View Full Version : Some folks just can't take "NO" for an answer

Ken Fitzgerald
01-31-2006, 5:03 PM
Then again.........some of us can't figure out "Why" or "How to say THANKS!"

I'm not sure where to start........where to finish.........except.........does HD have turning tools, a grinder..............Maybe Sears........and ......what kind of wood.......green.........dry..................now I'll need some DNA?.........BIll's DVD................

THe bomb?..........maybe the bill on my credit card at the end of the month?


Pictures to follow when somebody's home to take them............

Mark Cothren
01-31-2006, 5:04 PM

Jim Ketron
01-31-2006, 5:05 PM
Congrats Bud!

Jeff Sudmeier
01-31-2006, 5:05 PM
LOL Ken!! The bomb may just be the balance on your credit card! I got my lathe for next to nothing :) but the supplies were so much fun to buy yet a little bit pricey :)

Post all the questions you have on this forum, we will be glad to welcome you to the ranks!!

Congrats on being a turner, I truely hope this brings you great joy!!

P.s. You're Welcome :)

Jean Holland
01-31-2006, 5:05 PM
Pictures! Pictures! We want to see pictures!

Steve Ash
01-31-2006, 5:05 PM
Houston.....Mission Accomplished.

Dennis Peacock
01-31-2006, 5:05 PM
Wooooooooooooooooo Hooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!

Mike Ramsey
01-31-2006, 5:06 PM
Bout time!!!!

Jeff Sudmeier
01-31-2006, 5:06 PM
Also, don't forget to change your sig...

Bernie Weishapl
01-31-2006, 5:06 PM
YEEEEEHAAAAAWWW. Congrat Ken. Enjoy my friend.

Karl Laustrup
01-31-2006, 5:06 PM


Dennis Peacock
01-31-2006, 5:07 PM
Welcome to the world of ROUND Ken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And you're welcome sir. :D

Michael Stafford
01-31-2006, 5:07 PM
I bet you were surprised.......

Enjoy!!!!!:D :D :D

John Miliunas
01-31-2006, 5:07 PM
Have fun, Ken! BUT, don't forget about the PICTURE POLICE!!!! :D :cool:

Steve Clardy
01-31-2006, 5:07 PM
Houston. Mission accomplished!!:D

Bernie Weishapl
01-31-2006, 5:08 PM
Ken welcome to the spinny world. And you are very welcome.

Vaughn McMillan
01-31-2006, 5:09 PM
And the rocket's red glare...


- Vaughn

John Miliunas
01-31-2006, 5:10 PM
Bout time!!!!

Hey, nice job on the truck, Mike!!! :D :cool:

Robert Mickley
01-31-2006, 5:10 PM
Welcome to the Dark side Ken. You may as well just take out a second mortgage and be done with it!!! :D:D

Mike Ramsey
01-31-2006, 5:11 PM
Finally! Can go home from work and take a right handed (mouse clicker)
break!! :D

Brad Schmid
01-31-2006, 5:11 PM
Congrats Ken! ENJOY IT!:D :cool: :cool:

Tyler Howell
01-31-2006, 5:12 PM
Boy Oh Boy! another spin head:mad: . Sure am glad I have the will power to resist all those nice shiny tools and bowls and stuff.

Don Baer
01-31-2006, 5:12 PM
Congrats Ken, spin it in good health.

Frank Chaffee
01-31-2006, 5:12 PM
the red one?
the blue one?
is it a twisted pair?

and to think andy slept through it all...after all that!

Happy turning Ken,

Mike Ramsey
01-31-2006, 5:13 PM
Oh yeah, Congrats & happy turning Ken!!

Jim Dunn
01-31-2006, 5:14 PM
Surprize! Surprize Andy (of Mayberry). Glad to see ya in the land of the round. No thank you's necessary, glad to help.

Chris DiCiaccio
01-31-2006, 5:15 PM
Enjoy, post pics, then more pics. You are welcome!

Raymond Overman
01-31-2006, 5:20 PM
What happened? Without pictures it didn't? I'm still in the dark.

Carole Valentine
01-31-2006, 5:21 PM
So ken, what're you going to do with that thing? You can still save yourself, you know...you can ship it to Tyler since he's being so smug about resisting going round.:D:rolleyes: Congrats and have fun! Andy will be happy to co-sign for your loan to get the rest of the stuff you need!:D:D:D

Jim Dunn
01-31-2006, 5:22 PM
Ken, maybe you'd better give a verbal description for now. Maybe it will keep Tyler happy till you post pics.


