View Full Version : Changing Vise on Moravian Workbench

kenneth hatch
04-11-2023, 4:49 AM
I had always been a fan of wood screw vises and most of my later benches had Lake Erie wood screw vises with pinned guides until my last build. On it I used a BenchCrafted metal screw with the 14" crisscross. While the wood screw vises work well the the BenchCrafted screw with crisscross takes the vise to another level. So much so the benches with wood screws get little love or use in the shop.

I've had a BenchCrafted screw and 14" crisscross stored for a couple of years, the planned bench build hasn't happened and isn't likely to happen anytime soon. The "off" bench has a wood screw vise that works well but once you experience the BC with Crisscross it is hard to go back so two things happen. One, the bench and vise get little use and two, I keep looking at retrofitting a BC vise to the bench. The 14" crisscross needs 17" between the top of the bottom stretcher and bottom of the slab. The bench has 16". I've spent the last couple of years scratching my butt trying to find another inch with no joy.
I may have figured out the answer other than building a new base for the bench:


Click it to big it.

While it may compromise the stretcher I believe once everything is together it will be strong enough to make no never mind. If I'm wrong there is always the option of building a new base for the bench. BTW, that is the old backer board for the wood screw and guide on top of the stretcher to the right.

My bench building days are likely over, wrangling bench sized hunks of timber by myself is getting to be a problem. I know work smart and all that rot but you can only be so smart, sooner or later you have to pick the parts up. It's a shame, I really enjoy the bench building process but the old body is crying no mass, no mass. This may be my last rodeo.


clinton cox
04-11-2023, 8:16 AM
Will Myers suggests lowering the stretchers in the build about 2" to include the crisscross mechanism. I think the article is here: https://eclecticmechanicals.com/2019/06/18/crisscross-for-the-moravian-workbench/ but I'm not sure because my work blocks random websites unfortunately.

Mike Manning
04-11-2023, 9:04 AM
FYI, the link appears to be correct. Although, it may not be the one you intended. I did see Ken had some comments at the end of that article.

kenneth hatch
04-11-2023, 4:46 PM
Will Myers suggests lowering the stretchers in the build about 2" to include the crisscross mechanism. I think the article is here: https://eclecticmechanicals.com/2019/06/18/crisscross-for-the-moravian-workbench/ but I'm not sure because my work blocks random websites unfortunately.


Third time may be the charm, the power company is working down the street and have interrupted power three times this morning with no notice. Two of the times I lost brilliant replies just as they were ready to send. This time maybe not so brilliant but hope I can sent it before TEP screws up the power. I'm aware of the need for more space and the last bench was built with that in mind but the earlier benches were built for wood screws and guides. Where the problem came in was the wood screw benches were not being used except as a flat surface to store things which was a shame because the bench I'm modding is actually a better main shop bench than the one with the BC vise (a little larger and taller). I had to pick mod the base, build a new base or build whole new bench. Mod won simply because quicker and cheaper and if it doesn't work out I can always build a new base.


kenneth hatch
04-11-2023, 4:53 PM

I have not read either article lately but remember the other was very helpful, the BC directions are pretty skimpy.


FYI, the link appears to be correct. Although, it may not be the one you intended. I did see Ken had some comments at the end of that article.

kenneth hatch
04-11-2023, 5:00 PM
The vise backer board has been fitted:


Next up is installing the crisscross and deciding on a new chop v. modding the old chop. I really like the old chop but it could be more work to mod it for the crisscross and metal screw v. just making a new one.

Whatever, that's a decision for tomorrow. I've had enough fun for today. Time to kick back and enjoy a beautiful day in the desert.


kenneth hatch
04-11-2023, 5:14 PM
I just wanted to add one thing about this bench, it was built to be a Roubo bench replacement. It is the largest and heaviest Moravian i've built, most is made of European Beech and while it does all the Moravian take apart and put together tricks with just a mallet, the modules are too heavy to be one man portable or at least one 80 year old man portable.


kenneth hatch
04-15-2023, 9:17 AM
I will not go into my BF with the backer board in this post, too raw and dumb just yet. I'll put it this way without the BF the vise retrofit would be finished.

What I will post is a short video to show why I'm going to the trouble to change the vise:


Stew Denton
04-15-2023, 2:54 PM

Can the BenchCrafted crisscross be used with any metal vise screw, or is it somehow integral with the BenchCrafted screw so you have to use the BenchCrafted one.

I have a 1-1/8" acme threaded vise screw that I have planned to use for years for a leg vise on a bench. Overall, it is `16-1/2" long and the shank, threaded and unthreaded portion, is about 13" long. I need to put a new "tee" on it, as the current one is no good, but I have a new "tee", which I think will bring the length to about 17".

It was my grandfathers, and came off of a bench, now long defunct, which he built. I have had it for what I guess to be around 52 years, so want to use it because of the family connection.

Your thoughts will be much appreciated.

By the way, both benches you show in the above show very nice work, and look extremely functional. I only hope my first bench will turn out 1/2 as good.

Thanks and regards,


Jim Ritter
04-15-2023, 5:19 PM
It can be used with any screw but you may not get the performance shown in the video, that would depend on the fit of screw to nut.

Tom Bussey
04-16-2023, 7:12 PM
Any screw will work with a Criss cross. The criss cross can be made out of wood. The first ever recorded were made from wood and I have built two benches which wooden criss crosses. As Jim stated the action of the screw is independent of the cris cross. therefore the action of the fit is what makes the thread move in and out quickly and freely. and the criss cross although independent allows the screw to function as it does. Nothing magical about any of it .Also I believe BC screws are double leaded. The criss cross opens and closes independently from the screw. It only provides the clamping force in the final stages.

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One can make the criss cross pieces any length needed. I will give you a hint about the criss crosses the length of both have to be approximately the same. A 16th or so will not make a difference. The pin should be in the middle as best you can. If the diameter of the leg at the top of the leg is 1 inch then the diameter at the bottom should be 1 1/2 inches. So the bottom of the leg sticks out about 1 /4 of an inch when closed. Bench crafted says it is engineered to stick out farther at the bottom. it is just a difference in diameters.

Stew Denton
04-16-2023, 7:38 PM

I tried to open the attachments, but they would not open, and a statement came up that they were an invalid attachment.


kenneth hatch
04-16-2023, 8:34 PM

Can the BenchCrafted crisscross be used with any metal vise screw, or is it somehow integral with the BenchCrafted screw so you have to use the BenchCrafted one.

I have a 1-1/8" acme threaded vise screw that I have planned to use for years for a leg vise on a bench. Overall, it is `16-1/2" long and the shank, threaded and unthreaded portion, is about 13" long. I need to put a new "tee" on it, as the current one is no good, but I have a new "tee", which I think will bring the length to about 17".

It was my grandfathers, and came off of a bench, now long defunct, which he built. I have had it for what I guess to be around 52 years, so want to use it because of the family connection.

Your thoughts will be much appreciated.

By the way, both benches you show in the above show very nice work, and look extremely functional. I only hope my first bench will turn out 1/2 as good.

Thanks and regards,



The crisscross will work with any screw, metal or wood. Install instructions are not likely to be a lot of help but with a little butt scratching it should be doable.

Thanks, but as I've said many times...I'm a framer, not a finisher which is the reason I enjoy building workbenches.


kenneth hatch
04-17-2023, 7:56 AM
The vise change is finished and works a treat, just like in the short video.


The chop still needs clean up and its top trimmed. There is no hurry on either it works fine as is.
