View Full Version : easy off on saw blades

Warren Lake
07-10-2023, 11:04 AM
Did I past read it was good not to use easy off to clean saw blades I always did and never had any issues. Wood stove I switched to baking soda and vinegar and it worked fine.

Tried a few sheets of china baltic replacement and while okay have some thoughts. I see outside edge of a 4 x 8 far from straight and I see more blade build of junk than I would from past plys I guess the glue they use. Also have a sample of some Garnica stuff and its impressive quality wise.

I see the offshore stuff has even number cores and not all are the same thickness. Even if they got better than past they dont get it odd numbers for plywood not even.

Pat Germain
07-10-2023, 1:39 PM
I get very good results cleaning saw blades with ammonia. Obviously, use a well-ventilated area. I let the blades soak for a few minutes then go over the teeth with a soft brush. Makes the blade look like new.

John Kananis
07-10-2023, 1:59 PM
I've used easy off before. It'll remove any coating or stamped printing but it works well.

Rich Engelhardt
07-10-2023, 5:00 PM
Tom - from Carbide Processors knows his stuff.
Here's his take on it.

Warren Lake
07-10-2023, 10:48 PM
so its fine then. Thought i read something past that said its a not to do thing. It takes only minutes to sit on there and works well at least the old stuff not sure if newer is changed more friendly as so much has. Should have looked at the blade close before I started. First time using this saw and too many other things going on setting it up and lots of dynamics.

Jim Becker
07-11-2023, 9:53 AM
I've always used Simple Green...works fine; not dangerous to use.

Bill Dufour
07-11-2023, 12:44 PM
AFAIK oven cleaner is just lye in a spray can.
BilL D

John TenEyck
07-11-2023, 3:43 PM
A little OxyClean in warm water cleans all kinds of blades and bits very well in a few minutes.

I don't think 4 x 8 Baltic birch comes from overseas, aka where the good stuff is made.


Warren Lake
07-11-2023, 5:34 PM
china substitute from my previous supplier of Russian for many years. It wasnt always consistent even back then. Had two main suppliers for it.

Jim Allen
07-11-2023, 6:47 PM
A little OxyClean in warm water cleans all kinds of blades and bits very well in a few minutes.


Plus 1 on OnxClean

Doug Garson
07-11-2023, 7:56 PM
I also use Simple Green, have you noticed Simple Green Pro HD is purple not green?

Warren Lake
07-11-2023, 8:08 PM
Kermit had them change it arguing green was his colour.

Jay Norton
07-11-2023, 8:35 PM
I have had good luck with Krud Kutter (the red bottle) cleaner/degreaser

Tom Bussey
07-13-2023, 8:42 AM
I mix ammonia 1 part water to 3 parts water with a little dish soap thrown in, and a brass brush. It slows things down a little but the smell is a lot easier to live with. It has to be good quality ammonia not what you get from Harbor Freight. I used to get BO Peep from the grocery store , but the last bottle came from Ace Hardware. It is a lot faster than some of the other things I have tried. I put it is a class gar and save it for the next time. Having worked with silver solder in my line of work, believe me when I say that easy off is not going to hurt the solder. It is just marketing. They make you afraid of it so you will buy their product instead.