Karl Laustrup
01-31-2006, 5:24 PM
Andy will be happy to co-sign for your loan to get the rest of the stuff you need!:D:D:D

Hey, wait a minute, I thought Andy was sending his credit card along for incidentals. :D Check the box closely Ken. :D


Dale Thompson
01-31-2006, 5:26 PM
DO NOT! I repeat. DO NOT OPEN THE BOX!!! Trade it in for some crack cocaine! The addiction is far easier to cure with the cocaine than with the lathe. :) :D


Dale T.

Ken Fitzgerald
01-31-2006, 5:26 PM
Here's a quick verbal description.........It's a Jet Mini VS. I just got off the phone with Andy and the phone rang again. I've got pictures of it but I just got called to work on a down fluoroscopy unit. I'll post photos later. Need to go. Thanks again everybody!

John Hart
01-31-2006, 5:34 PM
This is Great!!!!!

Tyler Howell
01-31-2006, 5:35 PM
Stop! halt Nobody move! 25 minutes and no pix yet????:mad:
You're on double secret probation!!!:mad:

Jim Dunn
01-31-2006, 5:37 PM
Give him time Tyler.;) Somebody may need that flowerscopyy thingamabob that Ken's gonna fix.:D:D Heck it could be me:eek:


Frank Chaffee
01-31-2006, 5:41 PM
Has anyone else noticed the much closer ratio of member/guest visits today? Still less than 1:1, but much closer than the usual 1:~2.

Dale Thompson
01-31-2006, 5:42 PM
Boy Oh Boy! another spin head:mad: . Sure am glad I have the will power to resist all those nice shiny tools and bowls and stuff.

Quit pouting! BE HAPPY!! :) Ken will post pics as soon as he can. You don't see the rest of us sitting around pouting just because you haven't posted any pics of you in your lead-lined thong - do you? :eek: :eek: :)

Dale T.

Jim Dunn
01-31-2006, 5:48 PM
Quit pouting! BE HAPPY!! :) Ken will post pics as soon as he can. You don't see the rest of us sitting around pouting just because you haven't posted any pics of you in your lead-lined thong - do you? :eek: :eek: :)

Dale T.

That mental image is burnt into my brain cells and I may never get it out:eek::eek::(

Bill Stevener
01-31-2006, 6:00 PM
Hay Ken, enjoy your new spinney. Now you can hang around with the exotic chip druggies and not feel guilty. A hint to get you started, select a round piece of wood. :D

Have fun,


Vaughn McMillan
01-31-2006, 6:00 PM
...You don't see the rest of us sitting around pouting just because you haven't posted any pics of you in your lead-lined thong - do you?...
No, I think I speak for many of us when I say we're sitting here appreciating the fact that he hasn't. ;)

- Vaughn

Cody Colston
01-31-2006, 6:01 PM

Congrats and happy turning. You're gonna have a blast.

Gary Max
01-31-2006, 6:02 PM
I glad it arrived safley---now I can get back out to the shop and get to work.
Got that mountain of bowl blanks calling my name.

Michael Stafford
01-31-2006, 6:04 PM
No, I think I speak for many of us when I say we're sitting here appreciating the fact that he hasn't. ;)

- Vaughn

There is no doubt that this is a time when words will more than suffice; pictures would be superfluous.....:eek: :o :D

Earl Reid
01-31-2006, 6:07 PM
Ken, Hope you have as much fun with it as I do. It was also fun watching all the posts.


Frank Chaffee
01-31-2006, 6:13 PM
No, I think I speak for many of us when I say we're sitting here appreciating the fact that he hasn't. ;)Vaughn
Well Vaughn, perhaps you are speaking for many here, but shouldn’t we consider how many more hits this site would get if he were to post pics of himself in his pink thong?
Just something to consider,

Bob Noles
01-31-2006, 6:14 PM

Did you ever in your life think you would be the root of this much excitement? Now you know how it feels to be "Queen for a day" :eek: :p

Ken... you have really took it on the chin well these past few days, but now the REAL fun begins :cool:

We all look forward to hearing and seeing the adventures of your learning curve and watching the newbie questions flow even faster now.

Welcome to the round world, Ken.

Michael Stafford
01-31-2006, 6:16 PM
Now you know how it feels to be "Queen for a day" :eek: :p

I think that title might be better suited for the furry lead lined thong wearer....:eek:

Sorry Tyler....:D

Travis Stinson
01-31-2006, 6:18 PM
AWESOME! A direct hit! Mission accomplished!
Ken, Welcome to the fold, my Brother.:cool:

Vaughn McMillan
01-31-2006, 6:30 PM
Well Vaughn, perhaps you are speaking for many here, but shouldn’t we consider how many more hits this site would get if he were to post pics of himself in his pink thong?
Just something to consider,
Frank Yeah, but can the Creek handle the additional bandwidth necessary if such a thing got out on the Internet? :eek: I reiterate the caption of the pic (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=30829&d=1138745383) I posted earlier in this thread. :p

BTW Ken, major kudos to you for putting up with all the chain-yankers here for the past week or so. You've obviously done a lot of good things to have such nice rewards. Things come around.

