View Full Version : flattening the back of hedge trimmer shears

Warren Lake
06-04-2023, 12:50 PM
My 92 year old neighbour was out trimming bushes around her home and when I went over to talk looked at the shears and they were in crap shape. Told her ill sharpen them, she said they wont even cut grass. when I took them apart the backs were rounded instead of flat. Started on stick on 220 on the flat shaper top then 150 then down to 80 grit used stroke sander belts clamped on as non stick. That was getting it done but still took lots of time and produced so much heat from the constant back and forth almost needed gloves on the one hand. One blade 100 percent flattened the other 98 percent. Left the 80 grit scratchs which from a worn burgandy belt are no issue bevel side used 220 random dyna and they were very sharp.

Is there a better way to flatten those blades. On might have had a slight bend from 50 years of use or was that way to make a pre load in the contact but that thought might be wrong. Went over and they would cut grass all day long and work excellent on hedge type stuff. Ill do mine next as have already started on cedars and think there are over 100 of them and white pines argh

Jim Koepke
06-04-2023, 5:48 PM
Like woodworking tools, garden tools also get dull with use. Especially if the clippers have been used for years and years without the benefit of being sharpened.

In your case I bet the joy of watching your neighbor's experience of having sharp clippers once again.


Bill Dufour
06-04-2023, 8:01 PM
Surface grinder on a magnetic chuck.
BilL D.

Ole Anderson
06-05-2023, 8:36 AM
Hog off material on a stationary belt sander, finish up as you did. Nice of you to help an elderly neighbor BTW.

My good friend and neighbor are at their place up north for at least another week. He called asking if I could turn on their lawn irrigation system (no rain for almost 3 weeks, lawns burning up). Sure, no problem. Except that their lawn mowing service took out two heads busting the riser at 8" below ground. Dig, dig, dig, run to the hardware store for parts...go back to hardware store to return parts not needed, fire up system, find another head busted, dig, dig, dig...back to the store for more parts...

Warren Lake
06-05-2023, 12:29 PM
lots of machines here no surface grinder. I did think about the edge sander but just not right think how I did it fine, I had no coarser stroke sander belts. Probably had something coarser in edge sander belts. Think the 80 grit I used was a good number.

I saw her up late at night a year ago several days in a row. Turned out a very old cat had peed on bedding so she was up at 3;30 am washing sheets then her dryer had broken and she was walking up stairs and hanging sheets over the railing to dry. Far from ideal. Over the years she has rescued many animals., got shots for them then found homes for them and after the last dog still had some older cats.

I gave her my maytag dryer knowing I had my parents old Maytag dryer. Her dryer was 59 years old GE heavy like crazy. She only remembered one repair on it. Turned out her husband had piped it into the floor and id have to do the same. My motor was in the way so had to plug the hole cut a new hole to clear floor joists which turned out to be doubled up. Had to cut a hole in my machine so it came apart. Hers was hard wired so had to get a box and plug and wire that. I noticed my glides were tired so ordered new ones. Dont always know what we sign up for when we help people.

I noticed she left fresh asparagus in my kitchen, she has a patch that was with the home when they got it over 100 years old.

Dave Zellers
06-05-2023, 9:28 PM
I noticed she left fresh asparagus in my kitchen...

This story just gets better and better... Neighborly love and caring, nothing else in the world compares to it.

Warren Lake
06-06-2023, 11:23 AM
when my mom passed I called her and told her its official now you are mom. she said "you better fly right"

Ive been lucky met a lot of amazing people over the years.