View Full Version : Corel/PhotoGrav Very Basic Question

Bob Kline
01-29-2006, 3:01 PM
While I'm waiting for my Epilog Mini, I'm trying to acquaint myself with Corel 12 and PhotoGrav and am hung up at the starting line. No amount of searching has shown me how to convert a jpg into an 8 bit greyscale bitmap and, of course, until I get there I can't begin to practice with PhotoGrav. Thanks for your help.

Shaddy Dedmore
01-29-2006, 3:26 PM
Try a photo editing program, Corel Photo Paint? I use Paint Shop Pro, others use Photoshop. Edit in there, size it correctly, sharpen it a tad. Then greyscale it and save it as Bmp. Also choose a correct DPI, what you will be using for engraving.

Photograv away.

Remember not to size bmp after you put in corelDraw. Photograv makes the photo into a bunch of dots the correct size and distance apart for your laser and image. If you resize, you screw all that up and all the stuff photograv did would be ruined. You can crop afterwards, or use PowerClip though, as long as the size doesn't change.

I also heard you can laser with a DPI at multiples of what the image is, as in, if you had a 200dpi image, you could laser at 200, 400... but I haven't experimented with this.

Have fun

Nick Adams
01-29-2006, 3:30 PM
assuming you have corel graphics suite....

Open your Jpeg in corel photo paint.

Image size can be adjusted from the Image tab at the top.

Also from the same menu toward the bottom you will see Color Mode Which will allow you to turn a jpeg into any type of color mode of an image.

When flipping back and forth to greyscale you will want to play around in the IMAGE tab under adjust> and contrast intensity. This will allot you to brighten/lighten picturre for a little better results in PG

That is it


Change to greyscale through color mode

Change or alter contrast intensity/brightness

alter image size to the correct size and DPI for the project at hand.

Export/Save Image to a 8 bit BMP

Open PG

Import Image

Select material

Auto Process (at least first few times untill you learn your way around settings and what they do.)

Save image as ....(I use same file name and add in PG at the end so it is easier to find.)

Open Corel Draw 12

Import image

Congradulations. You have completed some basic steps.

Good luck with your venturre. It is fun, and you got a great machine.

Hale Reider
01-29-2006, 4:36 PM
Easist and best to do it in Corel Photo-Paint or similar program, however, with Corel Draw 12, you can import a .jpg file in color, either select the image or go directly to mode, select 8-bit grayscale and you have the image converted. Export it as a .bmp file and you can go to Photo-Grav. All within Corel Draw.

