try to get away from the heat.

Warren Lake
07-24-2023, 10:14 PM
I was focused on chainsawing and do remember at one point felt something and figured I got a sliver. The day that I felt my hands sore it got more and more and becuase it was in the V between my fingers I didnt see it pain was whole hand. When I did I figured it was a pinch and blood accumulated. I should take a picture of where it bit again and will in the next hours. It is red around it but considering a chunk was torn out it makes sense. Its in an odd place. Its a bit sore but very little. thanks on the lighter fluid lacquer reducer all kinds of fine shop chemicals come to mind and not water based. Ill need to find out where to take him, corners office for an autopsy.

Maurice Mcmurry
07-24-2023, 11:30 PM
For removing ticks, lighter fluid is our choice. Ticks breathe thru their skin, so lighter fluid literally drowns them, killing them almost instantly. Not much more fun than putting a tick on the hood of a car parked in the sunlight, and watching him or her try to get away from the heat.

It is fun to torture them. My cars are all old enough to have cigarette lighters. Dropping them into the red hot lighter make the drive home from the farm less tedious. Someone should invent a tick extractor pen with vacuum, heat, sterilizer, grabber jaws, and a specimen container.

Alan Rutherford
07-26-2023, 11:05 AM
There are lots of creative things you can do with ticks but the novelty wore off long ago at our house and the best medical advice is to just pull them out with tweezers. A while back I calculated that in the 6 or 7 years we had been in this house at that time, my wife and I had pulled at least 1,000 ticks off each other. Annoying but no after-effects. It's especially annoying with the tiny ones that are indistiguishable from a small scab without a magnifier. On the other hand, depending on your circumstances, tick-check can be one of the better parts of the day.

It takes hours for Lyme disease to be transmitted from the tick to the host. If you remove ticks quickly enough, the risk is much less and the risk also varies greatly in different parts of the country.

Alan Rutherford
07-26-2023, 11:07 AM
.... Ill need to find out where to take him, corners office for an autopsy.

This place will do tick tests, for a price: https://www.ticklab.org/ They also have an interesting display showing the percentage of ticks tested that were infected, by state.

[Edit: I didn't see a breakdown of what the ticks were actually infected with. For example they say that in Florida about 20% of the ticks they tested were infected, but Lyme disease is rare here and few if any Florida ticks should have carried it.]

Bill Dufour
07-26-2023, 7:15 PM
I am very disappointed to find out recently that Uv lights do not attract insects that bite humans. Things like mosquitos and biting gnats could care less about uv bug zappers. Something like 0.25% of the bugs killed in a bug zapper eat humans. Probably far more bugs killed that would have eaten the bad ones if they had lived. Ticks I doubt if they care either.
Several years ago vacuum bug traps with a propane pilot light were the big thing. Female mosquitos are attracted to CO2.
Bill D

Alex Zeller
07-28-2023, 3:16 PM
Ticks are starting to be a problem near here but I have turkeys. Wild turkeys. They started showing up around 15 years ago and thanks to other birds throwing seed all over from feeders they are all around the house. I now put cracked corn on the ground for them. The benefit is that there's no ticks or fleas anywhere near my house or woods. They have decimated the population. here's the next generation fattening up. Around here you can get the antibiotic pills with a simple phone call. You don't always see a ring.


Jim Becker
07-29-2023, 9:59 AM
Turkeys are one of those birds that love to devour ticks, just as guinea fowl and others do. So yea, encouraging them to hang out is a good thing!

Tom M King
07-29-2023, 12:42 PM
When we first built our little house in the woods, we had a Lot of ticks. We heard that Bantam chickens were great for getting rid of ticks. We quickly found out that they were, and our tick problem went away. The trouble with chickens left to roam freely is that they multiply. You might think that would only make things better, which it probably did for the tick situation, but it's not a good thing to have an ever increasing number of roosters roosting in trees all around the house, at least not if you like sleeping until Sun up.

I resorted to spraying a wide swath around the house and keeping everything cut down short and blown out of the yard. That works. We haven't had ticks in the yard for decades.

Warren Lake
07-29-2023, 1:43 PM
im waiting at this point for rash or. Was working to an insane level now that will go back to normal. Shop had sat for a while 70 percent of time was getting stuff running again. The first tic years ago tiny and encased in a sac of some fluid. Radio said black leg ticks carried Lyme. As you said others have other fun things. In both cases they were on me over 24 hours I only knew about this one as I was working long hours and noticed both hands were seizing up. I thought likely the chainsaw work and heavy material I loaded. The pain was enough to go looking after ignoring it for hours. Last thing I expected was to find a tic or where it was.

Warren Lake
08-01-2023, 6:43 PM
few photos of the culprit
on me for more than one day not sure, aware when I felt my hand getting numb, thought I had pinched my hand doing chainsaw work till I poked it and saw legs come out argh

, tried 10 times to rip him off, little pit bull he was, was just hurting till got pissed and finally ripped him off as he took a trophy with me with him

in his new home and now in the freezer

this was left and is healing up, now has a scab on it but still not up up my usual super fast healing

today there was as show on the Loan Star Tick. I think they own a chain of restaurants. Saying it gets into red meat and then affects people in different ways that eat the meat. Sounds like a Vegan Conspiracy ill have to call George Norrie

Warren Lake
08-01-2023, 8:18 PM
from photos id say hes a wood tick, chain saw teeth. Right type of tic for a woodworker.