- Vaughn

Lee DeRaud
01-31-2006, 6:31 PM
...furry lead lined thong wearer...Oh please god make it stop...my eyes, my eyes...:eek:

John Miliunas
01-31-2006, 6:42 PM
Oh please god make it stop...my eyes, my eyes...:eek:

Hey Lee, on your sig line, if nobody else is in the shop, is it "bad language" to begin with??? :confused: :D :cool:

Lee DeRaud
01-31-2006, 6:48 PM
Hey Lee, on your sig line, if nobody else is in the shop, is it "bad language" to begin with??? :confused: :D :cool:My rendition of "No, dummy, the miter goes the other way!" has been known to blister the paint on the washer and dryer.:eek:

Corey Hallagan
01-31-2006, 6:49 PM
Congrats Ken!! Enjoy!


Ernie Nyvall
01-31-2006, 6:49 PM
WELLL well WELL wellwell... well WELL wellwell... wellwellwell... Yep.

Just trying to wind down from this explosion. Wahoooooo!!!! Congrats Ken.


Andy Hoyt
01-31-2006, 6:50 PM
Bout time!!!!
Six times I scrolled past that pic and said, "Yup. that be a FedEx truck".

This time my trigger finger accidentally clicked it.

Very Very Cool, Mike.

Frank Chaffee
01-31-2006, 6:53 PM
Yeah, but can the Creek handle the additional bandwidth necessary if such a thing got out on the Internet? :eek: I reiterate the caption of the pic (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=30829&d=1138745383) I posted earlier in this thread.Vaughn
I catch your drift Vaughn, and retract my suggestion to consider such a thing.

Keith Burns
01-31-2006, 6:56 PM
HOT DANG, IT'S ABOUT TIME !!!! Now get spinning !!
We expect an IT contest entry !!!

John Hart
01-31-2006, 6:59 PM
Oh geez! that's right...I have to post the Next IT Contest Rules tonight!

Ya think Ken will enter? :p ;)

Keith Burns
01-31-2006, 7:07 PM
[quote=John Hart

Ya think Ken will enter? :p ;)[/quote]

With his talent he will probably WIN !!!!!!

Cecil Arnold
01-31-2006, 7:08 PM
Ken, now that you have offically come over to the dark side, you will have to learn the secret handshake and all that. Congratulations, you deserve all the good things in life.

And to everyone else, I don't think I've had this good a time since I can't remember. Ken sent me a PM some time back and said he wanted to get into turning, but didn't want anyone to know since he didn't want to fade the heat. The fire's burning Ken so get into the kitchen and turn something.

David Griffith
01-31-2006, 7:39 PM
You guys don't know me, but I know Ken Fitzgerald. I am a MRI tech and Ken is my GE field service engineer.(He fixes all of my complaints) I am also a woodworking hobbiest for many years and an new to the forum.

Now I do not know how much the surgery to repair the splits up the side Ken's face is going to cost, but I did not know he had that many teeth!?!?!?!? Not that I ever wanted to know that anyway!

Ken is like a 5 year old on Christmas morning. I have never seen Ken so excited. You have done a very kind think. Actually this is the first that I have had access to my computer, as Ken has been looking at turning tools ever since he came in. (Yeah I know he is supposed to be working!)

You have "Rounded" out Ken's life!!!!:D :) :D


John Hart
01-31-2006, 7:46 PM
Woo Hooo!!!!! Thanks for tattling David! Nuthin' quite like an inside scoop!:D :D :) :)

Travis Stinson
01-31-2006, 7:53 PM
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Michael Stafford
01-31-2006, 7:56 PM
David, you have just made a whole bunch of folks happy!

Nothing beats making a good guy happy and Ken is a good guy!!!!:D

Keith Burns
01-31-2006, 8:10 PM
Thanks David, that is great to hear:) Now for the question....have you got a lathe? If not, when are you going to get one ?:D

Bernie Weishapl
01-31-2006, 8:11 PM
Thanks for the story David. That makes it all the nicer. Ken is a wonderful guy and friend.

John Miliunas
01-31-2006, 8:26 PM
David, first off, welcome to the Creek! And my, what a grand entrance you've made! Does our hearts good to know that Ken is a happy camper and a deserving one, at that! :) As for you, don't be a stranger. You may have guessed by now that frequent visitors to SMC aren't "strangers" for long! :D :) :cool:

Karl Laustrup
01-31-2006, 8:29 PM
Welcome to this very great place we call the "Creek" David. No place like it.

