View Full Version : Visit with a Minneapolis "Creeker"

Russell Svenningsen
01-30-2006, 10:20 AM
Yesterday, myself, the wife and the 2 kids set off on a little adventure. We played "hooky" from church and drove to the Twin Cities. While the weather wasn't great, especially on the way home, the company we enjoyed while there was more than made up for it. We stopped by Tyler Howell's abode and had a wonderful visit.

Tyler is in the midst of a dramatic remodeling project. His eye for design and execution are both very impressive. The house is well on its way to being a real showcase. This guy works hard! Tyler-do you sleep?

At any rate, we spent some time in his fantastic shop. Tyler took a look at a few of my hand planes and showed me the error of my ways........thanks T! I was able to come home last night and make some much more satisfying "curlies" in my own shop.

Then is was off to the nearest Rockler where I spent entirely too much money. Mostly sandpaper, screws, glue, hinges and other such items.....pics are not necessary for that, are they?:p

Great day!

John Miliunas
01-30-2006, 10:47 AM
At any rate, we spent some time in his fantastic shop. Tyler took a look at a few of my hand planes and showed me the error of my ways........thanks T! I was able to come home last night and make some much more satisfying "curlies" in my own shop.

Then is was off to the nearest Rockler where I spent entirely too much money. Mostly sandpaper, screws, glue, hinges and other such items.....pics are not necessary for that, are they?:p

Great day!

Well, I'd say pics of sandpaper, screws and the such are not really necessary but, did you say you visited with THE picture cop of SMC and we have no pics to show for that???? :eek: Ohhhhh...Someone's in real big, BIG trouble for that one!!! :) :cool: (Hey, "sounds" like a great time was had but, we can't say, "Looks like everyone...."!!!:D :cool:

Ken Fitzgerald
01-30-2006, 10:50 AM
Tyler posted and you didn't? While I'm sure you had a good time.......the aftermath of not posting a photo for proof?..........He's pretty stringent about enforcing the Photo Laws!

Russell Svenningsen
01-30-2006, 11:39 AM
Oh boy, I've gotten him into hot water! My apologies Tyler!

In his defense, a picture of myself, Mr. Howells, my wife and children all together does, in fact, exist. I am sure Tyler will post it soon.

I jumped the gun in posting my retelling of our visit. Lambast me, if you must, but leave Tyler out of it. :D :D

Tyler Howell
01-30-2006, 1:35 PM
We're cool Russ all angles covered.
Just like to take poetic license with my threads:rolleyes:

Russell Svenningsen
01-30-2006, 1:41 PM
My son, Anders(4) said immediately after the photo was taken, "I forgot to smile." In the car, on the way home, he couldn't let it go until I agreed to mail Tyler a new photo with him smiling. He said he "Didn't want Mr. Howell to think I was mad." New photo is in the mail Tyler.....;)

As to plans for the next visit, Tyler agreed to babysit whilst the Mrs and I fly to England in May as I have some singing engagements over yonder. Thanks Tyler! We'll drop them off mid-May and pick them up when they're 18!;) :D

Ain't he a nice fella?:D

John Miliunas
01-30-2006, 1:46 PM
As to plans for the next visit, Tyler agreed to babysit whilst the Mrs and I fly to England in May as I have some singing engagements over yonder. Thanks Tyler! We'll drop them off mid-May and pick them up when they're 18!;) :D

Ain't he a nice fella?:D

Oh NO-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O, Russell!!!! You're going to have those poor kids carrying your name and running around in those pink thingies Tyler insinsts on wearing??? :eek: :confused: You're a brave man, Russell Svenningsen! :D :cool: