View Full Version : Work Space

kenneth hatch
04-28-2023, 10:33 AM
I've made a few changes to my workspace. I'll post a couple or three photos:

Main Bench from over the secondary bench:


Wall behind main bench:


Work space toward sharpening bench:


Sharpening wall:


Click 'em to big 'em.

I've shown you mine, let's see yours,


Stew Denton
04-28-2023, 8:42 PM

Your shop looks great, well organized, and a place for everything. Your Moravian workbenches are beauties too. Good job.

When you are as poorly organized as I am, stuff is always scattered everywhere, and the table saw takes a while to clean off before I can use it. It makes me appreciate a neat shop more!


kenneth hatch
04-28-2023, 10:09 PM

You make me laugh, you should have seen it a couple of days ago when I was in the middle of a project. I had just finished finding, replacing and sharpening all the project tools when I made the photos.

I like this setup with the main bench facing the tool wall and the secondary bench behind. I really like having all the sharpening tools and stations along the East wall.

Then the story of my life; Just get everything in place and ready to work and I leave for 4 months.



Your shop looks great, well organized, and a place for everything. Your Moravian workbenches are beauties too. Good job.

When you are as poorly organized as I am, stuff is always scattered everywhere, and the table saw takes a while to clean off before I can use it. It makes me appreciate a neat shop more!


Cameron Wood
04-28-2023, 10:49 PM
Full chaos mode- restoring a machine tool, dismantling for salvage a big piece of furniture, other wood salvage & prep for sale, & underneath prepping stock for some benches- mahogany & teak.


kenneth hatch
04-29-2023, 12:15 AM

Your shop brought a smile, that's how mine looked back in Oct. when we first returned after 4 months in the PNW and had unloaded the motorhome. It is in workable shape just in time to leave for the PNW for the Summer. It is a never ending cycle :-).


Full chaos mode- restoring a machine tool, dismantling for salvage a big piece of furniture, other wood salvage & prep for sale, & underneath prepping stock for some benches- mahogany & teak.

Cameron Wood
04-29-2023, 4:42 PM

Your shop brought a smile, that's how mine looked back in Oct. when we first returned after 4 months in the PNW and had unloaded the motorhome. It is in workable shape just in time to leave for the PNW for the Summer. It is a never ending cycle :-).


Your shop is very well supplied with chisels and benches, and a nice calm sort of feeling. I like the chisel racks.

The ones that seem strange to me are dust and shaving-free, and have no wood in them.

kenneth hatch
04-29-2023, 5:55 PM
Your shop is very well supplied with chisels and benches, and a nice calm sort of feeling. I like the chisel racks.

The ones that seem strange to me are dust and shaving-free, and have no wood in them.


Ain't that the truth :-).

Thanks, it is a good shop to work in, a little small but as I use the machines, other than the band saw, very little it works. I admit to a serious chisel jones, the benches are just because I like to build 'em. You can see just part of the benches. In the back garden are three more, a small Moravian, a Roubo, and the first bench I built back when Fine Woodworking first hit the market plus one more Moravian that has been milled for the most part but there is no room to finish so it sits in a corner.


Stew Denton
04-30-2023, 12:20 AM

A quick question. A while back (maybe even a few years back) you mentioned that your wife wanted to either catch a salmon or a steelhead, I don't recall which. Was she able to catch one? Just curious,


David Carroll
05-02-2023, 1:31 PM
As I mentioned in another thread (Origins), early on in the Pandemic I bought a house (one last one to renovate and retire in). It's an old timber framed house, not sure of the age precisely, the town lists it as before 1900.

Based on the construction methods I would guess around 1875 - 1900.

Anyway, my son also bought a house not too far from me, with a nice barn space for a shop so I gave to him all of my powered machines and will build a space for hand tool woodworking, wood carving, and artwork (painting). Here is the space now under construction.


The room is about 12 x 12 and the windows shown face the south. My small Sjobergs bench (shown in the picture) fits between the windows. On the right side I've installed rails to hang my Studley-ish patternmakers tool cabinet that I am restoring and fitting out for the hand tools that I use regularly and some of the nicer tools that I've collected along the way.

Progress has been slow because I had to stabilize a lot of plaster, which had separated from the lath. But that's all done now. I discovered that the entire upstairs of the old part of the house (there's a 1990s addition as well), is all on one 15Amp circuit. I decided to run a new 20Amp circuit to the "studio" and in doing do discovered that the upstairs is all the old knob and tube wiring. So I have torn all that out and have run new wires.

Of course that meant that I had to open access ports in the walls here and there to run wires. I've just finished patching them all and will soon be able to paint and continue on. Of course now I can really only work on this during rainy days because there's a ton of work to do outside.

The room itself is a bedroom, but the layout is off, there is a back stairway that lands in the room, another door that leads into a smaller bedroom and then the upstairs bathroom, another door that leads into the front hallway and stairwell and then another door that leads into a walk in closet where I will store tools and hardware. Here's a shot of that:


The Studley-ish tool chest is not in here, it's in the other small bedroom. It's a work in progress (I'll post an update once it's hung on the wall to the right of the bench).

Hopefully I'll be done with the shop by the end of the year.

This is the fourth house I have renovated. And the last dammit. When I leave this house, it'll be in a box!


Jonathan Pace
05-02-2023, 4:43 PM
Your store is well-kept, has a place for everything, and looks fantastic. Now if I could just find the motivation to organize my area the same.

kenneth hatch
05-02-2023, 7:48 PM

It is a lot of work, I'm not a natural 'place for everything and everything in its place' kinda guy. I'm more of a 'don't move the tool from where it sits because if you do I'll never find it' kinda guy' but I'm learning,


Your store is well-kept, has a place for everything, and looks fantastic. Now if I could just find the motivation to organize my area the same.

Ben Ellenberger
05-02-2023, 11:16 PM
It’s always fun seeing shops! I’ve got about 8’x12’ in the back of my garage. It actually works pretty well and I feel like I’ve got enough space for most of what I do.

I keep most of my planes and my joinery saws in the cabinet on the bench on the right. When I move somewhere that lets me hang it on the wall, I’ll be able to reclaim the bench for another work surface. All my wood is leaning against the wall, so I’ve got to be pretty disciplined about hoarding.

The bench is the bench. I’ve got my hand saws hanging from the back of it and chisels in a rack. Most of my tools are in the chest underneath. The little blue chest is for odds and ends. I’ve got a saw bench for breaking down stock and the fancy saw horse to help with longer pieces.
The cabinet on the left is for sharpening. Other tools and supplies are in the drawers. Glue, finish, sandpaper, etc. lives in the bottom. Clamps are in the corner and my granddad’s (or great-grandad’s, the story kept changing) toolbox with some carpenter’s tools is in the corner.

kenneth hatch
05-02-2023, 11:31 PM

I like the stool, what shape will the seat end up. I like staked furniture both to make and use.


Ben Ellenberger
05-03-2023, 12:03 AM
Thanks! The stool will end up pretty similar to this one. I’ll give it a little more shape and make top more triangular, but not that different. I’ve only done a couple of these, but I’m enjoying them.