View Full Version : I need garden hose reel recommendations

Zachary Hoyt
05-07-2023, 8:50 PM
I have 100 feet of moderately heavy duty garden hose that reaches almost the whole lot the house sits on. The spigot is on the side of the house, so usually when I'm unrolling the hose I am going 90 degrees to the right or left. I'm imagining a hose reel on a swivel base, or one that is movable, but is easy to use and durable. I don't want to get one of those plastic ones that tend to fall apart, so I'm looking for a recommendation for a quality unit from someone who has experience with these matters. I'd be willing to spend up to $200 or so but would prefer something a bit less, ideally.

Maurice Mcmurry
05-07-2023, 9:59 PM
I have a fairly new 5/8 inch X 100 foot Flexzilla and am thinking it is excellent. It is light and occasional kinks sort themselves out without becoming a tangled mess.

If garden hoses were extension cords...500933 "hey baby, want get tangled?"

Patty Hann
05-08-2023, 1:07 AM
Try Growers Supply (or similar places) https://www.growerssupply.com/cat/gs1-lawn-hose-carts-reels.html

Bob Borzelleri
05-08-2023, 1:59 AM
I have one of Eley’s reels in the back and one in the front. They are expensive, but they are the best reels I have seen/used. I have also used their hose hardware, simply the best quality.

https://www.eleyhosereels.com/collections/garden-hose-reels?utm_campaign=%5BTDM%5D_Branded_Reels_-_Best_Conv.&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&gclid=Cj0KCQjwmN2iBhCrARIsAG_G2i69GdWmyzzdqmqPC9bT c1l2Oj23ALlQS6QnRMLsFzO52hottOD2NEwaAv2DEALw_wcB

Zachary Hoyt
05-08-2023, 8:30 AM
Thank you all for the help. I already have the hose, so I am aiming to just buy the reel. I got this hose for $2 at an auction because it was on one of those plastic reels that fall apart, and nobody wanted to deal with it. I've had it for close to 10 years now and it's still good.

Allan Dozier
05-08-2023, 8:46 AM
I have two Eleys and can confirm they are high quality. I didn't drain one well enough last December and got a crack in the outlet part. Their support and spare parts availability is very good.

Prashun Patel
05-08-2023, 9:57 AM
I bought the Lee Valley one. Not bad.

Larry Frank
05-08-2023, 8:18 PM
I bought one on Amazon made by Liberty Garden which will hold up to 300 ft of hose. They also have replacement parts for it like the swivel. I have had it for more than a year and happy with it.


Zachary Hoyt
05-08-2023, 9:32 PM
Thank you all for your help. Prashun, that Lee Valley one looks perfect for the space here, and I've ordered one. Thank you very much.

Derek Meyer
05-09-2023, 3:05 PM
I ordered one like the the picture Larry posted, but in green. It came from Do It Best hardware. It was about $130. Our stores use these in our garden centers because they last many seasons. The plastic ones crack and fall apart in about 1-2 years.

Charlie Velasquez
05-09-2023, 3:27 PM
Just something to think about…
I am getting older and don’t want to fight hundred foot hoses -
Only have two spigots, opposite sides of the house.
I planted 5ft treated 2x4s in strategic locations along the house.
Bought a few splitter valves
Bought good quality hoses and some repair fittings
Cut the hose into sections to reach my 2x4s
Ran a separate line to each location.
Hung one of those semi-circular hose caddies at each location
A 25’ hose will reach any spot and hang easily.

George Yetka
05-09-2023, 4:52 PM
I have a fairly new 5/8 inch X 100 foot Flexzilla and am thinking it is excellent. It is light and occasional kinks sort themselves out without becoming a tangled mess.

If garden hoses were extension cords...500933 "hey baby, want get tangled?"

Where did you find this? I can only find the 1/2 x 70' reels

Brian Runau
05-12-2023, 7:07 AM
I put industrial hose reels on my hose, because the box store reels do not last. Reelcraft & Cox are good brands from the industrial market. Brian

Bill Dufour
05-12-2023, 10:09 AM
I pick up any good faucet valves and 3/4" pipe stuff at thrift stores or yard sales. Easy enough to add more garden faucets. When I add one I always use a tee in the ground. never an elbow. Just in case. Many I have two faucets on one riser pipe. One for the hose one to fill a bucket or whatever. The what ever faucets can be the cheap one piece type.
Bill D

https://www.zoro.com/kbmt/electric-hose-reel/?gclid=CjwKCAjwx_eiBhBGEiwA15gLN2UHatSwB23RjH9Jb4U yuH2qOi3ianZdmxzAQ6XpmAa6_7dUjvG89BoChuQQAvD_BwE

Bill Dufour
05-12-2023, 10:10 AM
Problem for me is those hose reels make me lean over too far to crank them up. My back hates that. I see the bug spray trucks use an electric powered hose reel. I assume it has a remote.
Bill D

Bruce Wrenn
05-12-2023, 8:33 PM
Instead of dragging hose around the house, why not run a "seasonal spigot" instead? Use 1/2", or 3/4" PVC pipe ( I prefer 1/2" ) and lay upon ground around house. At the originating faucet, connect PVC to faucet using a washing machine hose. Washing machine hoses can stand the pressure all summer, without bursting. On terminating end, add a stake and a hose bib. Riser for hose bib can be "zip tied" to stake. You could add intermediate faucets where needed. BORGS carry the necessary fittings. Total cost less than a couple of hoses. In the fall, disconnect and drain piping, then cap ends to keep water out during the winter to prevent freezing.