View Full Version : Broken or Bruised Ribs Treatment

Bill George
04-22-2023, 8:33 AM
Working on my boat trailer two days ago, tripped and fell when The Boot I was wearing because of a previous leg bone fracture, got caught in the grass. Very painful rib cage on left side X rays did not show anything but the pain is terrible. Moving, coughing and just about any normal things you need to do hurts a lot. The young doctor I am going to seems to think very minimum pain killer doses (5 Mg Opioid/325 Mg Tylenol) tabs are fine/!!!

I need to double that just to be able to get to the bathroom and sleep at night. First almost full night of sleep for the past three.

Anybody else have ribs broken or bruised care to comment?? I have a very well regarded Orthopedic surgeon group I trust and go to, but its Saturday and I need to wait until Monday to ask if they also do broken ribs.

Dave Anderson NH
04-22-2023, 9:01 AM
Years ago when I cracked some ribs I had trouble sleeping. The solution was to give up on the bed and use our recliner and a blanket. I worked wonderfully well until I healed.

Kevin Jenness
04-22-2023, 9:07 AM
I can't remember how many times I have broken, cracked or bruised ribs. There's really no treatment other than binding or taping and that has a risk of inhibiting lung function, though it may help a bit with the pain. Be careful with the opioids, constipation is the least of the problems. Take the least dose that will get you by for as short a time as possible, then use Tylenol, aspirin or ibuprofen. The pain will ease gradually but you will probably feel like you have been stabbed every time you laugh, cough, sneeze or roll over for about 6 weeks. One day you will sneeze without pain and realize you are healed. Sorry for your accident, insult upon injury I know.

Allan Dozier
04-22-2023, 9:17 AM
I slipped in my boat while out fishing alone and broke a rib. It was better in 6 weeks or so but surprisingly it took 6 months before I didn't feel any discomfort at all. My sympathy.

Bill George
04-22-2023, 11:40 AM
Thanks folks.... I will be turning the big Eight O In July and first ever on broken bone, the leg. I got pain pills then but only used two, I tend not to eat when I am in pain. Lost 7 or 8 pounds in two months. This rib thing is the worst ever and still don't have a appetite. I am taking just enough pain meds to let me function and I did want to have an idea of how long and how bad it was for others. I suspect its a hairline crack the XRay did not see but a CAT Scan might, but since the treatment is just wait for healing, not sure If I even want to throw in the Cat!!

Tom M King
04-22-2023, 4:44 PM
Sorry you got hurt, but at least time passes faster now than it used to.

Ken Fitzgerald
04-22-2023, 5:53 PM
I cracked some ribs as a teenager. I survived. I am scared of pain meds. I smoked cigarettes for 41 years and know how hard it was to quit. On April 6, 2001, I broke my back. I didn't take any pain meds but found I could sleep on the floor better than on our bed. 12 days later at 9:00p.m. sitting on the toilet, my back collapsed again. I laid on the floor that night and the next morning my wife called my surgeon as I was begging for pain meds. I took them for 3 days and then divorced them. It was over 14 months before I could sleep in a bed again rather than the floor. Beds were just too soft. My sympathies!

Mike Chance in Iowa
04-22-2023, 7:25 PM
I have had a few fractured ribs over the years. For me, I found sleeping slightly elevated in the corner of our couch helped ease the pain. We don't own a recliner, but that would have worked too. When needing to cough, hugging a small pillow to my chest helped ease the pain.

MIL fell and broke her rib last year. It was a full break easy to see on the x-ray. She was 80 at the time. The doctors said they no longer wrap for fractures because that restricts breathing and can lead to pneumonia or collapsed lung. I asked about surgery and they said there was no need. The broken rib piece will essentially stay in the position where it is located and not become a problem at her age. They suggested prescription pain meds every 6 hours for 1 week and Tylenol and said her pain should ease up in about 6 weeks. A heating pad was also encouraged. They also encouraged to start physical therapy after about 1-2 weeks, but she refused to do any form of PT. Due to her dementia, it was often a challenge to know if she was experiencing any pain. She was convinced the broken part of her rib had moved to the other side of her body.

Bob Borzelleri
04-23-2023, 1:39 AM
The most painful rib thing I have experienced was 2 episodes of displaced ribs about 5 years apart. Typically came from twisting as in weed whacking or splitting firewood.

Something about the rib getting out of alignment with the sheaths that encase them. Physical therapy was marginally effective. Finally went to an osteopath who specialized in sports injuries. In both cases, it took one treatment to gain relief and, in both cases, the relief lasted for years until I did the same rather stupid repetitive twisting movements that started the while thing in the first place.

Kent A Bathurst
04-23-2023, 6:29 AM
I fell and cracked several ribs. Tough it out was the instructions

As far as the CAT scan, I had.one it wasn’t so much they were double-checking the x-ray as they were looking for other relevant or contributing issues. There’s some non-trivial soft-tissue stuff that won’t show on an x-ray

They know what it is, except they don’t know what it’s not. My advice is the same as I got from my wife: do as you’re told by the doctor

Rob Luter
04-23-2023, 6:45 AM
Been there. Cracked ribs and torn/strained muscles as a result of a motorcycle wreck. Every time I coughed it felt like I was getting run through with a sword. Seems to me they gave me some Tylenol with codeine for the first week . After that it was OTC NSAIDs. I favor Ibuprofen. It took a long time to heal. To your best to eat right and get lots of rest. It will help the healing process.

