View Full Version : new improved? craigslist search function

Bill Dufour
04-18-2023, 9:58 PM
Craiglist has recently upgraded? their search function so it no longer allows a wider area search, no sorting, no title search only. I had preferred to search for more then 40 mile radius, titles only and for many things only over $100 or so.
I am hoping they drop back to the old search soon. Looks like they are changing to a facebook like local area only search. Yes it gives a lot more results buried deep in the chaff. Too deep to find by reading it all.
Bill D

John Ziebron
04-18-2023, 11:07 PM
I use SearchTempest once in a while, usually to get an idea of how much to price something I want to sell. But you can use it the way you are talking about just not able to chose a price range. You select keywords, category, zip code and distance, which can be close by or 2000 mile area.

Phillip Mitchell
04-19-2023, 9:25 AM
Another one bites the dust. RIP

CL locally has been pretty much dead / tumbleweeds for the past couple years, but at least we had a reliable search function with straightforward parameters.

I have been using the internet to search for various used items for sale actively for almost 20 years and the FB marketplace search function, “algorithm”, and “suggestions” is the most frustrating and unreliable search function I have used. The search range radius is too limited, the keyword search function has a mind of its own, and the filters available are poor in choice and execution.

Bill Dufour
04-19-2023, 10:29 AM
I have seen reviews by people saying craig's list is too old fashioned. not hip cool and groovy. Not in color, never changes but it just works.
I guess they decided they needed to make it more high tech and fancy regardless of if that is a improvement or open it up to more competition. I have seen several competitors comer and go over the years. Hopefully one of them can restart and take over by creating a site that works. Just copy the old craig's list format and make millions.
Bill D

Brian Elfert
04-19-2023, 2:59 PM
Craigslist is still offering the mileage option when you use their site from a desktop browser. I could not find a way to set mileage from my iPad. For years Craigslist had the mileage thing, but it was limited to like 100 miles. You could choose to search other cities at the same time instead, but they got rid of that and expanded the mileage allowed.

Bill Dufour
04-19-2023, 8:12 PM
This reduction in search functions reminds me of amazon, home depot, lowes poor search ability. The more limiters I use the more results i get. They must figure I do not really care what I buy. i will just buy something since I am on their site.
If I put in -plastic I will get everything they sell that has plastic. Not teh intended result of only non plastic items.
Bill D

John Ziebron
04-19-2023, 11:07 PM
In my post I neglected to mention that SearchTempest searches Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace.