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View Full Version : Where to find 6" ducting in Canada

Rob Beckers
01-30-2006, 9:01 PM
To follow up from my "Where to find 6" flex" question (and thanks everyone that answered!): Are there any suggestions for sources of 6" duct, Y's, elbows, and 45's for dust collection use, in Canada, preferably around Ottawa as shipping this stuff gets expensive.

I've been asking the local shops for 6" S&D PVC pipe, but the only one that can order it (sofar) wants $68 plus tax for 10'. That's (much) more than good quality metal duct would cost, if I could find it here. I would be happy if there's a source for 6" sewer-and-drain pipe, for a reasonable price, it doesn't have to be metal. On the other hand, if anyone knows of a source for real dust collection metal tubing I'm certainly interested.

Thank you!


Jim Becker
01-30-2006, 9:07 PM
What about that Oneida dealer up your way? I would think they would have the materials available. The name is escaping me, but I think it was in your previous thread.

Frank Pellow
01-30-2006, 9:21 PM
Rob, I am going to send you to the same place that I recommended for the flex hose and that is Welbeck Sawmill (http://www.welbecksawmill.com/). I bought 10' lengths of "proper dust control" metal pipe from them a little over a year ago for 25.20 (Canadian , of course) a piece.

By the way, and based upon Jim's comment, Welbeck is an Oneida dealer.

Andy London
01-30-2006, 9:23 PM
I believe you are fairly close to Ottawa which would have a ton of HVAC and sheet metal shops, even in Halifax where I live and is much smaller, finding 6, 7, 8"++ pipe for a DC, even spiral and fittings is very easy.


Rob Beckers
01-30-2006, 10:19 PM
Thanks Frank! I'll certainly keep Walden in mind. They're quite a ways from where I am and shipping stuff this bulky is not cheap, so I'm hoping for something closer. If not, they're certainly an option. Ironically, I moved from Durham just 6 months ago, that was Durham, North Carolina, though. ;)

Andy, I've not hit the HVAC shops yet. For one, Bill Pentz (http://billpentz.com/woodworking/cyclone/Ducting.cfm#Pipe) advises against it. Seems the cheap stuff is not thick enough to stand up to the vacuum when all gates are closed and collapses, while the thicker stuff can work but is next to impossible to make leak-proof. Being new to the game myself I take his word for it. I was just trying to find 'plain' S&D PVC tube, and was quite suprised when that turned out to be not nearly as easy as I thought...


Jim Becker
01-30-2006, 10:23 PM
Rob, the HVAC shops can fabricate or obtain thicker duct work no problem. 24-26 guage is sometimes called "stove pipe". What Bill is cautioning against is common HVAC duct that is designed for low pressure heating solutions...typically 30 guage. He is justified in said caution as a decent blower on well-sealled duct work can crush that stuff flat lickety split if you slam all the gates closed.

Andy London
01-31-2006, 5:33 AM
Andy, I've not hit the HVAC shops yet. For one, Bill Pentz (http://billpentz.com/woodworking/cyclone/Ducting.cfm#Pipe) advises against it. Seems the cheap stuff is not thick enough to stand up to the vacuum when all gates are closed and collapses, while the thicker stuff can work but is next to impossible to make leak-proof. Being new to the game myself I take his word for it. I was just trying to find 'plain' S&D PVC tube, and was quite suprised when that turned out to be not nearly as easy as I thought...


I think this might be part myth, I am running a 2 h.p. cyclone and can close the gates although my main run is 7" 24ga. That being said i bought some 30ga 4" as I wanted to see if it would actually collapse with the gates closed and it hasen't.....it's been almost a year. It's attached to a router cabinet that has a door where the router is, with the cyclone running it is almost impossible to open the door due to suction:eek:

There is a chap, and I will get him to post his test results, Alan Johanson from B.C., he did several tests on thin duct pipe and I believe his cyclone is even bigger than mine, he wasn't able to collapse 30ga pipe.

It was such a major job on my install however almost everything is 24ga, they even made a number of fittings for me and charged, IMHO, next to nothing.

As for sealing, yes it takes effort to seal everything, I used the metal tape and in some areas silicone, I have no leaks and would have over 90 feet of pope in total attached....if you feel like a Sunday drive, come on down and have a look:)

It's a huge savings over spiral.


Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
01-31-2006, 5:47 AM
Andy, one thing about the thinner pipe is that if it is not damaged in anyway, it is VERY strong indeed, but if it gets a dent in it, it becomes much weaker.

Depending on how your duct work is run, this may, or may not be a problem, if it is all up out of the way, it can be just fine, but if it is run where it might get things leaned or dropped on it, then the dent can be the start of the collapse.

