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View Full Version : Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
06-20-2023, 5:13 PM
19 Jun 2023

I'm a day behind due to several things and I offer no excuses. No woodworking for me at the moment. Trying to find a 6" S&D 45 degree Wye to pipe in my added cabinet saw. I had no idea that a single PVC fitting would be almost $60 for what I use to pay $9 for.!!!
The day job is stupid crazy and I'm truly looking forward to the day I can officially retire from IT work. The LOML has graduated college and she's currently working with our daughter on canning and putting up food that has been ground on the garden. We've been without a natural gas stove since Jan 2023. We ordered a replacement in Jan 2023. We are still waiting for said replacement gas stove.

It's hot, humid, and I'm ready for winter again. :)

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past week?

Best of weeks to you all.

Jim Becker
06-20-2023, 6:54 PM
Keep the faith, Dennis...retirement will be here for you sooner rather than later!!

I finished up the three seasons porch table top and am very pleased with the results. Also helped out a close friend with a little project he's doing to make a curb-side library box for at his son's house in western PA...a little CNC engraving to kick things up a notch.

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Oliver complained that the shop was dirty, but I had to inform him that I literally just cleaned it up from the "sawdust drifts" left from the table project.


He also had to be told that power tools are only for adult humans...


This week I've started working on the design for a built-in storage buffet and uppers for our eating area so we can finally get a bunch of boxes unpacked from our move...which was over two years ago. LOL

Rod Sheridan
06-24-2023, 9:50 AM
Dennis, retirement will eventually arrive.

Jim, cute dog.

I machined up some pine for a pair of wall display cabinets for work, and my Sawmillcreek tea mugs arrived, thanks for all the help Dean.

Regards, Rod

Maurice Mcmurry
06-24-2023, 11:41 AM
Hang in there Dennis! The world of all things PVC really has changed. The chaos of my storage shed has been an embarrassment for years. I now have it tidy and all of my N.O.S. PVC organized. It was fun and profitable to have an assortment of blue electrical boxes and DWV fittings when there were none to be found anywhere. It is neat to see Jims accomplishments and work flowing through the new shop! last week I drank less beer and tackled my carpentry jobs with a little more zeal than I have had in a while. I spent a good deal of time trying to track down Pine and Hemlock in New Hampshire. It is very similar to trying to find Walnut in the middle of Walnut country. Tons and tons around and lots of mills all of which are wholesale only with a minimum order of 10,000 board feet. Goose Bay Lumber in Chichester NH is looking promising and is only an hour away. Two gigantic mills that sell worldwide but not locally are 15 minutes away. I am looking forward to New Hampshire unless there is another heatwave and it gets way up to 80 again. It is supposed to be 97 in MO today.
Best regards to all, Maurice

Cameron Wood
06-25-2023, 10:18 PM
Finished the small deck, progress on the stools, slaving away on the backyard cottage remodel- hired haulers to remove the 6 CY or so of concrete that I broke up, digging, forming, & rough plumbing.
Renewed the driver's license- a two hour ordeal that could have been worse. Father's day bike ride with son & grandkids, & even a long hike yesterday.