View Full Version : Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
06-12-2023, 8:14 AM
12 Jun 2023

I hope this finds you and your family doing well. Yard work and oncall duty is all I have to report. I just need to make it one more year and I will retire and find a job where I can help make a difference in peoples lives instead of sitting in a room alone and typing on a keyboard until it’s time to go to bed. The I. T. World isn’t the same and the people seem to be testy, selfish and extremely stressed all the time. After almost 40 years of this, I’m ready fora change that can make a difference

That’s it for me, what did you do this past week?

Best of weeks to you all.

Maurice Mcmurry
06-12-2023, 9:15 AM
We spent the last two weeks in New Hampshire, living in the car while working on the In-laws family camp. It was moved from the Maple grove and turned into a camp in 1909. I hope it can be saved. It is a wonderfully built, timber frame, former sugarhouse. I got it up out of the dirt and removed some of the rotten sill timbers. If I do not get the roof replaced this summer all may be lost. The trip was an emotional roller coaster.

Jim Becker
06-12-2023, 9:21 AM
Hopefully, the time will fly for what comes next, Dennis. :)

This past week my shop actually got used for the three season porch table top project. (thread in Woodworking Projects) I'm now into finishing. It seems like a simple thing, and it kinda is, but this project started with a tree trunk near the old property that got milled into slabs and ends up as a rustic, finished table top that provides seating for 8 comfortably. This week I'll get that project done so the top can be moved to the porch this coming weekend when a friend has time to help. I have a couple of other little things to do; one for him and one for another friend. Not sure what comes next on the project list, but there are plenty of choices!

Paul F Franklin
06-12-2023, 9:49 AM
We've had such a run of beautiful weather that I have been mostly either working outside or playing pickleball. But I did get some of the formica work done on my laundry cart, and I finally got around to installing the new water heater I bought a few months ago. The old one was still working, but at 12+ years old it was on borrowed time for this area. For a plumbing project, it went surprisingly smoothly; with only one extra trip to Lowes required. Yesterday, after three weeks without a drop of rain, we finally got an inch and a quarter, with more forecast for the next couple of days. Welcome relief, especially for the local farmers.

Paul F Franklin
06-12-2023, 1:42 PM
And I forgot to add that last Friday was our 44th anniversary. We did our usual (somewhat lame) celebration: Went out to breakfast, played mini golf, had ice cream, and went out for a nice dinner.

Cameron Wood
06-12-2023, 11:49 PM
Some progress on benches, a small, low deck for an ADU, made entirely from scrounged and free materials, including the screws, & some grand-kid graduations.


John Stump
06-13-2023, 10:45 AM

I recently was given an older Stanley #4 plane. I took it all part and cleaned it, flattened and sharpened everything and it is now a great, comfortable plane.

Maurice Mcmurry
06-13-2023, 7:37 PM
Hang in there Dennis! I bet you have witnessed a lot of change over 40 years. Congratulations Paul on 44 years! Great sounding and great looking projects all.