Try this, get an empty coke can, that has no dent or such in it, put it on the floor and put something heavy on it, like a big block of wood or concrete, it should hold no problem. Now take a piece of wood, or something handy, and dent the side of the can....... oh yeah, get out of the way, as the heavy object you put on the can is coming down. :D

I would have loved to run the spiral pipe, but it was something like 6 times the cost of PVC here, killer!! so PVC it is.

I agree on the metal tape stuff, it works VERY well.


Rob Beckers
01-31-2006, 7:46 AM
Stu, do I remember right that you built Bill's cyclone design? If so, how is it working out for you? I'm doing essentially the same, taking a shortcut by using Ed's ClearVue (and by the way, they come with a monster 5HP motor, and 15" impeller, talk about overkill, if there's a way to collapse pipes I have a feeling this will :D ).

Thanks everyone for the suggestions! If I can't find anything else I'll start looking at the HVAC places.

Let me ask this: Does anyone know of a Canadian source for the type of pipe with flanges on it that go together with clips? Just like this stuff. (http://www.ductincorporated.com/) I really like that idea because it's so easy to modify and move around as equipment needs change.


Frank Pellow
01-31-2006, 8:19 AM
Thanks Frank! I'll certainly keep Walden in mind. They're quite a ways from where I am and shipping stuff this bulky is not cheap, so I'm hoping for something closer. If not, they're certainly an option. Ironically, I moved from Durham just 6 months ago, that was Durham, North Carolina, though. ;)

Andy, I've not hit the HVAC shops yet. For one, Bill Pentz (http://billpentz.com/woodworking/cyclone/Ducting.cfm#Pipe) advises against it. Seems the cheap stuff is not thick enough to stand up to the vacuum when all gates are closed and collapses, while the thicker stuff can work but is next to impossible to make leak-proof. Being new to the game myself I take his word for it. I was just trying to find 'plain' S&D PVC tube, and was quite suprised when that turned out to be not nearly as easy as I thought...

Fisrt of all Rod, it's Welbeck Sawmill, not Walden Sawmill.

If I were you, I would rent a trailer or truck and visit Welbeck in person. It is about a 5 hour drive from you , and well worth the visit. You might want to pick up some wood while you are there.

Art Mulder
01-31-2006, 10:05 AM
... visit Welbeck in person. It is about a 5 hour drive from you , and well worth the visit. You might want to pick up some wood while you are there.

That's the problem, Frank. Welbeck is way out in the middle of nowhere. I'd bet it would be almost a 3hr drive for me to come up there from London. Plus return.

They really should spend some time on their website. It is rather clunky and amateurish. Even a page about shipping would be good. Though I suspect that shipping 10' long lengths of spiral pipe might be a bit awkward...


Frank Pellow
01-31-2006, 10:20 AM
I have driven there from London and it took me about 2.5 hours. Again, I thought that it was worth the trip. Since Welbeck Sawmill is, as you say, in the middle of nowhere, a lot of folks must agree with me or else they would not have survived and thrived for years and years and years.

And I agree with you that Welbeck Sawmill should do something about their web site.

Allan Johanson
01-31-2006, 1:01 PM
Hi Rob,

The LaserLock ducting sure looks sweet. If you've got the cash and really want it, then knock yourself out! It sure is overkill, but it's nice stuff.

I'm running a Pentz cyclone with a 14" fan and I tried to flatten some 30ga ducting and couldn't. The pipe flexed and tried to flatten, but it never got squashed. But, I did this test with a piece of pipe about 15-20' away from the cyclone and it had a blast gate inside the open end which helped prevent the ducting from collapsing. The closer it is to the cyclone the easier it will be to collapse.

I know of a couple guys who flattened 30ga pipe with their DCs, but in these cases the pipe was close to their blower.

One time when I was running an airflow test on a friend's 2HP/12" fan DC, I had a piece of 30ga pipe on the blower inlet. As a guy walked by, his pant leg got sucked into the open pipe and the ducting flattened. There was no support at the open end.

In my shop I'm using 28ga snaplock and 28ga spiral pipe and have no problems.

With your DC and the even larger 15" fan compared to mine, I'd stay away from 30ga pipe, but the 28ga snaplock should be fine. 26ga would make me sleep better at night, just in case. I bought my snaplock pipe at Home Depot, but if they don't have it, call up a local HVAC supplier. For spiral pipe, I like it when you have long runs to make because it comes in 10' lengths. I bought some 6" 28ga spiral 2 years ago and it was just over $25/10' (CDN). You really don't need 22-24ga spiral pipe. Completely overkill.