Thanks for inside scoop on Ken. Hope that smile never goes away. :)


Christopher Pine
01-31-2006, 8:51 PM
You Guys are somthing else! SO I take it he got a lathe.... WHy when how???
Why is the turning forum like a secret society or somthing?
What gives?


Bob Noles
01-31-2006, 8:52 PM

The really cool factor here is the fact that the givers have been and remain as excited and happy as the receiver...... this is a good thing for everyone :cool: I would think that any outsider looking in can see this is more than just another WW forum..... We are a family!

Thanks for the update and welcome to the family.

David Griffith
01-31-2006, 8:54 PM
Thanks David, that is great to hear:) Now for the question....have you got a lathe? If not, when are you going to get one ?:D

Well yes I have one, although I am not much of a turner. (You may pause to recover from your shock!) I used to turn a bit more when I was a kid. The lathe I have is just an old sears craftsman that my dad bought at a yard sale and then decided that he liked the one he built as a youngster better, so he gave me the craftsman one. Not fancy, but works great for the few turnings that I do.


Jim Becker
01-31-2006, 9:17 PM
Congrats, Ken...enjoy the addiction!

Ken Fitzgerald
01-31-2006, 9:25 PM
David.....thanks for ratting on me!:rolleyes: Do you happen to know a good plastic surgeon?:rolleyes: Actually with a mug like mine.....do you know a good horse doctor?:D

In order to satisfy Tyler and hopefully keep him from sending out the Photo Cops I'm attaching photos of todays "bombing run" and then SWMBO and I are departing to see what kind of turning tools we can find in Lewiston this evening. Thanks again folks! I sure don't understand what I did to deserve this but I truly appreciate everybody's generosity!

Keith Burns
01-31-2006, 9:28 PM
Well yes I have one, although I am not much of a turner. (You may pause to recover from your shock!) I used to turn a bit more when I was a kid. The lathe I have is just an old sears craftsman that my dad bought at a yard sale and then decided that he liked the one he built as a youngster better, so he gave me the craftsman one. Not fancy, but works great for the few turnings that I do.


Well the time is now...crank that sucker up and join the fun:)

Travis Stinson
01-31-2006, 9:29 PM
Ready for some exotics Ken?;) :D

John Hart
01-31-2006, 9:31 PM
Hey Ken....That Box looks pretty good on you! Happy shopping....and shopping...and shopping!!!:D :D :D

Keith Burns
01-31-2006, 9:31 PM
You Guys are somthing else! SO I take it he got a lathe.... WHy when how???
Why is the turning forum like a secret society or somthing?
What gives?


Chris, no secret society or anything like that. It's just friends being friends:)

Now I got to get some work done!

Tyler Howell
01-31-2006, 9:33 PM
David, first off, welcome to the Creek! And my, what a grand entrance you've made! Does our hearts good to know that Ken is a happy camper and a deserving one, at that! :) As for you, don't be a stranger. You may have guessed by now that frequent visitors to SMC aren't "strangers" for long! :D :) :cool:

Actually Dave I'm finding out that frequent visitors are pretty strange. I attribute it to spinning all kinds of stuff on those funny machines. Ken is lost to the dark side. And they did it!!! I tried to save him, but he's weak:D :D . And they are very seductive. Save youself before it's to late.
P.S. Post a lot of pictures:mad:. This ranks as a gloat.

Bill Stevener
01-31-2006, 9:47 PM
You Guys are somthing else! SO I take it he got a lathe.... WHy when how???
Why is the turning forum like a secret society or somthing?
What gives?


There is absolutely no secret society in the turning forum, nothing gives; we all give, that's what it's about.

One only has to stop in every so often and you will receive, its all free.

Have some turning questions, I'm sure someone will be more than happy to answer them for you.

Greatest place on the net.


Jim Becker
01-31-2006, 9:49 PM
And here's your free bonus avitar, Ken!!

Bruce Shiverdecker
01-31-2006, 9:52 PM
:D :D I told you we'd GET YOU, Ken. SLIP SLIDIN' AWAY!!!


Congrats Ken.

You can now use the following, "The great thing about woodturning is that all you have to do is remove what is not needed to have something beautiful. Nature does the hard part!"


Jim Dunn
01-31-2006, 9:56 PM
Darn did we age him that much with the suprise?? Now I feel uncomfortable about it:):) Not!!!!


Mike Ramsey
01-31-2006, 10:31 PM
OK folks we need to get those care packages, you know, to go along
with that lathe mailed out!!

