View Full Version : Hanging something Heavy

Bill George
03-20-2023, 8:32 PM
I need to hang on the wall a small but heavy brass Barometer mounted on a 5 inch x 18 inch x 7/8 redwood. I used to own a keyhole router bit but not sure where its at now. I am thinking of a 1/2 round brass clasp D ring like thing attached to the back with some wood screws and the clasp thing hanging on a screw in the wall. Suggestions?

Lee Schierer
03-20-2023, 8:39 PM
How about a French cleat?

roger wiegand
03-21-2023, 7:52 AM
Positioning it so that you can screw into a stud rather than into plaster or drywall will be much more secure. How heavy is heavy? I'm guessing from the size something less than 10 lbs, in which case a screwed on ring should be plenty. Using through bolts to attach the ring (perhaps installed behind the instrument) will up the holding strength by probably a factor of 10.

If you need to go into drywall these anchors made for securing grab bars (https://www.homedepot.com/p/WingIts-Grab-Bar-Fastener-Refined-Engineered-Safety-RES-Set-of-2-RC-RESGBW35-2/202552917?source=shoppingads&locale=en-US&pla&mtc=SHOPPING-BF-CDP-GGL-D29B-029_009_BATH_ACC-NA-Multi-NA-PLA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NA-NA&cm_mmc=SHOPPING-BF-CDP-GGL-D29B-029_009_BATH_ACC-NA-Multi-NA-PLA-NA-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NA-NA-71700000032919342-58700003861054714-92700070678669718&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI8Z3Yj_js_QIVwY5bCh2G8gkKEAYYASAB EgJ8__D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) work remarkably well.

Maurice Mcmurry
03-21-2023, 7:52 AM
I have been making a homemade version of these steel keyholes for coat / hat / dog leash, wall hung racks. I make a pocket so they hang flush.

Keyhole Fittings-Select either single or double | Rockler Woodworking and Hardware (https://www.rockler.com/keyhole-fittings-select-either-single-or-double)


Bill George
03-21-2023, 9:27 AM
Good ideas better than the D ring I was going to use and yes it will be hung on a stud and I like the metal keyhole in a routed pocket.

Stan Calow
03-21-2023, 9:48 AM
For heavy stuff I like to use these metal french cleats to save time: https://www.amazon.com/OOK-533212-Picture-Hardware-Aluminum/dp/B005PUC4UY/ref=asc_df_B005PUC4UY/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=194883046452&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=17076515371221809993&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9023225&hvtargid=pla-313122573780&psc=1

Several companies make these. They come in longer sizes for larger objects. I know one could make them out of wood, but these let you stay really close to the wall.

Bill Dufour
03-21-2023, 7:47 PM
Always a good idea to add a safety wire hidden behind. Museums use monofilament fishing line for sculptures etc.
BilL D

andy bessette
03-22-2023, 1:46 AM
I have been making a homemade version of these steel keyholes for coat / hat / dog leash, wall hung racks. I make a pocket so they hang flush.

Keyhole Fittings-Select either single or double | Rockler Woodworking and Hardware (https://www.rockler.com/keyhole-fittings-select-either-single-or-double)


The best way.

Bill George
03-23-2023, 5:08 PM
I ended up using a small set of French Cleats, and until I read this above I had no idea what they were. The Barometer is 6 inches in diameter and mounted on a piece of red Cedar. Turned out ok for a guy with a broken leg/ankle and in a Boot getting around in my cluttered shop.