You can buy spiral pipe from local HVAC suppliers. I found one locally by asking a local HVAC/plumbing store if they had any spiral pipe. When the guy said they didn't stock it, he not only gave me the address of a place that did have some, but he called them and checked to see if they had it in stock! Nice guy.

For elbows/wyes, etc I'm using HVAC pieces. Those are typically 28ga but due to all the seams they are very strong. You can find those at HD/Rona or any HVAC parts supplier. You won't find any expensive long radius welded elbows in my shop. With a strong DC, I don't need them. I can afford to be a little wasteful since the airflow is amazing. I can get over 1000cfm at every tool when I add on homemade hoods so if someone can tell me a good reason for why I need another 30cfm at a cost of $40-60 (CDN) per elbow compared to the $5 I'm paying now, then please let me know. :D



Rob Beckers
01-31-2006, 11:01 PM
Frank, sorry for mutilating Welbeck's name, I'll try to better myself! :cool:
I've been talking to Steve there and he's going to fax out pricing and parts they have. Very nice people over there! Still, shipping looks likely prohibitive and a 10-hour-plus roundtrip is a bit steep.

Allan, thanks very much for the info! I'll look around at HD and Rona next time I'm there. At least I know now what to look for. I've worked A/C duct before so at least it's familiar territory.

I've also been talking to LaserLock, very friendly folks over there! Found out they are located in Winston-Salem NC, just an hour away from where I used to live until 6 months ago! What do'y know... They have a dealer in Montreal, that's 2 hours from here. Pricing of their stuff is, well, not cheap. Pipe is not too bad, $23 for a 5' section (6" diameter). What kills it is they're wye's, they run $75 a piece.

Calling a dozen supply houses and asking "who do you think might carry this" many times I did find a place that has 6" PVC. Thinnest gauge is called 'BDS' here (similar to S&D in the US I'd imagine) and runs $42 for 10'. A wye is $23. So not cheap either (compared to LaserLock).

So, there's progress, but the choices (and prices) are somewhat overwhelming at this time. I'll need to sort it out and look into HVAC parts.


Guy Boulianne
02-01-2006, 12:16 PM
Hi Rob.

Down here in Québec city, I could not fond (yet...) the 2729 PVC grade that is mentionned as the cheapest, what I have found is the 3034 that is called BMQ here..... Below are the prices compared to Oneida ducting, this is the inventory for my shop, I don't really save with this price in PVC..... in fact, replace the home-made blast gate by the Lee Valley's and the PVC route is even more costly to me...... I know there is some pieces forgot here and there to make things fit, but this is true in both scenarioes.....

Has anybody found the 2729 PVC up here in Canada/Québec ???