Dale Thompson
01-31-2006, 10:41 PM
"It's a BEAUTIFUL day in the neighborhood!". If I may be so bold as to add to Mr. Rogers theme, I would say that OUR "neighborhood" is comprised of incredibly kind, generous and big-hearted folks! I am immeasureably flattered to be a resident of this "neighborhood" (I HOPE!). :)

But where, you may ask, is this utopian "neighborhood"? Well, we all call it, "The Creek". While we are all jumping up and down and celebrating the fact that we have exposed Ken to the addiction of turning (is that a GOOD thing?), let us not forget the folks at SMC who have kept us in line, deleted our trangressions and created the "family" atmosphere that we ALL celebrated today! :)

Ken, you are a lucky guy! On the other hand, ALL of us are JUST as lucky!! :) Let us not, therefore, break our arms by trying to pat ourselves on the back. This is what we expect of a TRUE family! :)

That is MY sermon for the night! :o I have total confidence in the fact that the SMC "family" will survive and thrive FOREVER! :) FOREVER, however, until Howl decides to post a couple of his jillions of pics involving his lead-lined thongs!! That would certainly strain ANY neighborhood relationship! ;)

Lastly, MY shop would be REALLY complete if I could find a way to add one of those Gulfstream private jets. :) Starting up just ONE engine would eliminate my sawdust (what else do I make?) problem. The add-ons, however, concern me. I would have to hire a pilot, a stewardess or two, maintenance personnel and I would have to get a hanger. AW! You great folks wouldn't do that for me - would you? :confused: :)

Dale T.

Mike Ramsey
01-31-2006, 10:51 PM
Lastly, MY shop would be REALLY complete if I could find a way to add one of those Gulfstream private jets. :) Starting up just ONE engine would eliminate my sawlust (what else do I make?) problem. The add-ons, however, concern me. I would have to hire a pilot, a stewardess or two, maintenance personnel and I would have to get a hanger. AW! You great folks wouldn't do that for me - would you? :confused: :)

Dale T.

Here you go Dale,

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
01-31-2006, 10:52 PM
Well, I got busy this morning (for me in Japan) and I could not check in on the happenings, but now I've stopped for lunch and I'm looking in, sure glad it all stayed upright, and Ken you sure look like one happy dude!

For those wondering about any "Secret" society or such things, forget it, there is nothing secret about it at all, it is just good honest folks encouraging each other.

heck, I don't even have a lathe, yet, and I've been warmly welcomes in the world of all things round and spiny :D

Thanks to Andy & John John, and Ken, I sure hope you get that sucker bolted down and start making some round wood soon.


Dale Thompson
01-31-2006, 11:01 PM
Here you go Dale,

Thanks! It really looks great! However, I'm running a bit short this year. :o Could you FedEx me a couple of sheets of paper? ;) :)

Dale T.

Mike Ramsey
01-31-2006, 11:15 PM
Not a problem Dale, I could probably swing 4 or 5 sheets!
Wished I would have thought to turn off that email notification
of subscribed threads today...my email count is 200+ and still
coming in!!!

Harry Pye
01-31-2006, 11:24 PM
Ken, have fun with that thing. The idea is to keep the smile on your face!

Ed Scolforo
02-01-2006, 7:46 AM
Ken: Congratulations! The SMC gang is the BEST!! Now, Praise The Lord, and pass the Persimmon!!

Karl Laustrup
02-01-2006, 8:00 AM
In order to satisfy Tyler and hopefully keep him from sending out the Photo Cops I'm attaching photos of todays "bombing run" !

You do realize that TWO pictures will placate Tyler for a very short period of time.

If more pics are not forthcoming post haste and regularly, well, think of a man in a lead lined pink thong knocking on your door. :eek: :eek: :D :D ;)

And no we wouldn't need, or want, pictures of that. ;) :D

Glad you like the spinny thingy. Man that was fun. :D :D :D


John Shuk
02-01-2006, 9:36 AM
Please enjoy with our blessings.

Mike Ramsey
02-01-2006, 10:00 AM
Thanks! It really looks great! However, I'm running a bit short this year. :o Could you FedEx me a couple of sheets of paper? ;) :)

Dale T.

It just occurred to me that if you will give me your fax # I could
just fax 4 or 5 easily.......:)

Ed Lang
02-01-2006, 10:10 AM
Enjoy the VS. And we all look forward to the pictures when you can. Be safe.


Dale Thompson
02-01-2006, 10:16 AM
Not a problem Dale, I could probably swing 4 or 5 sheets!
Wished I would have thought to turn off that email notification
of subscribed threads today...my email count is 200+ and still
coming in!!!

The planes folded up GREAT! :) Now, AHEM, can you give me some help on the stewardess thing? It's not a MAJOR request, I hope. My wife only allows me one at a time! ;) :( :)

Dale T.

