View Full Version : Need Dust Hood for Jointer

Pat Germain
06-04-2023, 7:11 PM
I'm trying to get my woodworking shop put back together after moving last year. The movers broke the dust hood on my 8" Shop Fox jointer (Model W1741). For many months this part has been out of stock on the Grizzly web site. I checked my local Woodcraft and searched through their bins of dust hoods. Nothing came close. I've searched online and can't find anything which is the correct size or which would appear to work.

The original dust port measures 10-1/4" x 6-3/4" with a 4" hose opening.

Does anyone have any suggestions where I might find a replacement dust hood?


Bill Dufour
06-04-2023, 7:59 PM
Plywood with a 4" hole. Put the hole so it is just above the bottom of the chute. On mine I glued on a 45 degree coupler aimed down to hook the hose to.
Bill D.

Steve Eure
06-04-2023, 8:25 PM
This is the one I used on my Grizzly jointer.
As mentioned above, you can make a plywood box to cover the hole and attach this hood to it. On the website, if you scroll down, you will see a picture of that very thing. Works great on mine.

Pat Germain
06-04-2023, 8:26 PM
Very spiffy. Thanks, guys!

Lee Schierer
06-04-2023, 8:43 PM
You could fabricate one out of a 4" air duct like this:
It is available from the Orange Borg and the rectangular portion measure 4" x 10"

Richard Coers
06-04-2023, 10:18 PM
Did you check on Google? or Amazon? $10.50 on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/POWERTEC-70102-2-Inch-Jointer-4-Inch/dp/B005VRH2X0/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Jointer+collector&qid=1685931439&s=power-hand-tools&sr=1-1

Pat Germain
06-05-2023, 10:27 AM
Yes, I searched online, but could not find anything which would be a direct fit. As mentioned above, I can use a piece of plywood as an adapter for a generic dust hood such as is available on Amazon.

Paul Haus
06-05-2023, 1:55 PM
Several years ago I did something similar to what Lee suggested. My jointer did not have provisions for dust collection. To make it work I made a wood panel to fit the end of the machine, fitted it with a dust collector fitting at the bottom of the chute and attach it with multiple rare earth magnets. Put it on and pull it off as needed.