View Full Version : A what saw?

steven c newman
03-30-2023, 3:50 PM
While I have the saw vise out and set up...was going through a few older saws..
Handle needs tightened up...seems to be a late model rip saw...5-1/2ppi, 26" long...with the usual hanger hole in the toe...
Teeth still have quite a bit of set to them....just needed a "refresh"...

Name on the Medallion?
Nicholson USA...May put it in the "rotation" later....

off to research this saw maker...

steven c newman
03-30-2023, 8:00 PM
Wondering IF this was made by Disston?

David Carroll
03-31-2023, 7:41 AM
If you Google Nicholson File company you can find the company's history. They were and I think still are, predominantly a file company. But they did make saws and other tools.

My favorite saw as a young man was a Nicholson 26-inch, 10 pt. crosscut saw. I still have it but it's now more of a utility saw, since I have better ones. It's the saw I learned to file on and bears the evidence of my learning curve. Someday I'll joint the teeth off of it and refile them properly. But it works as well as any other saw when sharp.