Ken Fitzgerald
02-01-2006, 11:17 AM
Dale....if you send me your fax number.....I'll gladly fax you several "stewardess's" and I'll bet your wife won't complain one bit! Note- you'll have to cut them out and fold on the dotted lines to get them to stand up.

Dale Thompson
02-01-2006, 11:57 AM
Dale....if you send me your fax number.....I'll gladly fax you several "stewardess's" and I'll bet your wife won't complain one bit! Note- you'll have to cut them out and fold on the dotted lines to get them to stand up.
Try (715)582-3473. The ability to "stand up" is GOOD! :) My last ten mistresses have been too old to possess that fleeting ability. :( :cool: :o :D

Dale T.

Keith Christopher
02-01-2006, 9:17 PM

I know I'm a little late but you're welcome !! I can't wait to see the stuff you produce with it !


Ken Fitzgerald
01-17-2009, 6:40 PM
and.....the winner is "Dewey Torres".........

Dewey...the turners here taught me a valuable lesson....don't go playing with fire or you'll get burned. I did and they got even.

I really thought this should be passed on to someone who had shown interest in turning and Dewey did....

So Monday I"ll ship the one and only.......original "Bomb" to Dewey along with a few extras.

Come on guys...Help me push Dewey into the Abyss.....the Vortex!

Dewey Torres
01-17-2009, 6:49 PM
I thought Ken was saving me $500-600 on the Jet 1220vs but as it has been explained to me and after reading through this thread I figure I need about $2k or so to get started ....:eek:


Seriously, I am going to need a chuck and god knows what else but I already have a set of Benjamen's Best chisels (ordered earlier this week ...before the bombing run intelligence report).

Get ready for my newbie questions ... starting with a Nova II and recommendations for other accessories. Videos for beginners books etc...

Dewey has been bombed!

pics to follow upon arrival!

Down the slope he goes!:D:D:D:D:D

Steve Clardy
01-17-2009, 6:56 PM
Shhesh. Ol Ken has been turning fer 2 years now.

About forgot about the bombing run. :eek:

Brian Effinger
01-17-2009, 7:13 PM
Congrats Dewey!!! I guess you'll have to change your signature now:

"Everything is better spinning!"


Steve Schlumpf
01-17-2009, 7:15 PM
Congrats Dewey! That spinning sound everyone hears is Dewey doing cartwheels!!!

Yup, another one falls into the vortex!

Looking forward to seeing the pictures!

Jim Becker
01-17-2009, 7:19 PM
CONGRATULATIONS, Dewey!!! I hear that vortex whirling and whirling all the way east here in PA and it's sucking you in! LOL (Sharpen up your check book... hee hee)

Ken--this is an outstanding "pay it forward" gesture on your part. You are a real mensch and a blessing to his community!

Ken Fitzgerald
01-17-2009, 8:44 PM
Just paying it forward Jim. It's just collecting dust and taking up space in my shop.

The extras.....a bed extension and a Jamieson secondary tool rest should Dewey decide to get into HFs......and some spare parts for the Jet VS Mini.....spare belt...spare locking handle....etc.

Don Carter
01-17-2009, 8:45 PM
And down goes Torres!!! Congratulations Dewey!! 2 grand ought to get your started.;) Welcome Dewey, you are among friends. Let us see what that bomb looks like.

All the best.


Ken Fitzgerald
01-17-2009, 8:52 PM
Everybody jump in and help me tell Dewey what he needs to start:

1. a face shield

2. a good chuck

3. any of the Richard Raffan videos or books

4. Bill Grumbine's "Turned Bowls Made Easy" video

5. Keith Rowley's book "Wood Turning - A Foundation Course"

6. If you don't have a grinder....a good slow speed grinder

7. Some kind of a grinding jig systems...such as the Wolverine system

Come folks give me a hand.

Don Carter
01-17-2009, 9:09 PM
Forget about doing flat work any more, that's so yesterday! You'll need lots and lots of money to buy:

Lots and lots of sandpaper of all kinds and grits.

An angled drill for sanding with sanding pads.

All kinds of finishes and waxes.

Lighting of course so that you can see what your doing.

Every new tool that someone mentions does something for them that you don't have.

You'll also need to learn how to do metal work, so that you can make tools for yourself.

You will need some sort of respirator, don't forget that.

Lots and lots of wood. Make friends with local power company or tree surgeons. Sometimes you have to slip them a little something. (More money)

Multiple chucks because you'll get tired of changing chuck jaws. Oh yeah, and some more chuck jaws.

A new chainsaw, anything you got now will not do.

Of course, a bandsaw if you don't have one now.

And, lots and lots of time.

But, you are going to love every minute of it. Say goodbye to the folks. You won't be seeing them as much.

