View Full Version : 107 years and 1 month

Tom M King
05-17-2023, 9:51 PM
is the final number. My Mom, that some of you know Pam and I have been caring for at our home for the last three years, didn't wake up this morning. She never needed much medical care, such as never even needing oxygen, and was mostly clear headed through her last day yesterday. She simply didn't wake up this morning, and left with her eyes shut in her sleep. Few are any luckier than that, so there are only thanks, and no complaints.

I know some of you knew about her, so I thought I should pass the news on.

A few of you are waiting for me to do something for you, but it will take me a little longer. We've had a busy day, and I expect there will be several more.

Greg Parrish
05-17-2023, 9:58 PM
Very sorry for your loss Tom.

Ken Fitzgerald
05-17-2023, 10:18 PM
My condolences Tom.

John Ziebron
05-17-2023, 10:42 PM
Sorry for your loss Tom. My mother went the same way several years ago at 99. I've always considered that to be a blessing.

Mel Fulks
05-17-2023, 11:04 PM
Tom , We have been fortunate to read about her ,and are moved by the united effort of you and your wife to be dedicated to loving
care for your Mom. All is as it should be. Well done. We won’t forget this story.

Bruce Page
05-17-2023, 11:26 PM
Tom, please accept my condolences. Your mother lived a long life and was blessed with a peaceful passing. We should all be so blessed.

Jim Koepke
05-18-2023, 1:17 AM
My condolences Tom. My dad would have been 107 last month so, if my math is right, your mom and him were both from April, 1916.


Frederick Skelly
05-18-2023, 7:02 AM
I'm sorry Tom.

Ronald Blue
05-18-2023, 7:29 AM
So very sorry to hear this Tom. What a long amazing life! Accept my condolences please. A peaceful passing is all any of us can hope for.

Tom M King
05-18-2023, 7:58 AM
My condolences Tom. My dad would have been 107 last month so, if my math is right, your mom and him were both from April, 1916.


Yes. They both lived through the first Pandemic when they were 2 years old. She never was sick her whole life, so I thought maybe she had some protection by exposure to the Flu Pandemic then. One in her household and other neighbors were lost to that Spanish Flu, so she must have been exposed to it.

Allan Dozier
05-18-2023, 8:25 AM
My condolences Tom. That is about as perfect a scenario as I can imagine when it comes time for us to check out. I can only hope I and all of you can leave that way.

Maurice Mcmurry
05-18-2023, 8:27 AM
Very Sad hear. Sorry for your loss. Your posts about Her have been inspiring.

Jim Becker
05-18-2023, 8:37 AM
Tom, I'm sad for your loss while at the same time smiling at 107 years and 1 month. She was blessed to have that much time with you!

Steve Schlumpf
05-18-2023, 8:44 AM
I am very sorry to hear of your loss Tom. I agree with Jim, 107 years and 1 month is quite a blessing.

Keith Outten
05-18-2023, 9:05 AM
Sorry to hear about your loss Tom, your Mom was blessed to see so much of life.

Ron Citerone
05-18-2023, 9:21 AM
Condolences Tom your Mom had quite an amazing life. So sorry for you loss.

Dave Fitzgerald
05-18-2023, 9:40 AM
Your mom must have done something right, or probably lots of things right. My best to you and your family.

Andrew Joiner
05-18-2023, 9:43 AM
I've come to know you on here Tom. You're a very respectable cool guy. I know one thing, your mom must have been wonderful if she raised you. She raised you right! Sorry for your loss. Thanks for sharing it on here.

Alan Lightstone
05-18-2023, 9:53 AM
Sorry for your loss, Tom. Wow. 107 years. Truly amazing. Must have been an incredible woman. Saw so much history.

Jim Tobias
05-18-2023, 10:00 AM
So sorry for your loss. Condolences to your entire family. There is definitely some comfort in her peaceful passing.


Warren Lake
05-18-2023, 12:10 PM
Hi Tom

from your posts you are unique family. I likely said that the oldest lady ive seen was Margaret dunning who gave an award to a friend when she was 104. she drove her car up to the podium and walked no walker just fine. It was surreal.

thanks for sharing about your mom, wish you the best. Your mom was a miracle.

Lee Schierer
05-18-2023, 3:34 PM
Tom, I'm very sorry for your loss. I'm sure she will be missed. We can only hope to live that long and to go peacefully.

Tom M King
05-18-2023, 3:44 PM
Thanks for all the wishes. There really is no sadness. Only thanks. Here's the Obit I wrote.