Maurice Mcmurry
04-23-2023, 8:28 AM
The bruised and nicked ribs that I got from a mishap with a pitchfork as a kid was the most painful part of getting run through. Mom found this in her albums the other day.


Alan Lightstone
04-23-2023, 8:31 AM
The bruised and nicked ribs that I got from a mishap with a pitchfork as a kid was the most painful part of getting run through. Mom found this in her albums the other day.

You can retire the trophy on that one. I've seen some impressive injuries with unbelievable stories being a trauma physician my whole career, but that would have been on the short list of stories to tell. Wow.

Jim Becker
04-23-2023, 8:40 AM
The bruised and nicked ribs that I got from a mishap with a pitchfork as a kid was the most painful part of getting run through. Mom found this in her albums the other day.


Wow...you dodged a terrible fate that day! And not just from the punctures, but also "yuge" infection risk!

Maurice Mcmurry
04-23-2023, 8:40 AM
You can retire the trophy on that one. I've seen some impressive injuries with unbelievable stories being a trauma physician my whole career, but that would have been on the short list of stories to tell. Wow.

I have severe Osteoarthritis at 59. A doctor told me that I have the bones and joints of an 80 year old and speculated that being heavily dosed with Penicillin for an extended period as a child could be a contributing factor?

Kent A Bathurst
04-23-2023, 8:50 AM
You win. Also, I cannot fathom what must have been going through your poor mother's mind.

Sorry for this, but I gotta ask: Did you keep the pitchfork?

Maurice Mcmurry
04-23-2023, 9:11 AM
You win. Also, I cannot fathom what must have been going through your poor mother's mind.

Sorry for this, but I gotta ask: Did you keep the pitchfork?

Yes. The Aunt who pulled it out has it. It is still in use at her farm. Mom was 8 7/8 months pregnant with my little sister. Big sister was present and is currently using the experience as a teaching / learning example in her continuing traing as a counselor. Which is why Mom was tracking down the details.

Curt Harms
04-23-2023, 9:28 AM
Anybody else have ribs broken or bruised care to comment?? I have a very well regarded Orthopedic surgeon group I trust and go to, but its Saturday and I need to wait until Monday to ask if they also do broken ribs.

I had a couple fractured ribs as a result of an auto accident. The prescription was tincture of time - wait it out. Prescription pain pills don't seem to work very well for me, OTC works about as well. The first couple days were an experience I don't need to repeat but the pain decreased after a bit and no lasting effects. I was probably 45 - 50 at the time.

Alan Lightstone
04-23-2023, 11:47 AM

Also amazing that you survived your mother pulling out the pitchfork (wrong move, as per Steve Irwin as opposed to the guy it happened to a week later and survived not pulling it out). But, of course, it's everyone's first reflex to do that. Truly amazing that you didn't exsanguinate from the liver injury. Great medical care by the team at the hospital.

I loved that she saved the pitchfork and still uses it. I would have mounted it on a plaque.

Maurice Mcmurry
04-23-2023, 12:18 PM
Only one tine went through and through the next one over gave me a cut. I went to a small Hospital in either Corydon or Chariton Iowa. Shots of Penicillin every 4 hours for a week followed by antibiotics by mouth was the treatment. It was a strange and surreal experience. I never lost consciousness, I was not too afraid or in terrible pain. The shots became the worst part. The nurses could not get the thick Penicillin to inject without breaking the needle. It took several tries many times. I still can not be brave around needles. I blame Adam West. We were playing Batman and Robin, using the pitch fork instead of a rope and Bat Grapple to "walk" up the wall of hay.

Kent A Bathurst
04-23-2023, 3:21 PM
I am delighted you are here to relate the story.

I gave a standing "O" when I read the pitchfork is still in use. Press on regardless.

Consider - as I am sure you have done - how the medical events would play out today.

Jack Frederick
04-23-2023, 10:01 PM
I exited a vehicle through the windshield at about 40 mph back before they had seat belts which resulted in a number of problems, perhaps the worst of which was the ribs. The other broken parts they could set. The ribs, you just have to try to find a place that is approaching comfortable and then you wait it out. I had just hiked about 1/3 of the PCT and then ridden a bicycle from Seattle to NY. The Dr said I was lucky to have been in that kind of shape…otherwise? Good luck Bill. I wish you a speedy recovery & comfort.

Stan Calow
04-24-2023, 10:15 AM
With two cracked ribs, I got painkillers and no bandage. They said that the old wrap-around bandage technique was no longer advised due to potential for pneumonia from restricted breathing. That was 20+ years ago and I still feel an occasional twinge.

Bill George
04-24-2023, 7:10 PM
Well I have my Regular Doctor back and she gave me a renewal on my RX so I should be fine. I once again want to thank Everyone who replied it was a big help in coping with this and gave me Hope!