View Full Version : Looking for turning profile templates for sale

brad hays
05-11-2023, 6:58 PM
Are there any woodworking supply companies that sell profile templates for turned pieces? I’ve done small turnings without much problem and now I’m about to attempt larger projects. I’m afraid if I don’t have something to go by I’ll just keep turning the thing further and further looking for ‘the right’ shape until I’ve gone too far and have nothing left.


Don Stephan
05-11-2023, 7:30 PM
Acurately make a full size drawing, I use 8 squares to the inch graph paper. Draw a rectangle 1/2" outside the drawing on all sides.

Make short lines at the rectangle showing ends of all elements (fillet, cove, bead, etc). I also make short dotted lines at the rectangle for significant diameters.

Photocopy the drawing, and cut out the rectangle. Using spray adhesive, attach to "chipboard" or the backer to a pad of paper.

Transfer the solid and dotted lines to turning blank as often as needed. Set calipers directly from the cardboard backed drawing.

Modify the suggestions to fit your personality and practice.

If you want positive and/or negative patterns of the drawing, make two copies, glue each to cardboard, and on one cut along the edges of the drawing.

Edward Weber
05-12-2023, 9:42 AM
+1, make your own full sized template

John Keeton
05-12-2023, 12:33 PM
Brad, a year or so ago I suggested you could come to Winchester for a visit, but you never responded. I have several scaled drawings I made over the years for the art pieces I turned and sold thru galleries. I would be happy to share those with you. I also have quality photos of most all of my pieces that could be printed and scaled to whatever size you want. And....I have a lot of turning wood I will be selling as time goes on as I simply won't be able to get it all turned. I rarely do vessels these days and all the turning I am doing it related to the chairs I build.

You don't seem to have PMs or email set up in your profile, so perhaps you aren't interested in any contacts.

Perry Hilbert Jr
05-13-2023, 7:14 PM
I have been trying to turn some scale models of light houses. (It is amazing how they differ) For instance, I visited the Concord Point Light in Havre de Grace a few weeks ago. I took a few photos, then I read about the light house 18 ft diameter at the base, 36 ft high, etc and then drew a scale drawing of it on a 1 inch equals 3 ft scale. from there I could a use ruler to make the various points on the stock and use dividers to cut the diameters at various spots up the light house. Once I have done that, I can make copies when ever I want. (A curio shop near there has already sold one and wants two more.)

Jason Edwards
05-15-2023, 7:37 AM
You didn't say what kind of turnings you're interested in: bowls or spindles. If bowls, get this book: https://www.amazon.com/Art-Turned-Bowls-Designing-Spectacular/dp/1561589543/ref=sr_1_2?crid=1JN58WKKSOWA6&keywords=turning+bowls+richard+raffan&qid=1684150507&sprefix=richard+raffan%2Caps%2C115&sr=8-2 There are numerous cross section drawings that you can copy and scale to your liking. Other books by Mr. Raffan have also have drawings you can copy and scale.