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BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; WIDTH: 57pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99" width=76>Prix (BMQ)</TD><TD class=xl25 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; WIDTH: 18pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99" width=24>Nb</TD><TD class=xl25 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; WIDTH: 6pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99" width=8> </TD><TD class=xl25 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; WIDTH: 56pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99" width=75>Total</TD><TD class=xl28 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; WIDTH: 66pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua" width=88>Prix Oneida</TD><TD class=xl28 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; WIDTH: 40pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua" width=53>Nb</TD><TD class=xl28 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; WIDTH: 5pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua" width=7> </TD><TD class=xl28 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; WIDTH: 66pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua" width=88>Total</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 15.75pt" height=21><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; HEIGHT: 15.75pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=21>Y - 6"-6"-6"</TD><TD class=xl26 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99" x:num="27.66"> 27,66 $ </TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99" align=right x:num>8</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"> </TD><TD class=xl30 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99" x:num="221.28" x:fmla="=B2*C2"> 221,28 $ </TD><TD class=xl29 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua" x:num="32.55"> 32,55 $ </TD><TD class=xl31 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua" align=right x:num>5</TD><TD class=xl31 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua"> </TD><TD class=xl32 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua" x:num="162.75" x:fmla="=F2*G2"> 162,75 $ </TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 15.75pt" height=21><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; HEIGHT: 15.75pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=21>Y - 6"-5"-4"</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"> </TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"> </TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"> </TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"> </TD><TD class=xl29 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua" x:num="32.55"> 32,55 $ </TD><TD class=xl31 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua" align=right x:num>3</TD><TD class=xl31 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua"> </TD><TD class=xl32 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua" x:num="97.65" x:fmla="=F3*G3"> 97,65 $ </TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 15.75pt" height=21><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; HEIGHT: 15.75pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=21>Coude 90 deg.</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"> </TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"> </TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"> </TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"> </TD><TD class=xl29 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua" x:num="32.15"> 32,15 $ </TD><TD class=xl31 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua" align=right x:num>0</TD><TD class=xl31 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua"> </TD><TD class=xl32 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua" x:num="0" x:fmla="=F4*G4"> - $ </TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 15.75pt" height=21><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; HEIGHT: 15.75pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=21>Coude 45 deg.</TD><TD class=xl26 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99" x:num="14.76"> 14,76 $ </TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99" align=right x:num>10</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"> </TD><TD class=xl30 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99" x:num="147.6" x:fmla="=B5*C5"> 147,60 $ </TD><TD class=xl29 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua" x:num="13.18"> 13,18 $ </TD><TD class=xl31 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua" align=right x:num>7</TD><TD class=xl31 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua"> </TD><TD class=xl32 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua" x:num="92.26" x:fmla="=F5*G5"> 92,26 $ </TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 15.75pt" height=21><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; HEIGHT: 15.75pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=21>Tuyau (long. 2')</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"> </TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"> </TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"> </TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"> </TD><TD class=xl29 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua" x:num="4.93"> 4,93 $ </TD><TD class=xl31 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua" align=right x:num>7</TD><TD class=xl31 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua"> </TD><TD class=xl32 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua" x:num="34.51" x:fmla="=F6*G6"> 34,51 $ </TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 15.75pt" height=21><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; HEIGHT: 15.75pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=21>Tuyau (long. 4')</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"> </TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"> </TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"> </TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"> </TD><TD class=xl29 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua" x:num="16.67"> 16,67 $ </TD><TD class=xl31 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua" align=right x:num>3</TD><TD class=xl31 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua"> </TD><TD class=xl32 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua" x:num="50.01" x:fmla="=F7*G7"> 50,01 $ </TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 15.75pt" height=21><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; HEIGHT: 15.75pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=21>Tuyau (long. 5')</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"> </TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"> </TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"> </TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"> </TD><TD class=xl29 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua" x:num="13.42"> 13,42 $ </TD><TD class=xl31 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua" align=right x:num>4</TD><TD class=xl31 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua"> </TD><TD class=xl32 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua" x:num="53.68" x:fmla="=F8*G8"> 53,68 $ </TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 15.75pt" height=21><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; HEIGHT: 15.75pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=21>Tuyau (long. 10')</TD><TD class=xl26 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99" x:num="35.25"> 35,25 $ </TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99" align=right x:num>6</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"> </TD><TD class=xl30 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99" x:num="211.5" x:fmla="=B9*C9"> 211,50 $ </TD><TD class=xl29 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua"> </TD><TD class=xl31 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua"> </TD><TD class=xl31 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua"> </TD><TD class=xl31 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua"> </TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 15.75pt" height=21><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; HEIGHT: 15.75pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=21>Coupleurs</TD><TD class=xl26 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99" x:num="8.43"> 8,43 $ </TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"> </TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"> </TD><TD class=xl30 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99" x:num="0" x:fmla="=B10*C10"> - $ </TD><TD class=xl29 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua"> </TD><TD class=xl31 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua"> </TD><TD class=xl31 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua"> </TD><TD class=xl31 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua"> </TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 15.75pt" height=21><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; HEIGHT: 15.75pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=21>Réducteurs 6"-4"</TD><TD class=xl26 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99" x:num="6.8"> 6,80 $ </TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99" align=right x:num>3</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"> </TD><TD class=xl30 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99" x:num="20.4" x:fmla="=B11*C11"> 20,40 $ </TD><TD class=xl29 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua"> </TD><TD class=xl31 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua"> </TD><TD class=xl31 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua"> </TD><TD class=xl31 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua"> </TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 15.75pt" height=21><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; HEIGHT: 15.75pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=21></TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"> </TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"> </TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"> </TD><TD class=xl30 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99" x:num="600.78" x:fmla="=SUM(E2:E11)"> 600,78 $ </TD><TD class=xl29 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua"> </TD><TD class=xl31 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua"> </TD><TD class=xl31 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua"> </TD><TD class=xl32 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua" x:num="490.86" x:fmla="=SUM(I2:I11)"> 490,86 $ </TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 15.75pt" height=21><TD class=xl33 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; HEIGHT: 15.75pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=21>Taux de change</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"> </TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"> </TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"> </TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"> </TD><TD class=xl31 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua"> </TD><TD class=xl31 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua"> </TD><TD class=xl31 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua"> </TD><TD class=xl34 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua" align=right x:num="1.1963999999999999">1,1964 </TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 15.75pt" height=21><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; HEIGHT: 15.75pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=21></TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"> </TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"> </TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"> </TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"> </TD><TD class=xl31 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua"> </TD><TD class=xl31 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua"> </TD><TD class=xl31 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua"> </TD><TD class=xl35 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua" x:num="587.26490399999989" x:fmla="=I12*I13"> 587,2649 $ </TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 15.75pt" height=21><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; HEIGHT: 15.75pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=21></TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99; mso-ignore: colspan" colSpan=2>Home made</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"> </TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"> </TD><TD class=xl31 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua">L.V.</TD><TD class=xl31 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua"> </TD><TD class=xl31 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua"> </TD><TD class=xl31 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua"> </TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 15.75pt" height=21><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; HEIGHT: 15.75pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=21>Blast Gates / Hood</TD><TD class=xl26 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99" x:num="4"> 4,00 $ </TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99" align=right x:num>8</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"> </TD><TD class=xl30 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99" x:num="32" x:fmla="=B16*C16"> 32,00 $ </TD><TD class=xl29 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua" x:num="16.5"> 16,50 $ </TD><TD class=xl31 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua" align=right x:num>8</TD><TD class=xl29 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua"> </TD><TD class=xl32 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua" x:num="132" x:fmla="=F16*G16"> 132,00 $ </TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 15.75pt" height=21><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; HEIGHT: 15.75pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" height=21></TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"> </TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"> </TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99"> </TD><TD class=xl36 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffcc99" x:num="731.24056799999994" x:fmla="=(E12+E16)*1.1556"> 731,24 $ </TD><TD class=xl37 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua"> </TD><TD class=xl37 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua"> </TD><TD class=xl37 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: aqua"> </TD><TD class=xl38 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-TOP: #d4d0c8; BORDER-LEFT: #d4d0c8; BORDER-BOTTOM: #d4d0c8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffcc99" x:num="831.18252306239981" x:fmla="=(I14+I16)*1.1556"> 831,1825 $ </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Edited to re-format alignment in the columns