All the best.


Jim Becker
01-17-2009, 9:21 PM
Everybody jump in and help me tell Dewey what he needs to start:

About a month of leave since he's going to get little sleep otherwise... LOL

Andy Hoyt
01-17-2009, 10:11 PM
Ya done good, Kenny Paul. Real Good.

And I especially like the "Go Navy" connection with The Bomb. You, me, and now the Senior.

Git r dun Chief.

Ken Fitzgerald
01-17-2009, 11:07 PM
Ya done good, Kenny Paul. Real Good.

And I especially like the "Go Navy" connection with The Bomb. You, me, and now the Senior.

Git r dun Chief.

Thanks Andy!

BTW Senior.....I hold the patent on the "Diving Board" bench and I won't license it to anybody. You'll have to come up with one of your own design!:rolleyes:

Besides...nobody but a former oilfield roughneck/former ET1 would be stupid.....err......crazy.......err.....dumb.....e rr....want to turn drastically enough (yeah that sounds better) to use that design!:o

Dewey Torres
01-18-2009, 12:18 AM
Fair enough all!

Let me break out my Amazon card and revise my birthday list (Feb 5th) coming up soon. Sure it will be all turning stuff.:D:D:D:D

Heck yes BRING IT ON!

Jim Kountz
01-18-2009, 12:31 AM
Dewey wow man you're getting bombed!! Ken what a great gesture and to a great guy too I think! This forum just keeps getting better and better!!
Dewey my friend you have no idea whats in store for you now that you've entered the vortex but you will enjoy it I can tell you that!!
And I bet you didnt know this but when Ken gave you the lathe he also gave you a really nice cast iron work surface, Its called your tablesaw!! It makes a really nice place to sit blanks until you can turn them!!

Ken Fitzgerald
01-18-2009, 1:01 AM
Thanks for the reminder Jim....I forgot about gaining the extra storage area.:eek::rolleyes:

Glenn Clabo
01-18-2009, 7:01 AM
Senior...there is one more requirement. Your first turning MUST be a Bonker. Ken and I will waiver the copyright for one and only one. After that there's a small charge for each one. For you...a Roach Coach coffee will do.

Jeff Nicol
01-18-2009, 7:56 AM

In the world of turning addiction there is no 12 step method for recovery! This habit is not to be kicked or given up like other habits. The turning addiction is safe, fun, calming, rewarding and generally a great form of therapy! You will now need to add to the addiction with other additctive things, such as the many and different tools to do each and every function on the new drug of choice. Coring tools, hollowing rigs, bowl steadies, and the bounty of gouges, skews, scrapers and chucks to even out the addiction!!!

We should all be greatfull that Ken has taken on this with grace, flair, and childlike abandon!! The smile on his face says to us all:


Happy turning Ken!!


Ken Fitzgerald
01-18-2009, 9:35 AM
Jeff.........pssstt..........I'll be turning happily on my PM3520B.......Dewey has inherited the "Bomb".

My wife will never ever quit trying to find out who was involved in my bombing. Let see........Hoyt he's at the top of the list......John Hart..........John M........ She has individual voodoo dolls for those three and I even caught her rolling some chicken bones, bits of fur and feathers in front of those dolls recently. She has informed me she hasn't yet forgotten what it was like to have money.:rolleyes:Don't come out of hiding yet guys...it's only been 3 years.

Dewey Torres
01-18-2009, 2:19 PM
Senior...there is one more requirement. Your first turning MUST be a Bonker. Ken and I will waiver the copyright for one and only one. After that there's a small charge for each one. For you...a Roach Coach coffee will do.

What's a Bonker?

Brian Effinger
01-18-2009, 3:17 PM
What's a Bonker?
Check here: http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=54516&highlight=bonker

Or ask Ken. From what I understand he is King of the Bonkers. :D

Ken Fitzgerald
01-18-2009, 4:23 PM

Bonkers....a physcial thing....or a state of mind......

see this for the physical thing:


Dewey Torres
01-18-2009, 4:25 PM

Bonkers....a physcial thing....or a state of mind......

see this for the physical thing:


Oh... and displayed proudly with state representation, egg crate foam, and signed by the coveted artist. WOW:D

Ken Fitzgerald
01-18-2009, 4:30 PM
Glenn and I started turning about the same time. We liked this idea so much....Glenn contacted some "old salt lawyers" of his liking. We formed a corporation called "Bonkers-R-US".....and we are.....and we quickly patented my invention along with some other innovative modifications to it. We generously allow others to use it on occasion.:eek::rolleyes:

Ken Fitzgerald
01-18-2009, 4:31 PM
You'll note Dewey if your wife finds your bonker...she can create a "state of mind"..........that's if she applies it at about your hairline....or even a receding hairline.......it can alter your mind or your mind set...:rolleyes:

Glenn Clabo
01-18-2009, 5:18 PM
Ah...yes...the sweet honey dipped memories...

