View Full Version : A quick and easy rehab project

steven c newman
07-08-2023, 1:12 PM
One one time.."shears" were in use around the outside of a house...trimming hedges and such...before the electric versions came along....came across one last year, for a $1 bill

Was a tad bit on the rusty side...
And sitting out in the shed didn't help much, either..
Not sure who used orange paint...decided to tear this thing down a bit..
Had to use the vise grips to hold the bolt still, while I removed the nut and lock washer..

Blades were VERY dull..fixed that
Hated the Orange paint...fixed that
Rust needed to be removed...fixed that
Threads on the bolt, the lock washer, and the nut all needed cleaned up...done did...

Handles got a coat of Witch's Brew...metal got a coat of 3in1 oil....then both get a wipe down..just different rags....time to assemble?
Close this thing up..
Then look over the underside...
One last wipe down, for any excess oil...Blades are sharp...Unicorn SHARP...not worried about a "flat back" as that isn't how these things work...

Not too bad, for a $1 tool..and one hour in the Rehab shop?

Stew Denton
07-08-2023, 10:27 PM

I figured you would make the pair a lot better when I saw the "BEFORE" photo, but you outdid yourself. Very nice job.

Those don't have any electrons running them, but they are still pretty useful.

We have a pair something like those that I used to use some, garage sale special years ago I think. Unfortunately a lot of our garden and lawn tool stuff is still boxed up from the move. Hopefully a shop will happen this year and all that stuff can finally get unpacked and used.

We haven't had a hedge for years so didn't need ours, but now they would come in handy for trimming up stuff around the place.


steven c newman
07-10-2023, 1:48 PM
Gave them a test drive, yesterday.....cuts weeds and hedges like soft butter.....Missy Bandit was also outside, and barked, and tried to bite the shears....was driving her nuts!....Must have been the sound these make, while in use?

Have another to clean and rehab..
As a freshly rehab will take it's place, for now...
Millers Falls No. 72c is now on TDY?