Mabel Thomas Floyd King, born April 18, 1916 to Joseph Hubert Floyd, and Lillie Thomas High Floyd, was born and grew up a little West of Gaston, NC. Her children are Thomas Moore King and Emily Diana King. She has three Grandchildren, and one Greatgrandchild.

Mabel was married to Thomas Jefferson King (deceased), of Gasburg, Va. They were married soon after Thomas came home after World War II, and built a home near Gasburg, where they raised their two children.

Mabel was much loved by Many people that knew her. She remembered everyone she ever met, where they lived, what they did, and who their children were. This was a Lot of people, but she had an incredible memory that served her faithfully up to her last year. When she was 106, Tom could ask her a question about something that happened decades ago, or what someone’s name was, and she would have complete recall.

She was very active in the Church that her Husband Thomas’s Father, C.B. King, had built in 1923, Olive Branch Methodist Church in Gasburg, Va. She played piano and organ there for something over 60 years, and sometimes sang Lead Soprano in the Choir. Her singing voice was always heard by everyone in church, and it was a good addition.
Mabel was known as a fabulous cook her whole life. She was especially known for baking cakes and pies, including her famous Pecan Pie.

Her sister told a story about her working in their family kitchen at home. The family had a fairly sizeable farm, and workers came to the house to eat. Lily Mae, Mabel’s older sister said that Mabel would hand the workers plates and forks, tell them where to sit, and what they were having for Dinner. One worker told her she was “running that place like a hotel”. Mabel was eight years old.

Mabel had a great sense of humor, and joked during most conversations. She raised spirits wherever she was a participant. She lived in assisted living for a couple of years before she moved in with Tom and Pam King her last three years. Everyone in assisted living enjoyed her. She had everyone at whatever table she was eating laughing and in good spirits. Tom and Pam carried her back to one Assisted Living place to visit some friends she had made there. One lady asked her if she was taking it easy. Her immediate answer was, “I can’t do anything else”, to which everyone laughed along with her.

When any of the Nurses handled her during her last year, she would have each of them laughing too, including in the hospital when she was going in for an xray, or waiting long hours in the Emergency Room. When coming out from under anesthesia from getting a pin put in a broken leg when she was 106 years old, a Nurse asked her what year it was and where was she. She said, “It’s 1935 and I’m home in bed.” The Nurse told her it was 2023 and she was in the hospital. Mabel’s laughing answer was, “Well I’m Way behind then.”

Mabel never complained about anything, and always shared joy with anyone who had success in anything, even as simple as getting a passing grade in school. She was known, loved, and will be missed by many.

Services will be held at Olive Branch Methodist Church, Gasburg, VA Wednesday May 24th at 11:00. Visitation at 10:30 in the church.

George Yetka
05-18-2023, 3:45 PM
Sorry for your loss Tom

Robert LaPlaca
05-18-2023, 8:09 PM
Tom I am sorry for your loss.

Jeff Bartley
05-18-2023, 8:55 PM
So sorry for your loss Tom, and condolences to your family. A life worth celebrating! It’s almost hard to fathom the scope of experience she witnessed!

Bruce Wrenn
05-18-2023, 10:15 PM
Sorry for your loss. Lost my 104 + eleven moths friend in December. Unfortunately, now your fun begins down at the Register of Deeds Office. First they will rob you to file estate, then at closing rob you of more money. Taxing death is a popular thing in NC.

Dave Anderson NH
05-18-2023, 10:15 PM
I am sorry for your loss but have to admit that you were blessed to have her in your life so long.

Tom M King
05-18-2023, 10:24 PM
Sorry for your loss. Lost my 104 + eleven moths friend in December. Unfortunately, now your fun begins down at the Register of Deeds Office. First they will rob you to file estate, then at closing rob you of more money. Taxing death is a popular thing in NC.

It's nothing like as bad as it used to be.

michael langman
05-19-2023, 11:22 AM
I'm sorry to read of your mom passing Tom. You and her were very fortunate and lucky to have had each other for all of those years.

She sounds like the kind of person I would have loved to meet. Best Wishes.

Kent A Bathurst
05-19-2023, 1:20 PM
Marvelous obit for a marvelous woman. Imagine the things that were invented and events that occurred in her lifetime. The things she witnessed.

And now, she returns to what amounts to the family chapel for her final rest, after a life well-lived.

Thanks very much, Tom, for sharing her story.

Patrick McCarthy
05-19-2023, 2:18 PM
Tom, what a loving tribute to your mom; much more than an obituary.

Looks like mom did a pretty good job of raising you. Best, Patrick

Derek Meyer
05-22-2023, 3:38 PM
Sorry for your loss, Tom. I'm glad your mom had a long, healthy and happy life. We should all be so lucky.