Roger Wilson
01-18-2009, 5:34 PM
For those wondering about any "Secret" society or such things, forget it, there is nothing secret about it at all, it is just good honest folks encouraging each other.

No Secret Society !!! Oh no !!! Do I have to return my decoder ring.....I don't want to return my decoder ring........

Jeff Nicol
01-18-2009, 6:36 PM
This post has been a very fun and lighthearted way to get through some tough times! SMC is like an extended family with all the goofy, nutty and hilarious fun!!

Got to love the 3520B!!

Have a great day!


Ken Fitzgerald
01-18-2009, 7:00 PM
Who's goofy? Nutty?:confused:

Hey Dewey! Your lathe is cleaning up nicely! I'm about ready to lubricate the ways and then start on the 18" bed extension....or is it 24" ....anyway it'll be clean shortly too!

BTW.....IIRC...I've got a spare belt, lock handle and motor brushes for it.

I would make you drool with some photos but the LOML is in Illinois...I'm King of my House until Sunday:D....and she took the cameras with her.

Dewey Torres
01-18-2009, 8:07 PM
Who's goofy? Nutty?:confused:

Hey Dewey! Your lathe is cleaning up nicely! I'm about ready to lubricate the ways and then start on the 18" bed extension....or is it 24" ....anyway it'll be clean shortly too!

BTW.....IIRC...I've got a spare belt, lock handle and motor brushes for it.

I would make you drool with some photos but the LOML is in Illinois...I'm King of my House until Sunday:D....and she took the cameras with her.

Fair enough Ken...thanks for all the help!

Jim Kountz
01-18-2009, 8:53 PM
Senior...there is one more requirement. Your first turning MUST be a Bonker. Ken and I will waiver the copyright for one and only one. After that there's a small charge for each one. For you...a Roach Coach coffee will do.

This got me laughing and remembering my first attempts at turning..........Wanna bet if no one said anything at all his first turning WOULD have been a bonker anyway!!:D:D We all did it, mounted up a piece of whatever was close and started cutting away with ALL the tools that came in our starter set. "whats this one do.......hhhmmm........ok what about this odd looking fellow, lets see what it does...........oh crap thats not good.......And so it went!!

Dewey some terminology for your future:
Oneway, its not just a direction anymore
Powermatic, mustard good in shop and on a sandwhich
Gouge, a tool for turning.
Gouge, what turning does to your wallet.
Skew, an evil demon you long to control.
Parting tool, a tool for turning.
Parting tool, what turning is for a marriage.
HF, harbor freight.
HF Hollow Form
Flatwork, stuff other guys do.
Tablesaw, Jointer and Planer, all are storage devices for your turning equipment.

Theres more but you have to learn some things on your own!!:D:D;)

Ken Fitzgerald
01-18-2009, 8:58 PM

I just finished cleaning the lathe, the tail stock and tool rest. I lubed the ways to prevent rust and the bottoms of the t/s and t/r. I taped the drive center into the head stock and the live center into the tail stock.

I am sending my poor example of a "donut chuck" with an attached faceplate and an additional faceplate with it.

I had and am sending a spare drivebelt, a spare on/off switch and 2 spare locking handles that fit the tailstock and the toolrest.

Dewey Torres
01-18-2009, 9:50 PM

I just finished cleaning the lathe, the tail stock and tool rest. I lubed the ways to prevent rust and the bottoms of the t/s and t/r. I taped the drive center into the head stock and the live center into the tail stock.

I am sending my poor example of a "donut chuck" with an attached faceplate and an additional faceplate with it.

I had and am sending a spare drivebelt, a spare on/off switch and 2 spare locking handles that fit the tailstock and the toolrest.

Bonus Ken!!! Thanks!

Happy Birthday to me:D

Ken Fitzgerald
01-19-2009, 11:38 PM
Well...I finally got a double-walled box....a plywood base and the lathe and the 26" extension is screwed to the base. My neighbor is coming over at 0800 tomorrow morning to help me put it into the box and it's off to Fedex.

Standby Dewey!

BTW....you are targeted by others.

Dewey Torres
01-20-2009, 1:44 AM
Well...I finally got a double-walled box....a plywood base and the lathe and the 26" extension is screwed to the base. My neighbor is coming over at 0800tomorrow moring to help me put it into the box and it's off to Fedex.

Standby Dewey!

BTW....you are targeted by others.

Thanks Ken.

I like the military time reference in relation to the bombing. It is appropriate.:)