Rob Beckers
02-01-2006, 7:25 PM
Thanks Guy! That is certainly informative (and sobering, as our quest to be cheap may in fact be not worth it). It looks like my cheapest PVC source is even more expensive than yours....

Since you mention Oneida, is there a dealer somewhere around this side of Canada? Or does anyone have experience with mail order from them? I wonder how much shipping adds up to for an average shop worth of pipes and fittings.


Frank Pellow
02-01-2006, 8:31 PM
Thanks Guy! That is certainly informative (and sobering, as our quest to be cheap may in fact be not worth it). It looks like my cheapest PVC source is even more expensive than yours....

Since you mention Oneida, is there a dealer somewhere around this side of Canada? Or does anyone have experience with mail order from them? I wonder how much shipping adds up to for an average shop worth of pipes and fittings.

When I bought my Oneide dust control unit a year and a half ago, the only Canadain dealer was Welbeck Sawmill.

Hey Rob, it seems that my answer to all your questions is "Welbeck Sawmill". :)

Guy Boulianne
02-02-2006, 9:28 AM
Thanks Guy! That is certainly informative (and sobering, as our quest to be cheap may in fact be not worth it). It looks like my cheapest PVC source is even more expensive than yours....

Since you mention Oneida, is there a dealer somewhere around this side of Canada? Or does anyone have experience with mail order from them? I wonder how much shipping adds up to for an average shop worth of pipes and fittings.


Hi Rob, from Oneida web site (as we are not in the USA, just drop them a email and ask, I requested a shipping quote prior to order the machine and they have been just fine with that) :

Welcome to the Oneida Air Systems Online Store



By the way, I had forgot about McMaster Carr until I have read their name in a post yesterday, by combining some fittings from them (Y and albows) and the rest locally, I reduced the cost. For here in Québec city, for 8 6" Ys and 11 6" 45 degreee Elbows, they gave me a shipping quote of 45$ (USD, brokerage free).


Rob Beckers
09-16-2006, 9:05 AM
To finish the story that I started over half a year ago: I finally bought my ducting and (Frank must be proud!) I got it from Wellbeck Sawmill. It would have been a 7-hour drive from where I live, each way. The opportunity arrose because I had to be at a trade show in Woodstock last week and had a truck with me (I import wind turbines and sell them in Canada, the truck was to lug one to the Farm Show there). From Woodstock it's about a 2-hour drive and the truck made it easy to haul long pipe. In the end it was actually cheaper to purchase spiral tube than PVC, unlike the US there just is no source of cheap PVC around here.

As you can tell, things move slowly here with everything else that's going on. So now I can finalize my DC install. I'll let y'all know in another 6 months how it's working! ;)


Howard Rosenberg
09-16-2006, 10:55 AM
They deal exclusively with the HVAC industry.
Great for fittings.
LV has six inch flex.